
My Step-mom is my mate?

Elena Ghen’s life is suddenly overturned when Alpha Williams declares war against her pack and wins. Elena is forcefully taken away from her pack and joins The blue moon pack where Alpha Williams plans to make her his Luna. What happens when Elena meets her mate at the mating dinner organized for her and Alpha Williams? What happens when she finds out that her mate is non other than the Alpha in line, Jake, Alpha William’s very own son. Elena and Jack have the same goal but can they put down their differences and make it work. The moon goddess doesn’t make mistakes , or does she? ~~~~~~~ I smirked on seeing his red blazing eyes stare me down, his face hardened, his fake demeanor falling apart. I could feel his hard on pressed against my thighs. His hands gripping my hair tightly, holding my chin up. “Shut it.” He snarled “Imagine me, pressed against the sheets with him, thighs apart. His hands gripping my thighs so hard they’d leave a bruise. My neck covered in love bites as I -“ “Shut the fuck up before I show you exactly how mean I could be. I don’t mind ruining in the sanctuary of this place. I will fuck you real, good. Your head and thoughts will be filled with my name, because you’re mine, just mine.” “Why don’t you make me. Do it.” I teased, challenging him. Watching his smirk deepened. He yanked my hair tighter, raising his eyebrows “Get on your knees and make that mouth useful.”

Ibukunn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 1


I woke up to find myself in a room as a wave of dizziness hit me. I groaned, sitting up from the bed. Wait, bed? I was in a room, a normal room with just one window for air, a moderate sized bed in the middle, a wooden table and chair, on it was a tiny bonsai and some stacks of properly arranged books.

I leaned back against the bed, relaxing against the fluffy material. I slowly touched my head, remembering someone had hit me, surprisingly I had a bandage wrapped around my head. I sighed, Thoughts of the previous day came rushing back to me. I remember being carried out of the pack yesterday and also what Alpha Jason had told me before the mind link got cut off.

'Be the brave warrior you have been brought up to be and avenge your parents death, Elena. You have to kill William now that he has taken you, be a brave warrior your pack knows you to be.' His voice echoed in my head even after the mind link had been cut.'

I released a shaky breath, standing up from the bed and walked towards the window. I pulled the rather thin material of the curtain aside and surprisingly again, I couldn't see much from where I was. I was met with nothing except the air. A shudder ran down my spine as I closed the curtains back.

Where am I?

Did they bring me here to die?

I had loads of questions running through my mind and I had no answer for it.

Did Alpha Jason offer me as the sacrificial lamb for Alpha William? Am I just a scape goat in all of these because thinking about it doesn't make sense.

An Alpha should be the one to protect his people and pack. He was crowned Pack Alpha for a reason but why am I here and tasked with avenging my parents death? Why am I the one in this dilemma? Why can't—

My thoughts were cut off by the creaking sound from the door. I turned to see a lady come into the room. She didn't seem to realize I was watching her as she hummed lightly, locking the door behind her.

"Oh, you're awake?" She muttered, a smile making its way to her lips. I quirked an eyebrow up, watching her, confused by the 'weird' treatment.

"How do you feel? I'm sure you have a Splitting headache but I'll grab some painkillers for you. I also have to inform the Alpha that you're awake. It's such a good thing." She rambled on. Judging by her choice of clothes, I'd say she works in the pack house, especially with how wide her eyes got on mention the head Alpha.

"Umm…Where am I?" I asked cautiously, cocking my head sideways as I watched her, my voice coming out a little bit louder than a whisper. I watched as her face contoured into confusion before lightning up again.

"You're in the Blue moon pack. I have to go inform the Alpha of your consciousness." She says, bowing slightly to me and walked out.

I had so many questions running through my mind.

Shouldn't Alpha William try to kill me?

Why am I still kept alive in this room?

Why did she bow to me? Is it a normal tradition to bow at the people kidnapped?

Fuck! My head was getting heavy with these many thoughts plaguing my mind but I couldn't afford to be weak. Not especially in this time of distress.

Soon the door creaked open again, my heart beat flew from a ten to fifty upon perceiving the smell of the person coming into the room. Lemon and ash. I stalked back against the wall as I came face to face with the enemy. Alpha Williams.

A grin tugged on his lips as he stared me down. In reality, I haven't seen Alpha Williams physically ever He exuded dominance, fury and complete power. His grey hair was slicked back, he had a blue faded jeans on and a red sweater. He looked nothing of what I thought of him. A monster with horns that goes around staking claims on innocent women and causing conflict around. His grey eyes pierced into mine and I felt myself shrink further. I can't have this. I can't be this scared of him.

