
My Stash of fanfics ,webnovels and lightnovels

A collection of novels that I enjoyed. I am posting this due to lack of good mcs on this site. I will mostly post stories where mc is calm or rational for the most part. I will be posting the first chapters of all novels in it, you can just go to their respective sites for more and support the authors. Inspired by 'My Self-Insert Stash '. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the stories mentioned here.

Ms_Magician · Anime e quadrinhos
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89 Chs

67: Gamer : General Degeneracy By: A Trashy Writer(MHA x Gamer)

Fic type: Oc

Found this recently and this seems to be pretty good. The mc is a lazy guy with psychopathic tendencies. Also a Gamer fic but with a twist.

I have posted two chapters.


Gamer : General Degeneracy

By: A Trashy Writer

A Dark/OC insert into the multiverse. A Gamer fanfiction. An OC is Reincarnated with the powers of a Gamer, and the personality of a Sloth. Chaos ensues. Filled with gore / lemons / etc. Evil OC. Cunning OC. OC/Harem. Sporadic updates.

Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - OC - Chapters: 4 - Words: 14,555 - Reviews: 48 - Favs: 227 - Follows: 285 - Updated: Apr 12 - Published: Feb 13 - id: 13499932



Chapter 1: 01 - Estranged

Disclaimer : I own nothing but my OC, also ideas occasionally.

"When you're talkin' to yourself, and nobodies home.

You can fool yourself.

You came in this world alone...

Alone. "




If you had to ask me what I believed would happen after I died. I'd probably have answered...

Nothing. I imagine the afterlife as simple nothingness. Same as before birth. Or a dreamless sleep.

Thats what i would have said. But, right now I'm just...

Ugh. Let me just start from the beginning.

No words could explain this mindfuckery anyway.


So there I was. A beautiful, angelic young man.

Doing beautiful, angelic young man stuff, when the almighty Truck-Sama decided to introduce itself to me face fucking first.

On a random sidewalk.

On a fucking Tuesday.

In Truck-Sama's defence though, it had good taste coming after innocent and lovely ole me.

Okay, most of that was a lie, except for the truck to the face part.

You see, I was anything but angelic.

In fact I was the opposite, I lied, stole some things, blackmailed a few people, y'know the usual...

Heh, one time I actually... Nope, never mind. Not going to talk about that.

Oh but I digress. Maybe some backstory first, all good stories have to start somewhere, right ?

I was born in a rich family, so life was always easy for me, too easy in fact. This made me look for entertainment in strange places. Usually I'd find a random girl to fuck or just choke if I felt like it. Apparently, I had some mild psychotic tendencies.

Yes. Definitely mild.

As for my personality, I was always lazy, sadistic, arrogant and lustful. So its really no surprise that i ended up where I was in the end.

Alone. Maybe I was lonely, but everyone's lonely, so at least I weren't alone.

It's not that I lacked companionship or a sense of belonging, it was that...

Simply put. I was bored.

I dropped out of high school in my second last year because it just didn't seem worth it anymore. Actually i surprised myself i quit so late.

Didn't seem worth the effort. But hey there's the Sloth aspect of me. I was very lazy, probably my biggest sin.

Really there was nothing i could learn at school anyway, besides I was impatient enough to not wanna waste time my time. I knew most of that pointless bs anyway, strangely I remember liking Pysics quite a bit. Maybe that was arrogance or maybe that was Pride.

After that I burnt a few bridges down, I had no need for most "friends" anyway. I was rich so those parasites had their own motives I imagine. Besides, I never really liked sharing, and that includes words with those profligates. There's Greed.

Committed some mild vandalism, I was a petty cunt, so yeah. I'd never openly assault someone., thats just reckless, even for me, besides, I learnt to hold grudges. I don't forgive easily... That was Wrath. Or at least I didn't, grudges are for the living after all.

A decision of mine was to take up the life of a NEET. I came from a rich family, so wealth wasn't ever really an issue. I like to think that I was never really a spoiled brat but I usually did get what i wanted, I mean that. I always got the games I wanted, I always fucked who I wanted to fuck, bought what I wanted to buy, ate what I wanted to eat. I remember junk food being a favourite of mine. Here lies Gluttony.

