
My story in here

Ever wondered how it feels to be someone on the other side. To face the past while crying over the present or just to create a better future. Try this story then. The mc is strong and weak at the same time and you may barely like it. The story starts becoming better after chapter 30. that's my personal opinion.

God_Hand · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Going to Metropolis

Metropolis is one of the largest and most well-known cities in the United States, owing largely to the fact that it is the adopted hometown of Metropolis' favorite son, Superman.

The history of Metropolis stretches back to the year 1542 when Italian navigator Vincenzo Gnanatti discovered the region while in the employ of the Dutch. Prior to European colonization, the region was occupied by the Algonquin Native American tribe.

I am here now. This place has lots of Villains and Heros in it.

This was a wonderful city. Lots of beautiful girls, lots of handsome and rich man, lots of bars and lots of terrorist and Villains attack. This city has all the things in huge amounts.

People are doing there work. Everyone is busy. Everyone is living there own life. None of them are fussing over the life of others.

"Except there is this small problem. There is a building falling above me and none of them are even looking here! that cameraman is a better person than them. At least he is paying some attention to me. I would have appreciated it more if he helped me."


The building falling above me was gone. Instead it was a handsome face. I was in his arms, my hands touching his abs.

"You could have carried me like a sack, I would have appreciated it more. Why a princess carry? Are you that sexually frustrated bro or do yo-"

Karn was unable to even finish his sentence when Superman dropped him on a plushie. He went zoom and he was gone in a blur of red.

"Life is hard. Point to note, never tease a hero when he is saving you because just like he saved you, he could dump you the same. Have some respect for their jobs and their personal life."

'Let's go to Gotham, even this city is not safe.'

Five hours and two trains journeys later.

The origins of Gotham City are some shrouded in mystery. Many millenniums ago, an evil warlock was buried alive beneath what would one day become the central island of Gotham. It is alleged that while the warlock laid in a state of torpor, his evil essence seeped into the soil, poisoning the ground with his dark, corrupt touch. By the warlock's own reasoning, he claims that he fathered the modern spirit of Gotham City and has even taken to calling himself Doctor Gotham.

Gotham City, or simply Gotham, is an American city rife with corruption and crime. It is the home of its iconic protector Batman.

Or that's what Net geek told me. I hope he better be true or I will ask Gloomy forest to poison him with a lust and laughing poison.

But I take my words back for Metropolis.

This city is the one that is not safe. There are robberies, rape attempts and even murder happening in every dark alley. Even I killed 7 people in just fifteen minutes and there is no police! It's not even night! What a lawless city Gotham is.

Why did I promise... Hush, now let's fulfil it. The good place to visit here should be the parks, the cafes, museums, the weird sexy girl who is following me, and of course Wayne enterprises.

A weird sexy girl is following me!

This skill is great. Looks like there are many things which I haven't checked . Well, later. For now, let's see more of Gotham.

If the girl is a hooker or a thief then I will either stun her or break her legs. No biggie!

So, I can also take them to Gotham harbour. It is a nice place. Ah, I should have just checked the catalogue of the tour company. They were the ones who were going to take us. Not us. Oshhh.

This is what happens when a criminal becomes a good person huh.

It's not like it is my fault. It has been fourteen years since I had done anything illegal.

Well, let's check the catalogue.


•Amusement Mile

•Archie Goodwin International Airport

•Gotham Cathedral

•Gotham Cemetery

•Gotham City General Hospital

•Gotham City Hall

•Gotham City Police Headquarters

•Gotham Public Library

•Gotham Clock Tower

•Gotham Subway

•Gotham Zoo

•Sacred Heart Convalescent Home

•Saint Eligius Medical Center

•St. Michael's Square

•Thomas Wayne Memorial Clinic

•West Mercy Hospital

Parks and Recreational areas

•Robinson Park

•Grant Park


•Gotham Children's Museum

•Gotham Museum of Antiquities

•Gotham Natural History Museum

•Wedgwood Museum

Gotham has that many places! I should have watched some dc cartoons.

Haah, I shouldn't have just read books in my last life.

But who would have guessed that books on Physics and Chemistry will not be that much useful in this world. Plus I am not that of a genius. I have knowledge but no practical experience.

How did Gloomy forest learnt from me and was able to create that?

Let's do my work here.

"Hello Sir, Can you...."

Karn asked the beggar what he wanted to know.

Two days later

Metropolis Airport

A Young man was waiting for his grandparents. He was dressed in a nice three piece suit and had three feathers on his head. He looked weird.

"Yo, here, here, here grandmother, grandfather."

Karn called his grandparents. He was enthusiastic and was practically shouting.

"Jeez, this child always embarrasses us whenever we go to a public place."

Said the grandmother but she had a smile on her face when she said that.

"Well, he is just like our daughter, isn't he?"

Chirped the grandfather.

"We are coming Nana, stop shouting. It's embarrassing."

His grandmother said to him while coming to the place where he was standing.

"Well, you guys forgot about me the last time."

"Nana, the last time was when you were 12 years old and your height was too small. That was why we were unable to see you. After that you kept wearing those three feathers on your head. If not for the fact that they look good on you. I would have forced you to burn them"

Said his grandmother while smiling at the reminiscent of an old memory.

"You have grown so big yet you still act like a child. When will you grow up kid."

Said his grandfather in a teasing tone.

"There are many beauties here and we can match you with one of them. What do you think?"

His grandmother followed. They were in a sync.

'us not dying in some pile of rubble should be our biggest thought right now instead of matching me with a girl.'

"I am fine with my own fantasies grandmother. I don't need a girlfriend right now."

Karn answered while smiling.

"You have been saying that since when you were seventeen Nana, you are already twenty three right now. If not for the fact that you have no guy friends or any interest in males, We thought you were a gay. We are not opposed to them. You know."

"Grandmother, the only reason why I have never gotten close to a girl is something you already know. I still can't forget that incident and am still trying my best to get over it."

'None of them were able to get out of those memories. Not even Net geek. He was the most cheery among us. I wonder what happened to Captain. I talked with all of them but I was denied to talk with him. Huh. This is my 176 sigh in the past four days. I would become an old man at this rate. Cheer up me. Even Psychopath was able to do it so why can't I?'

"Sorry Nana, we forgot that your parents death still haunts you but you have to grow up, you know. You can't always live in the past. You have to find someone who can help you ease your pain."

'are you a mind reader grandmother, I just said the same words to a certain Gloomy forest four days ago.'

"As usual, I will grandmother, I will."

"Let's go, the tour company will be waiting for us."

Said grandfather trying to ease the atmosphere.



Karn and his grandparents went to the escorting crew.