

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way. Your worth lies in what you are rather than what you have. Patience building needs working regularly on this. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us improves. Great results need big sacrifices. True leadership must be for the benefit of followers and not for self enrichment. People forget how fast you did a job but remember how well you did it.”  Life always throws challenges and people with strong minds and determination accept them to succeed. It doesn't come as a bounty but as a difficult item to grab and play to finally reshape them for self satisfaction and benefit to many in any company. If one can remember this, he can never give up or fail. Test this to believe if you have the strength.

Brajendra_Jha · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Stuck Up Productivity

Raju was young and enthusiastic and energetic. I wanted to achieve some important position with recognition in abundance Nothing was helpful other than my abilities and spirit to accomplish. My friend guided the path and I moved with clear vision. My thoughts started pushing ahead and steps came in mind.

Strategies depended on available resources and were controlled by executives. Planning suggests how to carry out strategy for the best of results and issues involved could be: Low attendance in a shift needing shift – manager to ram three moulds first and pour more number of closed moulds. In other situation to overcome shortage of tackles may demand from him to make more bottom plates to use manpower optimally. But in a normal day both moulds and bottom plates would get equal priority. Thus manpower deployment strategy depended on the plan for the shift. Any rigid instruction to shift manager was bound to induce inflexibility and loss of production. Shift planning could be left to shift manager after working out targets for each day drawn out from monthly target. This could itself prove to be a useful strategy in any production shop for maintaining a good rate of production and even mediocre managers was found performing well.

    In production shop organizing was an ongoing function. Goal for a day or a shift was worked out from annual and monthly targets and shift manager was asked to complete this. It became his most important consideration. He planned his activities to fulfill goals and also picked up suitable strategy for the same. This could relate to manpower, molding machine availability, raw material movement and coordination with other agencies like process control, quality control shift maintenance etc. Production target fulfillment was important objective for production manager and he organized the same. Organizing activities were supported by systems. Activities decided what influence they had on controlling decisions. Effort and time was not wasted every day for a routine job. The manager/executive had time to tackle more number of crises without disturbing normal working. It was decided that every shift prepared one tackle assembly for the next shift and there was no time loss in starting of new shift. Three moulds ramming in a shift started easily by the shift manager. Strategically every shift manager made three moulds and also provided an assembly to the next shift. Monthly increased target was achievable which managers considered very difficult. This was focused which gave confidence to total work force and they felt something new happening. This encouraged all to accept other new challenges. Many of them who never applied mind followed orders from the top and blindly and not accepting any failure. They constantly fought with each other. This also induced a group politics and blame game was prevailing. Now they realised their mistakes and came to manage to assure full cooperation and also to be well behaved with each other. 

    The fettling section was also needed gearing up while finishing three moulds per shift to avoid crowding of moulds in that area. Again introduction of system for finishing mould in different shift removed the burden of daily organizing. It was found that organizing could be made more effective by systems. An executive could gain tremendously in organizing if he followed system supporting activities. Shift managers took into confidence supervisors and many times standing by their side to solve any problem promptly. They also got good response and started suggesting better ways of doing the job and shop was flooded with useful suggestions. Some of cost saving suggestions was also rewarded by token money and participating numbers increased.

Man power became an enlightened group of persons never realised any time in the past. A relaxed head of the shop and walked through the vibrating work place with big smile and hardly anyone came with any complain. Shift managers were persons to do all for them and their welfare.

    'The organization is established by people and is also operated by people. Human element is an important consideration when operating an organization and it has a wide spread implications. This element becomes unanimously an important factor in decision making. Interestingly human behavior is the least predictable and frequently spells the difference between the successful or failing enterprise. This is crucial as the perceptions of some problem by different individuals differ and these only guide decisions and actions of an individual in an organization', was the considered opinion of Raju and he planned his moves on this premise all the way. He became different from all previous managers and was looked upon with reverence by his people. They knew that he could take care of their needs if all jobs are done in scheduled manner and giving satisfactory output earning good reputation as a whole. No single person tried to walk single.

