
My Stash of completed fics

Stash of numerous good fics that I like have more that 100k word count and are completed . Fics here range from anime, marvel, dc , Potter verse, some tv series like GoT Or some books . You can look forward to fun crossovers too ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- list of fics :- 1. Wind Shear by Chilord (HP) 2.Blood, Sweat and Fire by Dhagon (GOT × Minecraft) 3.Harry Potter: Lost Son by psychopath556 ( HP ) 4.Deeds, not Words (SI) by Deimos124 (GOT) 5.From Beyond by Coeur Al'Aran ( RWBY) 6.Everyone has darkness by Darthemius ( Naruto ) 7.Overlord by otblock57(HP) 8.Never Cut Twice - Book 1 Butterfly Effect by thales85(GOT) 9.The Peverell Legacy by Sage1988 (Got × HP) 10 .Artificer by Deiru Tamashi (DxD) 11.So How Can I Weaponize This? by longherin ( HP ) 12 .Hero Rising by LoneWolf-O1 ( Young Justice × Naruto) 13.Harry Potter and the World that Waits by dellacouer ( X-Men × HP) 14. What We're Fighting For by James Spookie ( HP ) 15. Mind Games by Twisted Fate MK 2 ( RWBY ) 16. Crystalized Munchkinry by Syndrac (Worm SI ) 17. Red Thorn by moguera ( RWBY) 18 . The Sealed Kunai by Kenchi618 ( Naruto ) 19. Dreamer by Dante Kreisler ( Percy Jackson ) 20. The Empire of Titans by Drinor ( Attack on Titans ) 21. Tempered by Fire by Planeshunter ( Fate / Stay night ) 22 .RWBY, JNPR, & HAIL by DragonKingDragneel25 ( RWBY × HP ) 23. Reforged by SleeperAwakens (HP) 24. Less Than Zero by Kenchi618 (DC) 25. level up by Yojimbra (MHA) 26. Y'know Nothing Jon Snow! by Umodin ( Pokemon ) 27. Any Means Necessary by EiriFllyn ( Fate × Worm × Multiverse ) 28.The Power to Heal and Destroy by Phoenixsun ( Naruto ) 29.Force for Good by Jojoflow ( MHA) 30. Naruto: Shifts In Life by The Engulfing Silence (Naruto) 31. Naruto Chimera Effect by ZRAIARZ ( DxD × Naruto) 32. Iron Re-Write. By lindajenner (Marvel) 33. A Whole New Life By MadWritingBibliomaniac ( HP ) 34 . Restored by virginea (GOT ) 35 . I Am Lord Voldemort? By orphan_account ( HP) 36 .There goes sixty years of planning by Shinji117 (Fate Apocrypha) 37 . The Wings of a Butterfly by DecayedPac ( HP ) 38 . The War is Far From Over Now by Dont_call_me_Carrie ( Marvel ) 39 . Black Rose Blooms Silver by CyberQueen_Jolyne ( RWBY ) 40 . Cheat Code: Support Strategist by Clouds { myheadinthecoudsnotcomingdown } ( MHA) 41 .Hypno by ScarecrowGhostX ( MHA ) 42 . Happy Accidents by Rhino {RhinoMouse} ( Marvel ) 43 . Fox On the Run by Bow_Woww ( Naruto ) 44 . Time for Dragons: Fire by Sleepy_moon29 ( GoT) 45 . Intercession by VigoGrimborne ( HP × Taylor Herbert ) 46 . Flight of the Dragonfly by theantumbrae ( MHA ) 47 . Restored by virginea ( GOT ) 48 . An Essence of Silver and Steel by James D. Fawkes ( Worm × Heroic spirits ) 49 . Trump Card by ack1308 ( Worm) 50.Memories of Iron ( Worm & Iron man) 51. Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN) 52. A Dovahkiin without Dragon Souls to spend. (Worm/Skyrim/Gamer)(Complete) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ If you have any completed fic u want me to upload you can suggest it through comments and as obvious as it is please note that , none of the fics above belong to me in any sense of the word . They belong to their respective authors you can find most of the originals on Fanfiction.net , spacebattles or ao3 with the same names ]