I spent my days playing Video Games, watching Anime or reading a Maga. I'd read a novel or a fanfiction whenever I got bored from that, I remember my favourite fanfiction author so specifically for some reason. Their pen name was... Nevermind. It doesn't matter, I'm dead. My past is irrelevant now.

Anyway, back to my shitty personality, I spent my nights splurging cash at strip clubs or shady bars. Here's Lust.

The thing about my life is that, I regret nothing. Absolutely nothing. I would not change anything if I had the chance to begin again.

I'd still do what I wanted in another world, or another life.

Vicarious living is for sycophantic, ignorant, poor people after all.

Back to how I got here... At the tender age of 17 I decided to take a walk, with a wallet in one hand and balls in the other, I set off on my journey, mainly because I didn't want to be under the supervision of anyone that would drive me, and because I couldn't drive therefore fuck that.

As I walked i observed a lovely scene, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, children were playing and laughing.

Thinking back now that was the last thing I saw, happy children. I wanted that. This feeling was Envy then ?

Maybe I did have a regret after all.

Though I guess those kids are probably traumatised now having witnessed a random teen get run over by a truck. Oh well, not my problem.

I remember my last thought. It was that if I had a chance to...

Let go, Begin again.

I would do everything i possibly could to achieve my own happiness.

By the way, what was my name ?


Now though I'm in a pure white room, looking down at my body i see that I am butt naked. My body looking quite normal and healthy despite my death.

Looking to my right, I see 3 people,

3 females to be exact. All also naked. They seem to be as clueless as to what's happening as I am. Their faces appear blurry to me.

Looking to my left I see 3 people,

3 males to be exact. All also naked. They seem to be as clueless as to what's happening as I am. Their faces appear blurry to me.

Before I could ask anything, or try to make sense of whats happening, a pop up, like that of an rpg shows itself within my vision, words i recognise as english show up.

It simply reads...

Welcome 04 ...

Please pay close attention to the following ...





I enjoy gamer fics, so I decided to make my own.

Its mostly for me to read. Helps as an outlet. Expect some sick shit later on because of that.

Plot will progress very slowly.

Plot will be entirely original. Eventually I'll get into canon.


Chapter 2: 02 - Knockin' on heaven's door

Disclaimer : I own nothing but my OC's, also ideas occasionally.



Game system.

"You just better start sniffing your own rank subjugation, Jack.

Because it's just you against your Tattered Libido,The bank and The Mortician, forever, man,

And it wouldn't be Luck if you could get out of life alive. "


Standing here, I'm reminded of a saying from Earth, it goes something like : "Excuse me, What the fuck ?"

Its simple, but let's you know exactly where a person is, mentally.

It speaks of confusion. Accurate I should say.

I say it because, personally, right now I'm in a daze.

I can't speak, no, it's more that I'm not allowed to speak. It's that my vocal cords simply won't produce sound as i try to loudly question what the actual hell is happening.

Looking around I see all the other people here are in the same situation. Fear is evident all around.

People are like that. Wary of unnatural situations. Just natural survival instinct.

With useless voice boxes we must all look pitiful with watery eyes and no understanding of the situation, my fellow humans try to hide their modest appearances as they try to make sense of what exactly is happening.

I guess I'm the same.

Quiet panic is the norm for every one here. Along with suspicion, and naturally fear.

Doing a breathing exercise i saw once in a trashy martial arts film, I try to calm myself down, it barely works before I feel myself forcefully calm down. It feels so natural...

Guess I'll take this... Thing in my head's advice and listen attentively.

Suddenly i hear an emotionless voice, it sounds completely androgynous, I can't make out its gender.

This is in my head, i guess this voice is the same one responsible for the previous visual statement.

Why does all of this feel so normal.

I wonder to myself.


'Thats... Me ? Not my favourite number. ' I think before yawning silently.

I am your personal AI, or game master for now.

It is my duty to assist you in your ever so humble beginnings.

'Neat, I've got the gamer power, me calming down must've been gamers mind...