    'In order to succeed in any organization, the key factor remains the team and the success of leader in the enterprise. It depends how he builds up and carries the team. All effective managers give enough importance to this factor and many a times the primary for team work may be visible even in the dialogue he puts forward. If a manager can keep a person from other department like a team member, he can always think of wiring the production target game. This also necessitates maintenance of a good interpersonal relation where understanding a matured basis have a constant and durable impact. Many a times a difference in education level tends to come in the way of good understanding when personalities gain prominence over issues. Similarly long experience is a field may not be a valid experience. This also interferes in good interpersonal relation. What is important is the total personality of an individual manager, and not only his education, family or social background and influencing manners. These feats could happen sometimes but cannot rely upon in longer perspective of the organization. An unsatisfactory interpersonal relation may prove to be more dangerous for a good functioning organization making its life shorter.

    The case of PPC interpersonal relation within the department and also with outside department appeared to be a great influencing factor. The chief of PPC was always imposing superior experience on Raju's subordinates to demoralize them. The IMF manager managed to stick to issues keeping future interest of good relationship always in mind. Similarly in the finishing area a stress was always laid on good relationship amongst all participants even for maintaining good quality. This was important to keep production line alive by supplying timely assemblies. Maintenance in production shop becomes secondary consideration and is normally an area where production managers and supervisors try to stick to strict compliance of plans. The works manager kept morale of such secondary function high including the inspection group – who with one strong remark could slow the pace of production. Good interpersonal relation not only necessary to build work environment, but to shield from criticism being inflicted by external environment. A happy but disciplined team could only serve any organization for long and work pressures didn't generate unwanted tension.

In the area of human behavior one noted that the 'logical decision' might not always be the correct decision. This was generally the situation when one made decisions that involved the human factors. There were increasing number of cases where a management decision to improve efficiency by controlling labor costs has caused production disruption. In some cases such action brought the enterprise to a complete standstill. Controlling absenteeism, maintaining timings for 'IN and OUT' strictly, demanding full working hours on the shop floor, asking to increase rate of production etc often resulted into industrial unrest. People in production line maintained a short sightedness along with immediate results. Small favors were made without much thinking and ignoring any implications of rules or practices. These all were root causes of bigger/major industrial dispute and unrest. Workers came forward with a long charter of demands quoting precedence.

    The crane operator case was continuing as none thought shop as a whole and only sectional interests were fulfilled. These operators did not hesitate in twisting arm of the controlling officer who was far away from any fairness in giving treatment to operators. The system worked out by involving these crane operators and giving due consideration to their constraints. The problem could be resolved by engaging operators on rotational basis on different cranes grouping them by lifting capacity basis and peace could come to the shop. No haste was shown in deciding upon human factors where clash of interests was quite common. Any false promises/assurances lead to a difficult situation for any manager. An effective manager must look into the rationale of decisions in each case and convince workers. Although, many times this may get suppressed in practice.

    Industrial relation was maintained and controlled through truthful talking and by building positive environment. Sand plant difficulties of sand preparation and mixing of different grades of sand was solved through participation of supervisors and junior executives.  Thus a recurring was overcome by positive participation from workmen side and they got convinced with the truthfulness of the manager. He was truly interested to tackle the situation at the earliest to put shop back in production.

    The case of molder's productivity was related to improvement in rate of working. Many a times, while setting from, softness was shown which ultimately stalled the growth of shop. This situation was also tackled by explaining working needs in a positive manners and taking care of workers interest with the change in norm. Farsighted management was an essential factor which helped in gainful endeavours. Norm setting was done in a way so that the 'challenge' always remained and this motivated workers to a greater degree.

 . All such questions were always hovers in the mind of manager who was deeply engaged in production in shop. Manager was constantly in touch with the progress being made in the job. This is practically not possible. Good communication system accepted by manager always fulfilled this requirement. In fact manger was most bothered person when communication fails. An effective communication was almost a guarantee for the success and effectiveness of a manager.

    'In some situations, it will be apparent that management is oblivious to the need for communication. In other instances management may assume that communications are working but actually they are not. More elusive and more difficult to evaluate are the communication aspects; yes they are an integral part of the control system within organization. Reports written memoranda, notices, circulars, office orders, minutes of meetings are part of communication'. There were subtle types of communication equally important. Informal conversation became many times more effective than written words. 'Wordless action, questions, feedback and lack of communication are also part of the network. If a new system or procedure is introduced without explanation, employees are likely to interpret the action according to own frames of reference of points of view' thought Raju within himself. The executive faces many situations without communications and takes his decisions on misinterpreted communication.