Shivam_031 · Anime e Quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
2777 Chs


Sup people! 2 weeks eh? I really didn't want to take that long but a lots gone on. Jstars+ came out so i played that for several days and im awesome at it against people who don't cheat. Then I got distracted by LOL again. Also I've been really tired many days and that has killed my dry along with my summer class. Also when I finally got into typing this again last sunday my laptop AND my charger out of no where crashed... . wtf. So yeah luckily my laptop was fine. Caught a few viruses that I had to get rid off but I still had to drop like 80$ on a charger since I have a mac and needed one as soon as possible.

Also the lack of reviews didn't really encourage me to type faster until like a week later when suddenly new people started reviewing which gave me the amount past 30 that I needed. So yeah a lot has gone on. Good thing is though while my drive had been killed I typed over half of this chapter in the past 2 days. Yep I can say my drive has been restored and as long as I don't get too distracted I will be fine.

Chapter 21: Some Social Stuff


Naruto was simply standing there in the living room with his hands in his pockets in. Rias was looking at him irritated while Raynare watched passively and the twins had their sights directed at the person behind Naruto with various degrees of conflicted expressions. The cause of it being Tayuya who was floating behind Naruto in her succubus appearance with her arms wrapped around his neck, her giant breasts resting on his head. Naruto had told them what had happened, all the while Tayuya looked unconcerned.

"If she did all that then why are you still letting her stick around?!"

Naruto just boredly tilted his head at Rias. "Wait you're bothered by that and not the fact that I fucked her to the point her mind reset?"

She huffed as she looked away. "That situation would have never happened had she not attacked you. Besides it's not like I have any control over what you do anyway..." Her tone sounded somber causing Naruto to glance directly at her but he said nothing about it. He directed his focus back at the group as a whole.

"Anyway Tayuya will be staying with us now. Outside of my orders she's free to do whatever she wants."

Miso raised her hand to speak from her spot in her chair. "Onii-sama how do you know she can be trusted if she... did all that..." She blushed as she had trouble going about how to speak about what Tayuya and her brother did. Naruto didn't give them the dirty, specific details, Tayuya would probably do that on her own anyway, but the fox girl's animal instincts were giving her an idea of what probably happened. Along with the fact that their brother had told them in the past about Tayuya recently and how passively aggressive the girl was. Granted nothing about the girl looked aggressive right now.

"Well she's a childhood friend she gets a bit of a pass just like Tama-chan. But just like Tama-chan I have my own way of keeping her in line. A method that she understands well."

He held up his hand and a black object appeared in it before he swung down and Tayuya made a pained shout as she hit the ground to the side of him. They all saw that a black collar of some sorts had materialized around her neck which he held by a matching leash.

Tayuya glared over at Miso causing the girl to step back nervously.

"You stupid bitch you just had to ask didn't you!?"

"W-Wha...?" Miso flinched at Tayuya's words. 'Theres the aggressive tone...'

Shio suddenly had an air about her that was reminiscent of her brought as she looked over at Tayuya calmly and boredly as she pushed up her sleeve and started to walk over to the girl, ready to beat her for what she said to Miso. Naruto mentally smirked at the sight of it but decided to stop things from escalating. He pulled up Tayuya suddenly holding her up by the leash at eye level as he brought his face close to hers. Both his eyes were their demonic violet shade as his face grew shadowed casting an intimidating presence. Tayuya subconsciously grabbed onto the collar around her neck and held on as it felt suddenly tighter and momentarily shook under his gaze.

He spoke low and hard , barely audible to the others. "You are not allowed to call my sisters that. Do I make myself clear?" He leaned into her ear and spoke quietly to where not even the others could hear. "You and I both know that you are mine now. I can go anywhere and do anything to you and your nature of me imprinting on you along with the fact that you are one of my mates now will make it so that you will be compelled to follow me regardless. So just know if I feel you are getting too out of line I will give you a punishment if I must and if need be it won't be of the pleasurable kind. Got that?"

She nodded her head nervously as she was instantly cowed.