Fuck yeah, that sounds awesome, and...

Dangerous. '

The current gamer, whom is the current God of the Omniverse, simply known as Zero would like to offer the 7 of you an opportunity.

'Totally an original name. '

An opportunity to take up his position. You see he has grown bored, all the power he possesses is pointless when he's done everything he believes there is to do already. He desires an heir to his infinite power as his predecessor did before him.

'Arrogant too. Like I'm one to speak. But still...

Why the fuck would you give away that power though ? It doesn't make sense.

Also, why am I feeling so tired ? '

The 7 of you will each be given free reign within your very own multiverse to gain power and Zero's adoration as you progress. Those he deems more interesting will be given special treatment ... Occasionally.

'So... He'll be playing favourites?


What a dick.

H-He's the God of the omniverse.

So he can read minds.


I'm sorry, Mr Zero, please take pity on a poor boy. '

I half expect a notification that I've been given some amazing starting bonus, but alas . There's nothing of the sort. Fine, be like that.

'Doubt my wonderfull pleas will ever work anyway. '

The voice speaks again eventually. The voice sounds even more serious as its finally says.

Please remember that this is completely serious.Therefore...

Do note that only 1 of you will win.

The rest must perish.


'That's really ominous.

So what ?

We gotta duke it out battle royale style, last one alive gets everything they could ever want at their disposal ?

I'll do everything I can to win.

I will not lose.

Fuck all of it.

I will win.

Then again we're all going to our own multiverse, so...

I guess, I could get a power to jump that boundary and somehow stealthily kill the other gamers. Rinse and repeat, eventually.

Its a crude plan, but a plan nonetheless. I just want to live a carefree life, doing what I want anyway.

I'll do what I need to just to get some rest, and some fictional pussy.

Not to mention, this power is amazing. God of the Omniverse...


I have to assume all the others are planning the exact same thing.

They must have their own motives to survive. But we all know...

This means war.

I have to assume they all want to kill me, as I do them.

The paranoid survive after all.

Looking around at the others, I can only stare callously, game on then.

I think 'Finally, this may not be ideal, I may not have an overpowered ability, but I have a purpose. '

I noiselessly yawn again.

Seriously why am I so tired ?

The voice speaks again. I can somehow hear smugness in its emotionless voice. As if its proud of itself for giving me a moment to think. I can only imagine the other people here are hearing the same thing.

Now that you're composed its time to begin. Please wait until all gamers reach this stage in the conversation so that we may begin.

After all fairness, is the only truth.

Also know that for the next stage, you will all have to get different results. Re-rolls will be issued accordingly.

I wonder whats going to happen. Before i can form coherent thoughts I'm interrupted. I nearly jump back as... A massive wheel appears before me, like a vertical roulette table, I imagine I need to spin it. Fuck.

'Of course that's what it's for dumbass. ' I think to myself.

A luck draw eh ?

Ugh Luck. Or chance if we're getting technical, its just so... Unpredictable I guess. I can't help but feel anxious looking at it.

Maybe I could try to time a perfect spin for a good choice or say fuck it and let Jesus take the wheel. Get it ?

Looking at the wheel closer I see that it has at least 100 names on it, varying from DC Extended Universe to Star Trek, I think I even see Shokugeki No Soma there. Yeesh.

I yawn again. Why am I so fucking tired. Seriously. I'm dead, so damn, this is illogical.

Waiting a full 15 seconds the voice says.

Now that you're all at this stage, please wait your turn to roll this gigantic wheel to decide your starting world.

Your starting world will determine your options for your starting race.

It will also allow you to accurately allocate your stats to "fit in. "

We must've had to wait so that we'd go in the proper order.

I guess we're all spinning now. 1 person at a time. I'm fourth then ?

The first person rolls, it's a girl.

Looking at my board after her spin I see that Akame Ga Kill has been greyed out.

That's really not good for her, sure she could get a few cool artifacts like Murasame but with starting worlds like DBZ and Naruto here ... It'll be hard to play catch up.

Waiting for my turn I try to peek at the faces of the others, hell I even try an observe order but I find my vision blurred as take a look in their directions.

