
My story in here

Ever wondered how it feels to be someone on the other side. To face the past while crying over the present or just to create a better future. Try this story then. The mc is strong and weak at the same time and you may barely like it. The story starts becoming better after chapter 30. that's my personal opinion.

God_Hand · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

He is Chunnibyou – 1


Karn was currently in the A.R.G.U.S Facility in his Black Lotus form.

He was there to hunt someone.

Let's take a look at the recap.

One day ago.

Karn had decided to live his past life and live on as a member of his organisation.

He now had a goal and reason to lie in this life.

As a member of the END, destroying organizations that enslave and experiment on people was a must. He had seen and heard a lot of tales about the Chunnibyou, Rational and Altruist one's missions from the Net geek.

He wasn't able to participate in those events in the past life because he was weak and inexperienced.

He wasn't weak and inexperienced in this life though. He wanted to save lives. He wanted to grant justice. He wanted to protect every innocent but above all, he wanted to gain recognition.

Recognition from the members of the organization. They were his friends, family and also the onyl ones who could truly understand the real him. He wanted to show them that he too, was worthy of the organization.

And even amongst them, the person he wanted to gain the recognition the most was the Captain and secondly, Net Geek.

They both were the people that allowed him to stay in the organization even after the incident that he caused.

He wanted to prove to the Chunnibyou that he wasn't weak willed.

"Ah, well I lied to everyone about Chunnibyou though. Even though I was an to meet with most of the members of the organization, I wasn't able to meet with both the Chunnibyou and Captain."

"I didn't want to meet Chunnibyou in tbe past life after the incident and in this one, I still don't want to meet him. That guy is creepy."

Karn mumbled while looking at the TV channels that were showing everyday random daily soaps.

"I need a device that can give me the information of the experiment faculties in the nearby areas." Karn mumbled and willed his Technomancer skill to create the device.

In a few seconds, in front of his hands was a small projection of the whole Gotham along with the nearby areas.

On the 3-D projection, there was a red dot that was pointing towards somewhere.

"Hmm, sometimes I am amazed at this power of mine but more than that I am terrified of it. If it got into the hands of someone then I am pretty sure this world is going to end. I am not that smart even though I know a lot but there are some people out there in this world who are both smart and knowledgeable... Gloomy is really getting on my nerves. I need to stop acting like him. I really need to. Now is not the time to be depressed about my life."

"Now getting to the situation, why is it pointing in the direction of Metropolis. I think it is metropolis. Expand."

The 3-D projection that was showing the terrain of the Gotham began to expand with a thought of Karn.

Soon the map was showing all of America but the buildings and all the stuff were not showing. Something that Karn quite liked.

"Hmm, what it is called?" Karn mumbled.

A name begin to show on the place that the red dot pointed.


Karn raised an eye at this. He had some knowledge of the ARGUS due to the information that he gained from the Net Geek. It was the place which cloned Superman to produce Superboy in the Young Justice.

"Let's start with the smaller fish to gain experience then end the bigger fish tomorrow. The teleportation ability that I wanted is still not available at the moment. The most I can do now is teleport within a radius of 10 m around me. No use. Need more technology and I can get them at the ARGUS. Probably. Then let's destroy the smaller organisations in the Gotham City tonight and then I will attack the ARGUS facility tomorrow. This can also act as a diversion in my mission to kill the Pentagon member as Brynhildr. Lots of target with a single Nuclear bomb." Karn talked to his remote.

"I should stop with the dad jokes as well."


"Time is 2:34 pm in the afternoon and I have enough time to prepare for all the this that I would need for tonight's dinner. Let eat some steak with salmon."

Karn said with a small smile on his face.

He looked at his self made fridge and decided to buy some steak and salmon as he didn't have any.

"Let's go and buy some. Gotham is the least dangerous in the afternoon. The best time to do any and every important stuff."

[Also isn't the self talk in the chapter increasing a lot.]

{It does. Is the author sick?}

<Who knows>

Karn went out to buy groceries.

