
My Steve Not Eve

Esther_Laryea_3606 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs



I waited till it was dark and was sure no one will see me. I got dressed and was about to leave when I remembered I will be questioned. I looked at the window and didn't think twice before I started climbing down. Why in the hell I'm I even doing this. I just don't know but I prayed I wouldn't be caught. I landed safely on the ground and started walking towards the diner where I met Dan. I got there a little early and wanted to call him but someone hugged me from behind making me startled and I punched without looking.

"You sure pack a punch cutie."

I turned to see Dan holding his chin smirking at me.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry I didn't know it was you. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry darling. I was just excited to see you. I didn't know you would come so I was happy."

"Well I didn't want to come but I just want to hear what you want to say."

"Oh really. That's it? You weren't dying to see me?"

"No. So shall we go?"

"Right this way Mon çoeur."

I shook my head at his remark and followed him to his car. I must say his car was very beautiful. He opened the passenger side for me and I entered. He went over to the driver's side and got in. He started the car and we were off driving along the streets. Everywhere was looking so beautiful and alive. We sat down in silence till he stopped at a fancy restaurant. The place was so lovely that I started questioning his life. He got out of the car and came to open the door for me. We walked in and a waiter walked us to a table. When we were seated I couldn't help but stare around.

"Like the place?"

"Its nice. I don't think I've been here before."

"Thanks. I come here when I want to bring someone special over."

"Oh. So I'm I that special to you?"

"Why do you think I brought you here?"


I smiled and all of a sudden I felt my cheeks heat up. I tried to hide my face so he doesn't see it.

"You look cute when you're shy."

"Shut up Dan."

"Okay cutie."

The waiter came to our table and gave us our menu. After we ordered we started talking about ourselves. Knowing about his life was so interesting like how he had to sneak his boyfriend in his house without his parents knowing but they catching them in the act. I laughed so hard at that and when he put a no boy ban on Eve only to find out she's dating a girl. After the food we left the restaurant and we drove to the park and it was dark and quiet.

"Why are we here Dan?"

"Well you told me you like dancing right?"


"I want to see you dance right here and now?"


"No ones here cutie. Its just the two of us. Can you please do it."

"Okay fine."

He started playing one of my favorite stereo hearts. I got out of the car and started dancing to the beat. I was so into the song I didn't feel when he got behind me and started dancing with me. I turned and smiled at him as we danced together when the music came to an end I was all smiles in front of him.

"I haven't danced for a long time."

"You look beautiful when you dance."

"Thank you"

We were staring straight into our eyes and he kissed me lightly on the lips. I was surprised but I also kissed him back. The kiss was simple but with meaning. I didn't know it will feel this good. We broke the kiss to catch our breaths and smiled.

"Was that your first cutie?"


"Hmmm. I'm glad I'm your first."


"Yeah. I think its time you got back or your sister will kill me."

"You're right then. Let's go"

We got back into the car and he drove back to my house but was a few feet away.

"We're here."


I don't know why but I felt a little sad that we're going to part ways. I looked at him before opening the door but he pulled me back and kissed me making me kiss him back. We broke the kiss and I smiled.

"Um....cutie do you want to hang out sometime again?"

"I would love to Dan."

"Great and do you want to be my boyfriend?"

"Umm.....that's awkward considering the fact that....."

"I get it but I want to be with you. Not anyone else. Didn't you feel happy with me? We even kissed twice"

"Dan I..."

"We would end this if you feel uncomfortable or you don't like it. I promise."

"Okay then I'll give it a try then."

I answered hoping he would kiss me again and he did.

"Oh and Dan."

"Yes babe?"

"Um....can you call your sister to cone and meet me tomorrow?"

"Sure thing love"

I smiled and got out of the car waved him goodbye as I watched him drive away. I smiled and did a little happy jump. I had just gone on my first date and gotten a handsome boyfriend. I was proud of myself. I snuck back to my house and climbed through the window again to my bedroom. O hot there with a soft landing and quickly changed out of my clothes into my pyjamas. I sat by my laptop and started typing away. I knew this was going to be a good idea. My mind kept drifting of to our kiss and I was blushing all over again. I was in my little heaven when there was a knock on my door. I turned startled to see Joy standing there.

"Joy you scared me."

'I knew it."

"Knew what?"

"I knew it you sneaky little bastard"

"Joy its not what you think. I can explain"

"Explain what huh? You're actually writing a book 2?"

My heart stopped doing its crazy cartwheels in my chest when I saw she was referring to my laptop.

"Well yes. I'm actually on chapter two."

"We'll talk about this tomorrow okay. I'll see you later."

"Okay good night and Eve's coming over tomorrow"


I smiled at her and quickly locked my door and went straight to bed. But my mind had other plans on it own and soon found myself masturbating to Dan's image again.