He cocked his head sideways, taking in every inch of myself that I felt exposed, like I was on sale and being priced. After about five minutes of intense staring, he finally smiled. A crooked teeth showing as he grinned widely. Whatever he was searching for, judging by his reaction. He found it.

I watched him walk out of the room, leaving me alone. My knees gave out and I fell to the bed, heaving deeply as the image of Alpha William plagued my mind. The rather creepy grin he gave me before leaving sent thousands of shudder down my spine. I didn't get the chance to dwell about the weird look I got because the door opened again, revealing the lady from before.

This time her face settled into a frown as she walked in with a large tray in her arms. "You have to eat." She muttered, dropping the tray of food on the table opposite me. I looked at her wearily, watching her open the plates.

She turned to look at me, a warm smile displayed on her lips. "Come on." She tugged and I nodded. I still had no idea what this was about but I knew for certain, I can't get trapped in it. I have to do something.

I stood up from the bed, walked to the chair and sat down, watching her pour water for me. I glanced at the food sent to me, White rice and vegetables, a fork and knife.

"Thank you." I muttered, slowly picking up the spoon as though I was going to eat, she smiled widely on seeing me being so co-operative.

"Do you need anything else?" She asked and I shook my head, watching her nod and bow, making a move to leave the room. I had to do something fast.

I picked up the plate, glancing and saw her by the door, distracted and about to pull it open. I smashed the plate on the floor, gasping loudly as it fell. I knelt down immediately, ranting series of apologies to her. She was by my side in a second, helping with the particles of the plates. She seemed engrossed in what she was doing, I sneakily grabbed a knife to myself, tucking it under my clothes.

"I'm so sorry, I got a little dizzy and it fell from my grip. I'm so sorry." I apologized repeatedly while she kept assuring me it was okay.

"It's better you rest since you felt dizzy, the pack doctor will be here to treat you once I inform the Alpha." She replied and I felt my throat clog up.

That's bad. If the pack doctor comes then, Alpha Williams will be here and might just see the knife. I can't let that happen.

"No, please." I blurted out loudly. She furrowed her eyebrow in confusion

"I mean, I'm sure I just need to rest and it's nothing serious. I won't want the Alpha to be disturbed especially if it's for something this meagre." I replied, watching her face change slightly.

"I won't want him to lash out at you, I'll just sleep now and I'll be better." I say and she smiled, nodding slightly.

"Alright, please sleep. I'll come back with your food and you can eat on or before you sleep." She tells me, attempting to leave but I stopped her again.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked, watching her turn to look at me, tilting her head sideways before nodding.

"Can- Why is Alpha Williams particular about me? I don't understand. I mean, I know but I-" I just needed clarification, should I be expecting my death soon?

She seemed conflicted so I pressed forward "Please tell me." I say and she sighed, leaning closer to me. "You didn't hear this from me but Alpha William has planned to make you his Luna." She blurted out, clasping her hand against her mouth like she didn't mean to and ran off.

His Luna? He plans to make me his Luna? Oh fuck! He plans to make me his Luna even though he isn't my mate? This development is not only unnerving and scary but it would help me tremendously. With this, I can avenge my parents and kill William. With this, I'll be closer to him, he won't see this coming.

I stood up, removing the knife from my clothes and heaved a sigh of relief. I just have to wait for the right moment before striking. I just have to keep calm and do whatever's required of me before then.

I tucked the knife into the bed side, making sure it doesn't look so noticeable then laid down.

I heard the door creak again and shut my eyes close like I was sleeping. I could hear footsteps trudge towards me, I tried my best to even my breathe and not make it look like I was pretending. I felt the person's breathe hover over my face.

"She's a pretty one, I see why he became infatuated with her. Such a shame." Someone I'm sure I've never seen says.

"You look creepy watching her." The other voice says and I recognized as the lady from earlier.

"Alpha William is particular about this one and even planned the mating ceremony. I just know the young master won't be attending this." The person who was hovering over me says, no longer breathing down my face.

"Young master is definitely not in support of what the Alpha is doing and that's how you know he won't be attending, he's voiced his feelings out and I feel bad for him. The Alpha is only—"

"I think the young master would be used to this already, after all, Alpha hasn't been the 'saint'" The lady says and I couldn't help but deduce the hint of annoyance laid in her voice or maybe it's my imagination.

They eventually left, leaving me to wonder who the Young master is.