Doesn't matter. Gamers are over the top. I could find them in their multiverse because they would definitely stand out after the character customization.

Eventually it's my turn and I spin...




Eventually it lands at God Of War 3, before slowly moving onto the next name on the wheel.

My Hero Academia.

'Oh thank fuck. ' I exclaim to myself.

Congratulations on getting a Normal ranked world.

Please choose your starting race :

Quirkless Human

A part of the 20%

There is nothing special about them really.

You would most likely kill yourself.

'Jeesh thats rude'

Quirky Human

A part of the 80%

Quirks as with all future powers will be within the range of ;






Rank is dependent on the luck stat.

'I don't think thats what those humans are called but okay. '

Now then. The obvious choice is "quirky human. "

I try physically picking it, but then I realize I can just think it to myself.

Confirmed. The roll will take place on your fourth birthday.

For now please say or think "stats"

'I'm still mute jackass, I think the answer again. '

I think of the word and an interface appears before me.

Unnamed Quirky Human


Primary title - None

Secondary title - None

Hp - 5

(End x 5)

Mp - 5

(Wis x 5)

Hp Regen - 0.14 per second.

(Hp x 100 over 60 over 60)

Mp Regen - 0.14 per second.

(Mp x 100 over 60 over 60)

- Str. 1 affects

Melee damage.

Inventory space.

(Str x 5) spots of unlimited single items within each spot.

General strength.

- Vit. 1 affects



- End. 1 affects


- Int. 1 affects

Logical thinking.


Comprehension of learned magic.

Grants the ability to use spells.

- Wis. 1 affects

Self preservative thinking.


- Chr. 1 affects

Affection with others.

- Luc. 1 affects


Item and skill draw rates.

Unassigned Stats 40

Store (karmic) Credits 1261


It's all so low... Guess I will have to start at the very beginning.

'Guess name picking comes later, titles would probably give me buffs or debuffs, it could also affect my reputation with certain factions, right ?


'Hp and Hp regen is self explanatory, same with the Mp counterparts. Level too is basic.

Str is for melee, and inventory space, it's kinda vague but i guess, starting off, I'll get 5 spots in my inventory each of which could hold an unlimited amount of whatevers.

Could I put living things in there ? '

Not yet...

'Cool, eventually then.

Vit is my stamina and ability to dodge.

End is just Hp.

Int is how easy I can learn stuff, spell learning as well.

Wis is actually using spells practically.

Quickly looking at the wheel, I see a few notable worlds greyed out.


Did some poor bastard really get Dark Souls 3 as a starting world ?

Oof. R.I.P ...Gg's ...no re. Anyway.

'Back to the topic, self preservation ?' '

Your cowardly instincts, yes.

'Guess fight or flight is a wisdom thing then.

Chr is whether or not people like me.

Luc is Luck. Which is what exactly ?

It affects drop rates on items, skills, etc.

It also increases chances of random encounters, both positively and negatively.

Now please say or think Skills.

I comply and think it.



Skills :

- Gamers Mind [Lvl MAX] [A] - Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological status effect.

- Gamers Body [Lvl MAX] [A] - Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. User receives no physical damage from attacks only pain for a few seconds and a loss of HP. User can no longer scar. User only needs bare minimum amount of sleep/water/food/etc to survive.

'Neat. '

Now please think titles.

I comply again. Why wouldn't I ?

Titles :

Do note that two titles can be equipped.

Primary and Secondary.

You will receive 100% of the primary effect.

You will receive 50% of the secondary effect.

'That's useful. '

- The Gamer Sin Of Sloth [Lvl MAX] [S]

You, as the fourth chosen gamer have acquired the sin of Sloth.

The Sloth becomes immune to a power / Skill / Attack after getting hit by it a maximum of 4 times.


- All spells cost half as much Mp and deal 2 times more damage than they initially would.

- Mp is multiplied by 750.

- Mental stats ( Int, Wis, Chr, Luc )Are more easily levelled up.


- All melee skill attacks cost twice as much Mp and deal half the damage it usually would.

- Hp regeneration is nullified. Lost health can only be recovered through the usage of healing spells or healing potions. Or through sleeping in a bed.