    The cases of mould drying cranes and the hydro blast were two typical cases where great organizing skills were required by the leadership to overcome the repetitive and recurring situation in maintenance with limited responses. This was another type of situation which occurred in all production units big or small. The manager acted as strong control centre for the organization and in order to involve all flexibility in decision making was allowed. This only suggested the complex role of manager in a process industry.

    'Practicing managers and students may appreciate the real work situation where all forces act simultaneously and the team is kept intact all the time for getting a time bound result. The analysis of the case by considering all aspects of managing keeping also into consideration human factor provides an interesting study in leadership as well as organization. Many questions in organization structure, leadership aspect may remain unanswered. But this is precisely the reason why management studies remain subject of constant interest, was considered opinion in long working experience.

 . Communication network within an organization was important as nerves in human body. What was happening in a particular section of the department? What decisions were taken in the coordination meeting? How the decisions have been implemented? How workmen and executives were reacting to the new changes brought in? Why the productivity was not picking up? What was the progress on the breakdown jobs? How many have reported for duty on today's band day? What safety measures were taken as per factory rules? 

    It was also known, 'Organization depends on leadership and the best leadership cannot have any impact in want of an organization. Leadership is meant for people placed in the organization who have knit this trough their placement with varying responsibilities and powers to act'. 'In this organization under discussion are not only the line and staff relationships, but also informal organization versus decentralised, delegation of authorities and responsibilities, democratic leadership versus autocratic and other aspects of organization and leadership, was extended thought of Raju. A manager as a leader constantly kept on pursuing all these factors in an organization. He set up things with his own assumptions, implemented them and went on modifying gradually with the changing situation. This was how as practicing manager remains a dynamic manager and influences people to achieve the rated capacity in less than two years. The shop produced 210 moulds and 300 bottom plates in the financial year closing month of March and broke the myth that capacity achievement was impossible. The achievement is recognise. Thus the behavior and well thought actions of leader motivated his subordinates within the organization and he moved on.

    The leadership becomes most critical when a new method was adopted and developing structures of the organization started from day one of taking up the responsibility. The manager had to influence the behavior pattern of his people to ensure development of new method and this required strong leadership quality with knowledge, skill and positive attitude. People were forced to follow new order by creating challenging situations within the set organization. In a working plant this type of situations were created to break the monotony as well as to give opportunity to working people to experiment with new ideas. The parental aspect of leadership became prominent combined with adult behavior of subordinates. Unrest did appear from time to time. One should also remember that total absence of such conflicts may end up in a dead organization. Human beings can't remain calm for all the time when working in groups where clash of interest, aspirations, desires, demands were very common features. Therefore, industry/company must undergo such experiments of changing managers capable of accepting challenging jobs.

    Leadership and implementation of this in organization functions is necessary to ensure control in working of an enterprise. These also are needed to carry out the plan and strategy. These two are closely related to other functions that its analysis first may not be acceptable to marry. In practice these functions work in continuity and appear depending on the situation. Leadership helps in organizing and organization is providing ground to leadership to grow. Control and communication are also related to organization. Leadership style varies and depends on the size and shape of the organization. Similarly organization demands many a time a particular type of leadership and after a lapse of time the type of leadership may need change for further development. 

    The dynamic nature of organization always demands dynamic leadership. Both get lost in stagnation, and, organization becomes inactive. Leadership survives and thrives upon action plans which are to be formulation for a particular organization and are to be implemented in the same place. This situation further established close relationship between leadership and organization. This inter-relationship is to be understood well by students and all practicing managers. The survival of the cases of shift coordination and incentive are two, which could not be implemented without good communication. The effectiveness of shift coordination meetings is dependent on how good communicator is the manager. Incentive schemes if not communicated and explained carefully may pose only prolonged disturbances. Only written scheme may not be enough, put proper explanation to workers becomes equally important. Analysis in details may show the effectiveness as well as shortcomings in communication process. The case reveals situation having a far reaching impact on the organization. This is why adequacy of the system, appropriateness and its role in carrying out the plan and strategy is important aspect in communication. This should also be suitable for the leadership and the organization.

    It is necessary to measure the performance of any organization to ensure fulfillment of the objectives set or to see that places as formulated also get implemented. It is also desirable to have a feedback system to make desired corrections in between to overcome constraints or new problems arising in the process of fulfilling objectives/goals. This is known as the control system in any organization and is deeply connected with the communication system. In fact an effective communication giving the realistic data as operational working in a shop works as a control system or at least this could be a good starting point.