"H-H-Hai master!" She blinked at that and then looked away with a blush realizing how quickly she submitted. He was right, her succubus instincts were not something she could overcome especially since it wasn't like she didn't like Naruto in the first place.

Naruto grinned widely at the response as he let go of her.

"Very good." At this Shio stopped as well. She had stopped halfway in her approach so she had moved close enough to be the only one to hear what he said. She was fine with that because for some reason she had a feeling that Tayuya would slip up again and if Naruto isn't around at the time then Shio will have her fun. What she didn't know was that Tayuya wasn't someone to be underestimated as she was still strong in her own right especially against those with enhanced hearing...

What neither girl realized was that Naruto had no intention of being a regular mediator between things. As long as things didn't become too endangering most of the time he was going to let the girls settle their disputes amongst themselves. Partially for his own entertainment. But he would interfere at times too... partially for his own entertainment.

After that the girls started chatting with each other while Naruto watched. But it didn't take it long before Tayuya started to tease them and compare her chest to theirs which didn't go over too good but she made sure not to flat out call the girls any names. She could be rude in anyways. It didn't matter as long as they didn't try to kill each other Naruto would enjoy the show.

- Night time - ORC Room -

"Hmm so they plan to go up against this Kokabiel character who is also a leader class? Are they trying to die?" Naruto spoke as he leaned against the wall with his eyes closed. He was in the company of Rias and the rest of her peerage as they discussed the situation. The twins were doing their own thing, Raynare was doing household choices religiously... heh the irony, Tayuya was at his home along with Grayfia. Apparently for whatever reason Rias wanted to keep Grayfia out of the loop for now as to what was happening. He could understand that Rias probably wanted to uphold some kind of responsibility on the matter since this was her territory but it was also his territory so he was going to do whatever he wanted. He had gotten a little lax so he wanted this potential challenge. He had quite a few things he was waiting to use and this holy sword issue would be a great time for his techniques to make their debut.

Rias nodded her head as she looked on in thought. "Yes I was wondering the same thing but apparently they are determined and assured of their victory despite how idiotic it is."

Kiba having his own agenda in mind got up and started to leave.

"Kiba where are you going?" She looked at with a serious gaze as he made his way out the door causing him to pause in his step. "You know that I will never permit you to leave me. Remember you are a knight of the house of Gremory."

"I know buuchou and I'm sorry." The swordsman didn't even look back at her as he left before she could stop him.

"Kiba..." She had a sad look on her face at the situation she now had to deal with.

Naruto walked up and stood to the side of her both looking at where Kiba left.

"You might have spoiled your peerage a little too much maybe. Do you want me to deal with him?"

"Huh? No, no I'm sure he just needs to clear his head." Naruto glanced at her as she looked slightly depressed but kept his thoughts to himself for the moment.

"Alright then..." Shrugging off the situation for now she walked back to her desk to discuss the rest of the meeting with her peerage.

Some time had passed and it had gotten later in the night as the meeting ended. The others had left while Rias finished up her business. As she walked out of the building into the night air she stopped when she heard a voice call out from off to the side of her.

"Rias are you feeling alright?" She jumped a little not sensing the presence of another person but turned to see Naruto leaning against the wall of the building apparently waiting for her with his arms crossed.

"N-Naruto what are you still doing here?!"

"Just wanted to make sure you were alright. Are you?"

"Yes I'm fine." His eyes looked with hers critically and she felt like his slitted pupils were trying to cut into her before she was forced to look away.

"Obviously not. Kiba's tantrum no doubt has a small part of it, the holy sword crap probably has caused you some stress as well, but why do I feel like this was something I caused?"

She looked down knowing she would be hardpressed to hide from him when he was on the trail. She spoke out in a small voice that just made Naruto more concerned.

"Look Naruto-kun its fine. Don't worry about me." Naruto pushed off the wall and walked over to her.

"Well of course I'm going to worry about you. Your my mate, girlfriend, and someone I care for. And if you have an issue with something I've done I would like for you to tell me and not wait for things to get worse. Like say having a problem with Tayuya..."