Meanwhile in the Argus.

Dr. Emil Hamilton was looking at the final reports of the project Cadmus and it's continuation.

He needed to send the report to both the Amanda Waller and Lex Luther as both of them were the main sponsors and partners of the project.

"How are the other experiments going?" Dr Email Hamilton asked his secretary and assistant.

"The experiment on the other subjects are going perfectly well. Many of the subjects have started to inhibit the signs of controlling their superpowers. In a few months, they would be able to perfectly control their powers making them better weapons and reasearch materials for us."

"We can use their dead bodies to study and find out about the nature of their powers in great detail as we would be able to acquire samples from the body of the users who had reached their peak power levels. By Using their corpses, we may be able to find a way to either re-create and transplant their powers to other people or a way to create superpowered users by ourselves but the catch being that the success rate would be 100%." The secretary said.

"Quite provocative thoughts that you are having but they do have a point. If we are able to research of Individuals who have reached the peak of their powers, mainly their bodies and their relation to the powers, to what happens to the powers after their death, we can find a way to create them. At full success at that and not just that, we may even find a way to choose the power that we want to create. Powers like immortality, healing, or having the strength of Superman, it would be the greatest breakthrough in the history of mankind. We would be portrayed as legends in the history books. What is your name young man? Even though you have been working here for the past two weeks, I haven't asked about it and if we really succeeded then we won't have to worry about some superhuman going rogue, heck we won't even need superheroes at that time." Dr. Emil Hamilton started to speak with glee and zeal. He was thinking of all the things that he could accomplish if he succeeded in finding a way to give superpowers.

"Eric Fourge. My name is Eric Fourge. And it really will be a great accomplishment to the mankind if we are able to find a way to create or replicate powers." The secretary and also Dr. Emil Hamilton's current assistant said.

"Then let's look at the condition of Galatea for one last time before we go check the others. She is the main reason why we are getting so much sponsorship from." Emil Hamilton said and went to check up on Galatea.


Lex Corporation


"What is the use of all of you if you can't even find a single person that is living in America." Lex roared at his employees.

He was angry and frustrated at the fact that they were not able to find the whereabouts of Karn's Brynhildr form even after many days of constant look out with the usage of satellite monitoring and CCTVs.

"We can't do anything about this Sir. The technology that Brynhildr uses is far more advanced than what we currently have. We can't find him even when we scanned the whole Earth with our satellites." The lead researcher spoke.

"And that's why I want to find him. What else would I need his location for? Anyways, all of you dismiss. I will do it myself." Lex Luthor ordered his men.

"Yes Sir." All the employees left after the lead researcher said so.

"And sometimes I really wonder why am I paying them? Everything is done by me. Guess I am the one one who can find him." Lex Luthor said after pressing a button below his office table.

Suddenly, all the glass door got covered with thick panels and a screen and other computational stuff began to pop out from the ceiling and the flooring of his office.

In just a few tens of seconds, the office was transformed into a monitoring lab of some sort with everything monitoring and gaming related gadget available.

"Would you like to look at the report of the project that you recently investigated?" Mercy Reeves said to Lex Luthor from the side.

"I will do it after I find him." Lex Luthor commented while pressing various buttons on the keyboard that was connected to who knows which screen all of them started to show various images.

Fifteen minutes later.

"Give me the report. I will look at it now." Lex Luthor said while looking at the blank screen of his supercomputer.

Mercy Reeves also looked at the frustrated face of her boss and gave the report from the ARGUS.

"Hmm, atleast some things are going as planned. Now if the plan succeeds, we can create a clone of Superman from the research data of the Project Cadmus." Lex Luthor voiced his thoughts.

"Now if I can just acquire the technology from the Brynhildr, it would be great. He said that he will kill one of the Pentagon member. Let see." Lex Luthor said with a smirk on his face.

I finally found the story this story after a long time of search. I am your temporary Author and this story is related to Life is Tough and Ved.


God_Handcreators' thoughts