
My story in here

Ever wondered how it feels to be someone on the other side. To face the past while crying over the present or just to create a better future. Try this story then. The mc is strong and weak at the same time and you may barely like it. The story starts becoming better after chapter 30. that's my personal opinion.

God_Hand · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Drift along

Karn was roaming around Gotham, getting ingredients for food and all. He was pretty happy about the life in Gotham even though he was living there for less than two days.

Gotham was a nice city. Lawless yet lawful. The contrast that it had was something that was amazing. Unlike the crimes in the Gotham, the pay here was far more than Metropolis while the rents were less than it.

All in all, Gotham was a weird city. This will be his home till he finds the things about his parents. He was not serious about founding the history on them.

He liked his present relations more than his past. And his present has become a past now.

He sometimes wondered how that person was the only one who didn't had any though situation in his life. How was this possible?

He ignored the thoughts of that person. He will just get depressed if he thought more.

He actually was a weird person if you consider his original persona. He was copying that person as Brynhildr while Black Lotus was also the copy of Net geek.

His poisons were from Gloomy forest and his costumes were those that were designed by the Altruist one.

He was not a real person in this world. The only real thing was Karn Jagannath and all the others were falsehood, illusions.

It was his way of not forgetting them. The memories make a person while its character creates its future.

Now what was he going to do. He knew that everything he was doing was pointless. He didn't need to do any of that. He did not need to play this game. He could just escape from everything and live his life normal.

Or just die normally just like how normal humans die. Everything happened in America and even if Superman do becomes the evil overlord. He definitely won't care about the others nation, right?

He didn't know. He didn't want to know.

He doesn't have a purpose in life now and he was just doing everything that he can without any reason of care.

He was broken and he didn't want to mend himself nor did he know how to.

He was just drifting, doing things half-heartedly. He will never be able to achieve anything that way.

He was devastated which was stupid and painful at the same time. He lost his precious ones once again and he was not able to calm his mind from the pain of their departure.

Yet there was a part of his mind that kept saying,

" Stupid, get some mind in you. This all is just the doing of the gods to mentally play with your emotions, you are being played. This situation right now is the punishment that he was talking about. It was never the death. They would have died later on their own anyway. Everyone dies one day. Would they be happy if they saw that their death makes you like that. Think of all the money, time and love they wasted on you to be a great person and you are here rotting due to their death which even they were happy about. Useless, spineless coward. Go die them you dumb shit."

This was the calm and rational killer side of his. But just like guys with broken hearts, this side was completely ignored and disregarded.

He looked at the fresh beef being cut in front of him. He brought some for that nights dinner. He was happy and all. He brought a lot as he was going to give the orphanages some of the food that he made.

He knew that doing that would change nothing but he would still do it.

It's for personal satisfaction. He felt at the calm breeze of Gotham City and went towards a small park to enjoy the calm.

*Bang bang bang *

*Swing batarang boom boom*

The noises of gun shot between the police and the gangsters being the main reason for going to the park.

Five minutes later.

He reached the park and was sitting on a cement stairs.

He looked at the people who were calmly doing there work even though there were gun shots a street away from them.

They must have nerves of steel to be even doing their jobs in a city like this.

He looked at all of them trying to find a reason for his existence in them. He didn't find a single one.

He looked elsewhere.

He had already completed his one of his hand gauntlets. The right one to be precise.

It's stats were like this.

Thunder God's wrath.

• 2 tons physical attack damage

• Shock proof

• Damage Absorbtion

• Electrical discharge

• Damage reflection

• Automatic restoration

• Electricity absorbtion

• Final attack: Thunder God's wrath.

This was the right hand gauntlet of his. The left one was still work in progress. His teleportation tech was also a work in progress.

He actually didn't even understand how the work was happening but the knew that his skill was automatically finding a way to do what he wanted to.

He was looking at the surroundings but his mind was elsewhere. Somewhere enough that he didn't saw the car that was heading his way from behind him.

Even if his mind was on the subject he still would not be able to do anything about the car but if his mind was online then he definitely would have heard the voice of the girl that was swinging on the batrope.

He completely ignored the sound of everything around him. It was as if his soul had already left his body. The Batwoman was never to going to make it.

But how can the world let Sky die so peacefully. The cars door coincidentally opened due to the inertia of the rotation movement of the car and coincidentally it was the opened side that fell on him.

Instead of his head being squashed and his body in pieces. He was perfectly fine inside the car.

He didn't even get a single scratch of him. It was to the extent that even his hair wasn't even ruffled. It was like those shitty movies where they put the hero inside the car after the accident happens.

It was a stupid things that even a child of 2019 would spot on yet it was happening to him.

Karn looked at his surroundings and he was inside a car. Without a single scratch whatsoever he was trapped in a car.

His legs were also fine. Which is another absurdity. Batwoman came and went to check which was odd enough as when a car is thrown there is a chance of it being blown and yet she was going near a car that was thrown and could explode anytime.

Something to respect about her bravery and courage.

She peered inside the car and saw a youth sitting inside it completely fine.

She backed away a little. She thought she was hallucinating.

She checked again. The youth was still inside sitting there quietly.

Batwoman opened the car door and put her hands towards the youth/ Karn

"Hey get up. The car is going to explode."

Sky looked at her. He calmly stood up and then lifted himself from the car by using his hands. He didn't take Batwoman's hand.

He got out of the car and then went away without thanking her.

Batwoman was going to say something to Karn but she had more pressing situation than him so she immediately went away.