She did a small minute twitch at this that most people wouldn't have noticed but he caught as he sighed.

"And of course I was right again..."

"You're going to do whatever you want anyway regardless of my wishes so I don't see why you care about what I think of her!" He blinked as she yelled at him looking up at him. His eyes softened when he saw the hurt in her own.

"I see now... You probably didn't like how I courted Tayuya. Even though I didn't go into detail none of you are stupid so I expected you to make your own conclusions. But you no doubt don't think too highly of the fact that a girl you know nothing about you suddenly find out was in my bed. Even with the fact that I'd actually known that girl... dare I say longer than you." He really didn't want to say that last part but felt he need too as the hurt look she wore increased a bit more. She crossed her arms and turned away.

"I'm just some random devil girl who tried to force you into servitude. Who am I to judge who you decide to sleep with. I mean she's a succubus. I'm sure you'll love that if you don't already."

"Oh so it's like that. You believe that I will just sleep with any girl who fits my fancy at the moment and you feel insecure over what your place with me is because of this new redhead unknown to you. You feel you might get replaced or thrown away. Especially with the fact that I'm not saddled to just one girl you feel that you have even less of a say than you would in a normal relationship because you feel that if I so chose to leave you I would still have other girls."

"I didn't say any of that-."

"But you were thinking it were you not?"


He ran a hand through his hair as he looked up at the night sky.

"Let me tell you something Ri-chan. I might be a beast of a man and I may be a demon so I have less of a morality than the majority of males alive but there is one thing you need to know. My choice of mates is instinctive. It doesn't matter how long I've known you because my instinct will assure my feelings faster than the norm for my mate. You fell for me hard in just around a month. Do you think that feeling didn't go both ways? I'm not Riser Rias."

Truth be told the length of time did matter some so you could say Tayuya was overdue. Tama might as well go into the same category too as his sisters are the only one's in his group he has known longer than her but but he needed to skate around that girl like he was on ice and wait for the right moment to pounce... or she might kill him dominance be damned. Course he could just seduce her it all depends on the mood.

Her eyes widened before she looked ashamed.

"I'm sorry Naruto-kun I shouldn't have thought of you so low. I won't do that again." Naruto gave her a small smile.

"Think low of me or think highly of me I don't care as long as you remember who I am and don't confuse me with someone else. Know that I care and I'm not letting you go." He pulled her into a kiss startling her before she leaned into him before it ended after 30 seconds and she held her close. "By my instincts I am only drawn to girls I have the intention of staying with forever. Mating just seals the deal but you already know about that aspect don't you?"

She felt her neck where he had marked her on the night they first made love. It grew overtime to form a sort of stylized X and spiral design. It would only appear when it was needed too though. She didn't say anything else as she just buried her face into the crook of his neck as she held her longer enjoying the worth.

"After all you will bare my child after all." She blushed hard at that random announcement.

"W-Why do you keep saying that!?"

"What? You don't want to have my child?"

"N-No that's not what I... You don't have to keep being so embarrassing about it! Can we at least get to a good point before you start deciding that?"

"Hehehe now where is the fun in that. You get so cute when you are flustered."

She smiled at the moment regardless as the enjoyed the peaceful night in each others arms before Naruto broke the silence again after a few moments.

"You were jealous of her bigger tits weren't you?"

"Don't ruin it."

"My sexy Ri-chan got territorial and felt threatened over another redhead being more stacked than she was." He was grinning now as he knew he was saying stuff he shouldn't now."

"Shut up Naruto."

"I bet you're curious as to how I could get a girl to submit that fast aren't you Ri-chan?~" She shivered and held back a moan as he kissed her neck and sucked at it.

"N-Naruto please! Keep the conversation to an even tangent!" It was getting hard to follow. It went from her being frustrated , to sad, to happy, to embarrassed, to happy, to annoyed, to blushing again.

"Ah but unpredictability is what makes life so interesting my dear Ri-chan."

Did this count as their first fight? It might as well have as he liked to deal with issues before they could escalate too much. But then there was the fight when he went berserk if that counted.