    It is subsequently observed that demoralised group never think in terms of reaching rated capacity and concluded that the designers were at fault (reasons for this could be imagined in unlimited terms). The changed management started by saying that it is wrong to challenge the designer as he also includes operational factor of safety in all designs and provides cushion for several unknown circumstances. All efforts should be made to reach rated capacity and it was always possible. One has to approach to situation with confidence to reach the target solving problems without delays and sincerely. This happened and shop achieved rated output level in a short period of 15 months.

    One measure introduced was adherence to quality parameters without relaxation. Quality Circles were formed in areas of Sand Plant, Molding. Pouring, Finishing, Dispatch, Planning, Maintenance and Services. This was a method to involve workers and supervisors in continuous improvement in all areas of operations. They also made suggestions for introducing modifications and changes at moderate cost and prompt implementation with economical use of inputs, spares etc.

Managers used to compete in cost cuts and faster implementation as they could witness the changes mainly due to their efforts and shop was humming with activities. Breakdowns reduced and maintenance needs declined and shop was always full of finished products. A feat never achieved in the past and appreciation was given to actual performance with recognition at year end in writing and token money. 

    Quality played important role in changing attitude of people towards job performance and same could be heard in social circle.

    Once the decision has been made, the managers must size up situation to ensure that vital information has not been overlooked. The potential impact on output of the organization should remain and implementation of decision should be drawn up. Many a times a manager may find the changing variables returning the problem for another decision and the diagnostic procedure is to be repeated.

Strategies depended on available resources and were controlled by executives. Planning suggests how to carry out strategy for the best of results and issues involved could be: Low attendance in a shift needing shift – manager to ram three moulds first and pour more number of closed moulds. In other situation to overcome shortage of tackles may demand from him to make more bottom plates to use manpower optimally. But in a normal day both moulds and bottom plates would get equal priority. Thus manpower deployment strategy depended on the plan for the shift. Any rigid instruction to shift manager was bound to induce inflexibility and loss of production. Shift planning could be left to shift manager after working out targets for each day drawn out from monthly target. This could itself prove to be a useful strategy in any production shop for maintaining a good rate of production and even mediocre managers was found performing well.

In production shop organizing was an ongoing function. Goal for a day or a shift was worked out from annual and monthly targets and shift manager was asked to complete this. It became his most important consideration. He planned his activities to fulfill goals and also picked up suitable strategy for the same. This could relate to manpower, molding machine availability, raw material movement and coordination with other agencies like process control, quality control shift maintenance etc. Production target fulfillment was important objective for production manager and he organized the same. Organizing activities were supported by systems. Activities decided what influence they had on controlling decisions. Effort and time was not wasted every day for a routine job. The manager/executive had time to tackle more number of crises without disturbing normal working. It was decided that every shift prepared one tackle assembly for the next shift and there was no time loss in starting of new shift. Three moulds ramming in a shift started easily by the shift manager. Strategically every shift manager made three moulds and also provided an assembly to the next shift. Monthly increased target was achievable which managers considered very difficult. Raju focused on this which gave confidence to total work force and they felt something new happening. This encouraged them to accept other new challenges. Many of them who never applied mind followed orders from the top and blindly and not accepting any failure. They constantly fought with each other. This also induced a group politics and blame game was prevailing. Now they realise mistakes and assure full cooperation and also to be well behaved with each other.

The fettling section was also needed gearing up while finishing three moulds per shift to avoid crowding of moulds in that area. Again introduction of system for finishing mould in different shift removed the burden of daily organizing. It was found that organizing could be made more effective by systematizing it. An executive could gain tremendously in organizing if he followed system supporting activities. Shift managers took into confidence supervisors and many times standing by their side to solve any problem promptly. They also got good response and started suggesting better ways of doing the job and shop was flooded with useful suggestions. Some of cost saving suggestions was also rewarded by token money and participating numbers increased. Man power became an enlightened group of persons never realized any time in the past. Raju was a relaxed head of the shop and walked through the vibrating work place with big smile and hardly anyone came with any complain. Shift managers were persons to do all for them and their welfare.

'The organization is established by people and is also operated by people. Human element is an important consideration when operating an organization and it has a wide spread implications. This element becomes unanimously an important factor in decision making. Interestingly human behavior is the least predictable and frequently spells the difference between the successful or failing enterprise. This is crucial as the perceptions of some problem by different individuals differ and these only guide decisions and actions of an individual in an organization', was the considered opinion of Raju and he planned his moves on this premise all the way. He became different from all previous managers and was looked upon with reverence by his people. They knew that he could take care of their needs if all jobs are done in scheduled manner and giving satisfactory output earning good reputation as a whole. No single person tried to walk single.