- Physical stats (Str, Vit, End ) are less easily levelled up.

- You as the Sloth need more sleep than the other gamers.


Please equip this title to begin.

Furthermore this will always be your primary title.




I stare blankly.

I'm the Sloth ?

Me ?



So these other people are the rest of the sins...

I can imagine how unbalanced we'll all start off as.

Fuck. So tiring.

Also it seems that the only way to kill me is to continously use different attacks, or just end me in a few shots of a single attack. That immunity power is badass, it's like Doomsday's power but improved. Whereas he gains an immunity to whatever previously killed him, I'll gain an immunity to anything that hits me only 4 times. But I'll have to be very careful from now on.

Sloth is seemingly a pure mage build, it rewards laziness, as well as carefulness.

I'll need to overwhelm people with Mp then maybe let them attack me a few times to gain their power.

This power relies on me being intelligent and cunning.

I guess the sloth motto is to work smart, not hard.

Me being the Sloth explains my lack of energy.

Also I can't normally regenerate Hp ?


This makes me wanna fucking sleep so badly.

I think to equip the title.

Finally there are perks.

These are unlocked at statistic milestones.

Eg. Int 100

Str 100


'Makes sense. Hey, Can I not allocate stat points yet ?'


Not yet...

Now there are only a few steps left before you begin your journey, well technically at least.

Before your class selection and character creation please select the type of Gamemaster you would like, do know that this will affect my existence entirely.

It will also be a voice in your head 04.




I really don't mind any of the 3, I have no set preference.

Meh, just pick at random.







Hello Human.

I am still yet unnamed, would you like to change that ?


Uwah. So passive aggressive sounding. Its a very butler like voice. I'd compare it to a mature old man who has seen some shit in his day.

Guess that makes me the worthess spoiled young master that sleeps alot and never shows my gratitude . We're getting into cliché territory now.

What to name him though ?

'Hey, what is your purpose ?'

My purpose is to keep you alive Human. My purpose is to guide you to Unlimited power.

So. Fucking. Cool.

I have terrible naming sense, but I'll try.

Having responsibility is exhausting by the way.

I'll name you...


I know. I know.

It sucks, but I warned you I was bad at this.

Very well Human, I shall accept this name. Moving onward.



Now please select 1 attack class.

[Fighter] [Mage] [Thief]

Naturally I'm picking mage. Both because of my sloth buffs and my desire to use motherfucking magic !

I'm not a masochist to pick fighter in my state, same with thief. The Sloth in me would never allow that.

Another list shows up as I contemplate.

[Elementalist] [Summoner] [Necromancer] [Illusionist] [Runic] [Cleric]

Decisions, decisions.

Elementalist is out, anyone could gain the elements eventually.

I'll definitely get Runic magic later.

Cleric is out as well, to think it classifies as an "attack class. " Although there might be white magic within it.

Summoner is a maybe, same with Necromancer.

Illusionist is a wildcard.

What do you recommend Kai ? '

I'd recommend a class where you don't have to fight for yourself, you are Sloth after all, Human.

Your options are clear.

Summoner to summon forth living allies. Although summons must first be found then bound to your will. It grants the user additional inventory space for more efficient summoning. This works best with a high Vit, Int and Wis.

Necromancer to bind the dead to your will. Although you would need to collect all the remains of whichever creature you wish to bind. It grants the user beginner level Black magic. This works best with a high End, Int and Wis.

Illusionist to get your enemies to turn on each other. Although you need to have already defeated a person to bind them to your will, whether mentally or physically. It grants the user beginner level Mind attack magic. This works best with a high Int, Wis and Chr.

Summoner is too widespread for me to use. It also seems like a lot of effort. I could do Necromancer but I don't wanna have to be on the frontlines in the first place. Not Yet.

Besides those both require decent physical stats which is counterproductive to any Sloth.

I think I'll pick illusionist. I doubt an average mind, or even an above average mind could beat gamers mind.

Besides, consider this...

A powerful elementalist could defeat an army of summons or dead things, but even they could easily be pierced through the heart with a poisoned dagger by their Mind Controlled Mother when they least expect it.