His eyes opened filling the rays of sunlight coming into his room as morning broke through. The morning was peaceful so far but he wore a deadpanned expression. He looked down and saw a nude Rias Gremory hugging his right arm between her breasts as she slept peacefully. He gained a small smile at the sight of her. He looked over to the side to see Tayuya in the same position as Rias, just as naked in her human form, squeezing his left arm between her own breasts. Naruto smiled before laying back again and looking up at the ceiling with a deadpan.

'Well... As nice as this is it's only a matter of time before they wake up. At least I have my pants on.' Right then and there he sensed the stirring as Tayuya work up. She looked up at him and grin mischievously.

"Good morning Shit-kun."

"Tayuya what are you doing in my bed."

"Well why would I want to stay away from my meal? Ms. Princess over there was sleeping with you so why the fuck couldn't I?"

"Still though-"

"I didn't rape you this time so it's fine right?"

Naruto looked at her before laying back and sighing. "Fine whatever..."

She grinned as she slid up across his chest to his face dragging her bare body on his own before grabbing both sides of his face.

"Now then whats say you give me an early breakfast~?" He twitched at this before they heard a cough and turn to see Rias looking at them irritated. She had woken up and was now sitting up with her arms crossed under her chest which had the effect of making them look bigger.

"Just what do you think you're doing to my boyfriend?" Tayuya looked at her before ignoring her and diverting her attention back at Naruto.

"Oh shut the hell up can't you see I'm trying to feed." With that she licked her lips as her hand started to inch down his body to his waistband where her prize was stored. Rias looked at the girl astounded. She had the audacity to dismiss her like that?!

"How dare you!" Before anything else could happen Tayuya yelped when Naruto vanished from under her. He reappeared on the other side of the room leaning against the wall.

'Gotta love my tail reversal trick.' "Come on girls calm down can't you two be peaceful in the morning?"

"Come on shithead we can do it right here and now. The princess can sit right there on her pompous ass and watch for all I care." She motioned offhandedly over at Rias who looked like she was beginning to get mad.

"Now hold on I got to him first. I'm not going to let some random nobody who came out of nowhere boss me around. Know your place!"

Naruto rose an eyebrow at this and internally smirk. 'Oh? Is Ri-chan getting territorial?'

However Tayuya didn't take it so positively as she turned to look at Rias slowly with a tic mark forming. "...Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" The girls started to square each other up glaring back at each other in defiance as confrontational lightning started to shoot between their eyes. All the while Naruto was doing basically what any young hotblooded male would do in this situation while watching two hot girls go at it.

'Khekeke please tell me this is about to be a cat fight. Would like them to rip off each others clothes to make it hotter but they're both naked already so I guess I can just enjoy the view. It's about to get even sexier in here!' Naruto blinked when Rias brought out her red magic seals fuel with destruction magic and Tayuya brought out her own black magic along her hands while bring out her flute.

'Oh shit wrong kind of fight! This is getting serious!' He moved to interfere but then Tayuya started playing her instrument and everything went dark.

'Huh?' Naruto became conscious again and was awakened to a helpless sounding whimper. He registered a soft fleshy object in his hand and squeezed on reflex eliciting a moan. He looked down and his eyes widened in surprise to see the still naked Rias Gremory beneath him with a surrendered look in her eyes as Naruto had his hands groping her chest.

"P-Please Naru-kun n-not in front of her."

Naruto ignoring the fact that he was still grouping Rias looked to the side to see Tayuya standing a bit away from they with a bewildered look and a nosebleed.

Naruto deadpanned at that expression on her face. "What the hell just happened."

She just nervously chuckled before the girls eventually explained.

"So apparently I have a noticeable weakness towards sound based magic." Naruto leaned into his fist as he sat at a table across from Tama out in the open in town near a restaurant. It was just a simple sunday and Naruto decided to hang out. He gave her a run down of what had happened with Tayuya and was waiting for some kind of response from her. He gazed boredly when he got none as the gray haired girl simple continued to drink through a straw from her beverage. Naruto sighed as he leaned back in his chair and drunk more of his own soda.