Raju thought, 'In order to succeed in any organization, the key factor remains the team and the success of leader in the enterprise. It depends how he builds up and carries the team. All effective managers give enough importance to this factor and many a times the primary for team work may be visible even in the dialogue he puts forward. If a manager can keep a person from other department like a team member, he can always think of wiring the production target game. This also necessitates maintenance of a good interpersonal relation where understanding a matured basis have a constant and durable impact. Many a times a difference in education level tends to come in the way of good understanding when personalities gain prominence over issues. Similarly long experience is a field may not be a valid experience. This also interferes in good interpersonal relation. What is important is the total personality of an individual manager, and not only his education, family or social background and influencing manners. These feats could happen sometimes but cannot rely upon in longer perspective of the organization. An unsatisfactory interpersonal relation may prove to be more dangerous for a good functioning organization making its life shorter.

The case of PPC interpersonal relation within the department and also with outside department appeared to be a great influencing factor. The chief of PPC was always imposing superior experience on Raju's subordinates to demoralize them. The IMF manager managed to stick to issues keeping future interest of good relationship always in mind. Similarly in the finishing area a stress was always laid on good relationship amongst all participants even for maintaining good quality. This was important to keep production line alive by supplying timely assemblies. Maintenance in production shop becomes secondary consideration and is normally an area where production managers and supervisors try to stick to strict compliance of plans. The works manager kept morale of such secondary function high including the inspection group – who with one strong remark could slow the pace of production. Good interpersonal relation not only necessary to build work environment, but to shield from criticism being inflicted by external environment. A happy but disciplined team could only serve any organization for long and work pressures didn't generate unwanted tensions.

In the area of human behavior one noted that the 'logical decision' might not always be the correct decision. This was generally the situation when one made decisions that involved the human factors. There were increasing number of cases where a management decision to improve efficiency by controlling labor costs has caused production disruption. In some cases such action brought the enterprise to a complete standstill. Controlling absenteeism, maintaining timings for 'IN and OUT' strictly, demanding full working hours on the shop floor, asking to increase rate of production etc often resulted into industrial unrest. People in production line maintained a short sightedness along with immediate results. Small favors were made without much thinking and ignoring any implications of rules or practices. These all were root causes of bigger/major industrial dispute and unrest. Workers came forward with a long charter of demands quoting precedence.

The crane operator case was continuing as none thought shop as a whole and only sectional interests were fulfilled. These operators did not hesitate in twisting arm of the controlling officer who was far away from any fairness in giving treatment to operators. The system worked out by involving these crane operators and giving due consideration to their constraints. The problem could be resolved by engaging operators on rotational basis on different cranes grouping them by lifting capacity basis and peace could come to the shop. No haste was shown in deciding upon human factors where clash of interests was quite common. Any false promises/assurances lead to a difficult situation for any manager. An effective manager must look into the rationale of decisions in each case and convince workers. Although, many times this may get suppressed in practice.

Industrial relation was maintained and controlled through truthful talking and by building positive environment. Sand plant difficulties of sand preparation and mixing of different grades of sand was solved through participation of supervisors and junior executives. Thus a recurring was overcome by positive participation from workmen side and they got convinced with the truthfulness of the manager. He was truly interested to tackle the situation at the earliest to put shop back in production.

The case of molder's productivity was related to improvement in rate of working. Many a times, while setting from, softness was shown which ultimately stalled the growth of shop. This situation was also tackled by explaining working needs in a positive manners and taking care of workers interest with the change in norm. Farsighted management was an essential factor which helped in gainful endeavors. Norm setting was done in a way so that the 'challenge' always remained and this motivated workers to a greater degree.

All such questions were always hovering in the mind of manager who was deeply engaged in production in shop. Manager was constantly in touch with the progress being made in the job. This is practically not possible. Good communication system accepted by manager always fulfilled this requirement. In fact manger was most bothered person when communication fails. An effective communication was almost a guarantee for the success and effectiveness of a manager.