Title unlocked.

Illusionist [Lvl MAX] [A]

Grants the user an increased efficiency to use the following. Mind Break / Hypnotise / Bind / Etc.

This can work...

Directly, such as through complete control over another mind and... Indirectly, such as through hypnotic suggestions that the victim will unknowingly and unwittingly follow.

This title allows for Increased proficiency in all mental magic.

I equip it in my secondary title spot.

Thats totally useful for what I'm planning.

Skills unlocked.

Mind Rewr-

'Sorry to stop ya there. But could you show me those later ?

I'm uncomfortable seeing unique abilities surrounded by these people, besides I'd like to move on, before anyone else, and oh...

From now on, if there is another gamer in our presence, don't show anything important . '

Yes... Of course Human. If You insist.

Please select A support Class.

No details will be shown upon your request, unless you say otherwise.

[ Enchanter] [Alchemist ] [ Blacksmith] [Negotiator]

Negotiator might go well with Illusionist, but I'll pick enchanter, that shit is usually OP.


Moving forward.

The final aspect.

Character Creation is split into two parts, the physical aspect.

And the store.

Do note that all gamers share a store therefore all items within the store are at limited capacity. Right now there is a maximum of 1 of each item in the store, it is also the last store you can access for the next 5 years of your life.

Do note that These are only skills that are present within Your physical body.

'Go to the fuckmothering store right now !

Also what's the currency used there ? '

Seriously this is nervewrecking.

We all share a fucking store ? 'Consider that for at least a minute and tell me how dangerous this is. '

I think to no one in particular.

The store currency is credits, right now you have 1261 claimable credits due to actions in your previous life.

All positive and negative Karmic actions grant credits. Credits are gained through certain acts, for Good, Neutral and evil actions.

Would you like to recie-

'Yes please'


Would you like to know what you have done to receive them ?

'Tell me later.

For now let's see what's for sale.

Could you sort it from the most expensive to least expensive ?'


Welcome to the store Gamer.

Do note that rates are as such.

D - 50 credits each

C - 100 credits each

B - 1 000 credits each

A -500 000credits each

S - 100 000 000 credits each

? - ? credits each

? - ? credits each


This list is...

It's a collective nerd and otaku orgasm.

Some are blanked out but damn.

There's everything from Bloodlines in Naruto to The Force from Star Wars

There's an omnipotence skill ffs.

Though it's all fucking expensive.

The only affordable options are the ones that professional athletes would have. Or geniuses would posses naturally.

I'll get it all eventually. That's a promise to myself.

Let's see.

Game I want you to find a few things for me. These should be affordable, I think at least.

Photographic memory. To remember everything that happens from now onwards.

A language comprehensive ability. A passive use one preferably.

I want to perfectly remember every single detail of my previous life. The animes I've watched, the games I've played, everything. So past memory retention. '

Think. What else...

'Something to let me sense enemies earlier, like a minimap. Or a compass that i could always see, or an upgraded gamer system, whichever is most useful. '

Done Human.

Photographic memory [Lvl MAX] [D]



Passive Language comprehension [Lvl MAX] [D]


Perfect memory Retention [Lvl MAX] [D]


Upgraded Gamer sysem [Lvl MAX] [C]


'Purchase all. '

Successfully purchased.

You have 1011 credits left.

Would you like to spend them Human ?

'Is there an id create skill or an advanced observe skill ?

Or maybe a plunder skill, or something to copy abilities? '

The id create has been removed, due to it being abused. Observe could be unlocked on your own later, quite easily as well.

The copy abilities are A ranked skills.

You can't afford them.

Do choose quickly. Human. 3 others are looking at the same store as you.

'Good enough, any recommendations then, Kai ?' I think hastily.

Perhaps a B ranked skill...


The mana control skill.

Every Gamer believes they begin with it. That's not the case.

It would allow you to be 1 of only 3 people that could effectively create original mana spells.

Some popular examples are Mana arrow, Mana Bullet, etc.

'Seriously that's something all gamers had in all the fanfictions and gamer stories i read before. Therefore fuck yes.