"Great talk Tama-chan..." The girl didn't look too interested as she finally put her drink down and looked at him with that mechanical like gaze from her wide eyes.

"I don't know why you need advice from me. I know that you already have something planned to deal with this anyway."

Naruto grinned at finally getting her to speak. "That's my Tama-chan you know me so well."

"Besides when we fought you were effected greatly by the heavy output noise of my death stance. While it was very loud most people would have either canceled out the high decibel level in the heat of the battle or just been stunned. You however were more than effected by it. You were full on shell shocked and actually momentarily lost control of your body. Though I'm sure you have adjusted some to it so that you would be better prepared for next time.

Naruto now smiled at her. "There's that hidden intelligence that you always had but I forgot existed~."

"There's that backhanded antagonism that made people(guys) hate you." Naruto's grin widened along with his eyes as a challenging aura started to waft off of him.

"Oh but you love the banter Tama-chan~."

"I'm gonna kill you."

They both started hard at each other as Naruto's grin grew joker like and Tama drunk out of her glass covering up a small smile of her own. Both their eyes were open wide and locking with each other in dark insanity as their faces were shadowed casting a dangerous presence. People around them started to scramble away as their instincts screamed at them to run as Tama and Naruto's Armorer natures started to resurface from being around each other. Did you forget who they were? I hope not.

"Any time you want Tama?"

"Do you believe you can handle me if I go all out from the beginning Naru-kun~."

"I put you down once, and I'll be more than happy to do it again.

"You could hardly keep pace with me till the end and I didn't even get to use my ascended state. You won't get that pass next time."

"Oh I know you've been hiding your potential and I can take whatever you can give."

"We may be dead even now but the only way you would win is if you manage to catch me again. Can you do that for me Naru-kun?"

"Pfft I'm a predator, I have no problems catching you. And its starting to sound like that rather than the regular fight you are more interested in a fight that leads to some sort of sexual gratification. Which I also have no problem with.

The presence escalated as the air around them felt both heavy and vibrant and then just like that it was calm and peaceful as the tension vanished like it was never even their. Though Naruto didn't miss the light dusting upon the girl's cheeks. The challenge between them had gotten to be an exciting exchange for them and an interesting chemistry. In a way Tama was like a girl version of certain quite a few aspects of his personality.

Both of their senses went off picking up lighter energy and the looked a ways off to see two familiar saints in their robes begging for money in a very ridiculous way.

"Heh look who it is."

The two girls ate with gusto as the group now sat inside of a restaurant. Tama sat to the side of Naruto as he ate his own multiple bowls of ramen along with several orders of steak. They where hardly cooked leaving them mostly rare which was just the way he liked it as his animal nature called out to him to do so or when he got a bit excited. Neither of the Armorer teens were unnerved by the display of the two slightly younger girls as they continued to shovel down more food.

"To have those figures and yet be able to eat so much. You must have excellent metabolisms and able bodied for human women." The girls hardly even registered what he said as he turned to look at Tama. "I like them."

"Can I have their clothes?"

Naruto blinked at her. "What the hell..."

"What? I saw their black battle suits and I want one too. You don't think they would look good on me?" Her innocent tone did not match what she was asking as the outfit was very easily erotic. Naruto's mind ran a mile a minute as he started to mentally dress he in the tight body suits that these two girls that they were feeding wore. Giving the fact that Tama also had longer legs because she was taller, and she also had a somewhat fuller figure and larger chest...

Naruto looked at her more seriously that he had in a while giving off a hard gaze.

"This will happen. I will do everything in my power to make it so."

"What are you two talking about?" They both looked forward again to see Irina who had finally stopped eating after multiple plates in record time. Naruto now got a good look at her couldn't help but see how familiar she looked. He gave her a cheery smile as he spoke.

"It's nothing don't worry about it."

Xenovia who finally stopped but had yet to take her hood off put her bowl down with a nervous expression.

"What just happened? Surely this was a struggle to test our faith but accepting charity from this demonic heathen would most certainly bring about the apocalypse."

Irina followed suit and clasped her hands in prayer. "We've practically just sold ourselves to this demon. How will god ever forgive us?"

