
Chapter 93 A little gift of the king.

After the banquet, we receive an invitation from the king to a little tea party with only the royal family and us.

We accept and wait the moment the king will call us.

A butler come to pick us and bring us to a new room. This room is pretty well decorated. One or two paint, big sofa and a low table. We sit where the butler point and we were let like this in the room.

My skill detect hidden guard or assassin. I let my special guard force of edouard and gael know where they are. The royal family enter just after I finish to show secretly the guard/assassin.

We stand and perform a reverence to the king but he stop us quickly.

"You don't have to do that when we are in little number."

The princess run and hug me. She push me to make me sit and sit on me. The king look at this and add.

"You can all sit. Please do not do much courtesy."

George and Maria sit at my left and right and the king at another sofa with the queen.

My crew sit on the two last sofa without trying tk help me escape the royal family.

"I will surely repeat myself but thanks for saving the Torian empire. It help us a lot. We success at repelling thee Bita empire and we have their king and son pair. I want to ask just to know but what did you think about them? What do you want we do about them? "

Nemo look at all of us and we all now when he see us.

" I think we will all agree that if you want to kill them we won't say anything. We prefer them dead than alive. Their are a thorn in our feet since our academy. And their are not really good king or prince so their death are the best idea for us."

"I understand I will do that." he look at one of the place where we thing his guard wait and do a sign like he cut his throat. "The order had been send. I think a butler will come in no time to announce me their death.

Other thing I really want to know how you survive?"

"Without lying to you majesty, we survive because our starship and our crew have a lot of ressource. We all nod to this sentance." But I don't think I'm not nextt to the answer when I say that the ghost save us. "

The princess look at the king with a face saying you see, it's like I say.

A butler arrive to annonce the death of the royal of Bita empire and give us tea.

" Now for the serious moment. I will be straightforward. Can you become the next Duke. You already have a battleship and you have in your crew Lily. We offer this offer to all of you. But only if the battleship can be in here."

We all refuse his question. And the king make a face like I know you would say that.

" Can you accept this at a compensation? " we look at what he present us. It's a key.

Lily stand up and say" It's the Ardaros mansion key in this planet. We can't accept it. "

But easily speaking we all want it. A base in the planet where we can rest if we have problem or we want to do a stop during our mission.

" Well if we take it I have to show you around."