I thought I'd definitely get that anyway. Purchase that then.

Who are the other 2 users by the way...

I'm curious. '

That would be Zero and the original gamer, Han Jee Han.

11 Karmic points left.

'Anything good enough for the original is good enough for me.

Can we move on Kai ? '

As soon as I think that I see few options pop up.

It's similar to a Fallout or Elder Scrolls character creation screen.

Ranging from gender, to what my voice will sound like.

Its just general stuff.

'Let's be over the top, shall we ?

Does any of this affect my stats Kai ? '

Your only stat affected by your appearance is your Chr stat.

'Also, what does age mean ?

Would that mean I just stop aging once I reach my set age ?'

Yes, you will stop aging at your chosen age.

You will also always look like the character you create now.

You will not age beyond this, unless you get a skill to do just that.

'It's definitely effective. '


Beginning with it I don't hold back.

I will create the perfect body for myself.

The Chr increase is great too.

Let's see here...

And so i begin, probably looking like an excited child. With my tongue sticking out my mouth, as if i were getting a coloring book.

I'll stay male obviously.

Pale skin. I actually considered a tanned skin tone, because N-Word pass, duh. But alas.

Heterochromatic eyes. my right eye is a silver colour , my left eye is a blood red colour, because I'm just extra like that.

A very smooth sounding voice, the type a singer would have when they're being casual. Its also like what I imagine a young Joshua Graham would sound like. My voice also sounds naturally lazy, like its just not worth the effort to speak.

Very Aristocratic features, like that of Royalty. High cheek bones. Thin Black eyebrows.

I don't think I'd want facial hair, this clean shaven pretty boy look suits me.

Slightly above average height.

I'll give myself a lean build, like that of a professional swimmer.

Perfect White teeth, with sharper canines than what belongs on a human.

Long Ice White hair. Because everyone knows that anime characters are fucking overpowered when they have white hair. It looks like Geralt's hair just a much whiter shade.

A big ole dick. This thing is gonna make so many bitches cry. A longer tongue. You know why. That's if I'm not lazy that particular day.

I think I'm done. Clicking the confirm changes option I see a notification pop up.

Plus 5 Chr



I'm not gay, but fuck.

Im hot.

A beautiful Bishounen.

But still manly enough to let you know that he's tops.

About 18 years old with a slightly rebellious look to him.

Simply put, I'm fucking gorgeous.

Oh hell yes I am.

Thank you for creating your character.Please name yourself now Human...




'Oh Fuck.

Oh Fuck.



The reality of the situation finally sets in.

This is real.

It's really happening.

I feel myself panic before that is instantly gone due to gamers mind.

I breathe calmly again.

I try to ignore my previous panic as I think about a name.

Having to pick my own name lets me know that I am finally in control.

I am finally free. To do as I please.

To kill who I wanna kill.

To fuck who i wanna fuck.

To Finally fulfilll all the sick twisted fantasies I once held and still do to this day.

'This is Exhausting.'


'Kai. I'm too tired for this shit.

Could you give me a fitting name ?'

You are the fourth gamer, Human.

You are also the sin of Sloth. Hence you'll always be tired when awake. Therefore you'll yawn quite often. The word Yon is Japanese for the number 4. A pun.

The previous Gamemaster called you 04 as well, Human.

Why not embody that number ?

Name - Four.

'Fuck it. It's good enough.

I'm guessing I'll just be called a fucking number for the rest of time.

By the way, no last name ?'


Your last name will vary depending on the world you visit.

And so it begins.

By the way...

What was my previous name ?

I can remember everything else perfectly from my previous life, but I don't remember my name...

That information was not important. Therefore it was erased.



Please first assign your stat points.

Oh yeah, that.

I allocate my stats in its perfect places and wait.









Thank You.

Initialising ...

Before I lose consciousness i hear an alluring voice. It belongs to a male.

He simply says :

"Welcome To Your New Life Sloth. "

'Its beautiful actually...'

I think as I drift off.





Chapter 1 was just a background.

Chapter 2 is mostly technicalities.

Plot begins soon.

Give me ideas.