Naruto just looked at the too saints boredly. "Well damn that's the thanks I get for feeding beggars?"

"Dear lord please have mercy on these two kind faithless souls and have mercy on them." As soon as those words left her mouth Tama's eyes instinctively narrowed as here eyebrow twitched and Naruto's head suddenly was knocked back like a spark had just hit it. Naruto brought his head back down and to look at them and deadpanned.

"Did you just pray for a demon?" Irina quickly looked appologetic as her eyes shown with innocence at what she caused.

"Oh sorry force of habit."

He rubbed his head as he thought about the effect of the prayer. "Well no harm done I suppose. I'm a demon not a devil so all it felt like was like someone flicked or zapped my forehead just with more knock back."

Tama's own eyes were still narrowed making her look serious for a change as she ran her hands though her hair.

"And I'm the successor of a different god so your prayer actually makes me irritated..." Naruto glanced at her ready for whatever she might do. Irina however was not deterred as if she were a curious child.

"Oh really? Wow what god do you hail from?"

"A god of death." Just saying that alone was fine but it was the feeling that she gave off when she said that that felt like a threat as the two saint girls suddenly paled and Naruto felt the tension spike. He decided to turn it in another way before a problem could occur.

"Okay! Enough of that you girls are free to eat as much as you want my treat. Money isn't much of an object to me."

Xenovia regained her nerves after just mentally seeing how Tama would kill them and had one eye looking at Naruto hard from underneath her hood.

"After what you said I doubt you are doing this out of the kindness of your heart. What is it you are really after?"

He just grinned at her unaffected by the glare.

"Oh come on I'm not all bad."

"We understand the situation and you are in my city so frankly I've been intending to deal with this fallen angel issue whether you want me too or not. It would be nice if you could get on board with my aid but whether you accept my help or not is up to you. I'm going to do what I want regardless."

They stared each other off for a few moments before she sighed and acquiesced to his words.

"Fine I don't mind you aiding us and taking care of one sword IF I have your word that you won't use it against us." Irina looked at her partner in shock over what she just said.

"Wait a minute you can't be serious Xenovia!"

"There is no waiting. You know who the other side has. We can't possibly be a match for Kokabiel as we are now. Honestly it will be impossible for use to recover all 3 swords. So with that being the case I will swallow my pride and accept this man's assistance, that is if he promises not to take the swords."

Naruto chuckled as he was happy to here the girl wasn't a complete idiot. "Trust me when I say I don't need to take the swords to take care of you. That being said I have no interest in the whole swords themselves but rather the fights this conflict will bring. I already have weapons of my own to which I'm loyal too."

"Then it's settle we will have a temporary truce."

They all got up ready to leave as Naruto paid for the food. "Oh that reminds me I know of a few others who would be interested in helping."

- Next day -

It was now evening time as the sun started to set and Naruto was in the park standing in front of a fountain. He had his arms crossed as he stood in front of Xenovia and Irina, accompanied by Issei, Koneko, and somehow Saji as they had met up with him shortly after they ate and Kiba was also there standing off to the side not looking too happy. Naruto also had his faithful servant Raynare at his side and Tama sat to the other side of him. All the students were in their school uniforms.

"So we all got the plan?"Kiba spoke from the side in response to Naruto. "I understand the situation but I'm disappointed that an Excalibur user would approve of its destruction."

Not missing the hostile tone Xenovia stepped up to the challenge. "Speaking of disappointing I heard you recently abandoned the Gremory household. Since you are technically a stray now I have no problems with ending you right here and now." She brought up the hilt of her sword to show how serious her threat was. A magic circle glowed over Kiba's hand as he prepared his own sword birth.

"By all means you are welcome to try if you want."

"We already know about what the Holy sword project did to you and I understand how you aren't feeling so amicable towards us as your friends are. The majority of those who are still with the church view that incidence with extreme repugnance. The man in charge of it all was even excommunicated from the church."

Kiba calmed down as he put his sword birth away. "I take it you are talking about Valper? Yes I know of him the man responsible for everything."

"Yes Galilei Valper the archbishop of annihilation. And one of his tools is that stray priest you've ran into by the name of Freed. Since they are both likely connected to this issue you can expect to see them again soon."

"Well if that is the case then I guess I have no choice but to work with you."

Irina smile at this as a solution had been reached.

"Yay! We're all friends now!"

Naruto chuckled at the girl. He was seeing her more and more entertaining as time went on. He spoke to Tama now that everything calmed down.

"Twin tails, big purple eyes, off personality. If I didn't know any better I would say this girl was your sister. She's already more immature like one and her innocence is real, the only thing missing is the hair color.

"Not really..."

"Are you serious? The resemblance is obvious!"

She ran a hand through her hair as if the whole thing was beneath her. "Her twin tails are too weak."

Naruto gave her a dry look at the odd response. "Really? That's your best answer?" 'Well her twin tails are fuller than Irina's but still.' He diverted his attention back to the group with the two saints having already gone as he heard Issei shouting.

"What do you mean you don't want us involved?! We're your family and friends right? That means we have to stick together!"

"Yes you're right but still-." Kiba stopped when he felt Issei put a hand on his shoulder.

"But nothing Kiba. You can't expect us to just let you go and be a stray. And not just use either. What about the others and Rias-buchou?"

Kiba went silent and somber at this as he thought of his childhood and how Rias found him. If it hadn't been for her he would have probably been dead.

"Good Issei. I agree we can't just let you go off. But you should know that your leaving hurt Rias and if you kept going on your own as a stray I would kill you myself." Kiba flinched at Naruto's words as he walked up to him. "That being said we will all get through this and you will get your revenge. I've got your back on this one. So are you all with me."

He smiled as he put his fist out and after a few moments Kiba smiled as well before bumping his fist against his.


"Come on everyone join in." They all smiled and one by one they all followed suit. Seeing all the hands stacked up her grinned before he realized something and looked back to see Tama still sitting at the fountain looking at a butterfly.

"Tama get over here and put your hand in the pile."

"I don't wanna."

"..." He ignored her and directed his attention back to the group with his eye twitching. "Anyway lets do this!"

Naruto Uzumaki: Stats:

True Threat Level: Unknown

Weapon Skill: Satan level (Because Armorer)

Energy Level: Satan level

Stamina: Unknown

Speed: Upper High Class (In most cases those of upper high class and up can track him)

Strength: High Class Rook

Durability: Varies

Mindstate: Varies

Pain Tolerance: Varies

Healing: Fast Factor

Technique/ Control: High Class


Adaptive Evolution

Spatial Manipulation (Because Armorer again)

State Change

Heat Resistance

Lightning Resistance

Wind, Fire, Lightning Affinity

Species: True Demon Wolf ***?/ Chimeric Anomaly


AN: There you go!

I have much planned and was actually going to show you a bit more of what Naruto could do but since I don't plan this much what i had planned wouldn't have fit in into the flow of the story so you will see it next chapter probably in a fight. This chapter gave Tama more screen time. Also I've started watching Season 3 and it opened my mind to other things I can work with and lets just say by the time Naruto faces Saiorag you his genes will be even more OMFG than they already are. Especially by the end of the Holy sword arc. Afterall... I've been purposely leaving out his fathers ancestry for a while now.

Anyway also watched all of Unlimited Blade Works now and I've been thinking of possible adding some of the Heroes from that into this story. Would be cool to have them face and or join Naruto's peerage. Let me know what you think of that.

Now I need you to review as they have been dying at the initial time i post and thats a big thing that fuels me to post faster and I really want to speed up my posting again. Jstars+ came out and that distracted me I admit. If you want to face me on Ps3 PM me.

So yeah REVIEW!

And I also have a question for you guys again that is very important. How strong is Rias's cousin in turns of ranking. With Kuroka being SS ranked and Grayfia being Satan level and Sirzechs being a Super Devil level or elder god level I think? Or is SS = to Satan level? idk anyway please clear this up for me guys as it will help me work somethings out in my head better as well as fix Naruto's stats better to understand them easier and put the stats of others up.