'In some situations, it will be apparent that management is oblivious to the need for communication. In other instances management may assume that communications are working but actually they are not. More elusive and more difficult to evaluate are the communication aspects; yes they are an integral part of the control system within organization. Reports written memoranda, notices, circulars, office orders, minutes of meetings are part of communication' was thought by Raju. There were subtle types of communication equally important. Informal conversation became many times more effective than written words. 'Wordless action, questions, feedback and lack of communication are also part of the network. If a new system or procedure is introduced without explanation, employees are likely to interpret the action according to own frames of reference of points of view' thought Raju within himself. The executive faces many situations without communications and takes his decisions on misinterpreted communication.

The cases of mould drying cranes and the hydro blast were two typical cases where great organizing skills were required by the leadership to overcome the repetitive and recurring situation in maintenance with limited responses. This was another type of situation which occurred in all production units big or small. The manager acted as strong control centre for the organization and in order to involve all flexibility in decision making was allowed. This only suggested the complex role of manager in a process industry.

'Practicing managers and students may appreciate the real work situation where all forces act simultaneously and the team is kept intact all the time for getting a time bound result. The analysis of the case by considering all aspects of managing keeping also into consideration human factor provides an interesting study in leadership as well as organization. Many questions in organization structure, leadership aspect may remain unanswered. But this is precisely the reason why management studies remain subject of constant interest, was considered opinion of Raju in his long working experience.

Communication network within an organization was important as nerves in human body. What was happening in a particular section of the department? What decisions were taken in the coordination meeting? How the decisions have been implemented? How workmen and executives were reacting to the new changes brought in? Why the productivity was not picking up? What was the progress on the breakdown jobs? How many have reported for duty on today's band day? What safety measures were taken as per factory rules?

Raju also knew, 'Organization depends on leadership and the best leadership cannot have any impact in want of an organization. Leadership is meant for people placed in the organization who have knit this trough their placement with varying responsibilities and powers to act'. 'In this organization under discussion are not only the line and staff relationships, but also informal organization versus decentralization, delegation of authorities and responsibilities, democratic leadership versus autocratic and other aspects of organization and leadership, was extended thought of Raju. A manager as a leader constantly kept on pursuing all these factors in an organization. He set up things with his own assumptions, implemented them and went on modifying gradually with the changing situation. This was how as practicing manager Raju remained a dynamic manager and influenced people to achievement the rated capacity in less than two years. The shop produced 210 moulds and 300 bottom plates in the financial year closing month of March and broke the myth that capacity achievement was impossible. His achievement was recognized by CEO on first day of new financial year by offering a bouquet of flowers on the shop floor when raju felt highly satisfied. Thus the behavior and well thought actions of leader motivated his subordinates within the organization and he moved on.

The leadership became most critical in IMF when a new method was adopted and developing structures of the organization started from day one of taking up the responsibility. The manager had to influence the behavior pattern of his people to ensure development of new method and this required strong leadership quality with knowledge, skill and positive attitude. People were forced to follow new order by creating challenging situations within the set organization. In a working plant this type of situations were created to break the monotony as well as to give opportunity to working people to experiment with new ideas. The parental aspect of leadership became prominent combined with adult behavior of subordinates. Unrest did appear from time to time. One should also remember that total absence of such conflicts may end up in a dead organization. Human beings can't remain calm for all the time when working in groups where clash of interest, aspirations, desires, demands were very common features. Therefore, industry/company must undergo such experiments of changing managers capable of accepting challenging jobs.

Leadership and implementation of this in organization functions is necessary to ensure control in working of an enterprise. These also are needed to carry out the plan and strategy. These two are closely related to other functions that its analysis first may not be acceptable to marry. In practice these functions work in continuity and appear depending on the situation. Leadership helps in organizing and organization is providing ground to leadership to grow. Control and communication are also related to organization. Leadership style varies and depends on the size and shape of the organization. Similarly organization demands many a time a particular type of leadership and after a lapse of time the type of leadership may need change for further development.

The dynamic nature of organization always demands dynamic leadership. Both get lost in stagnation, and, organization becomes inactive. Leadership survives and thrives upon action plans which are to be formulation for a particular organization and are to be implemented in the same place. This situation further established close relationship between leadership and organization. This inter-relationship is to be understood well by students and all practicing managers. The survival of the cases of shift coordination and incentive are two, which could not be implemented without good communication. The effectiveness of shift coordination meetings is dependent on how good communicator is the manager. Incentive schemes if not communicated and explained carefully may pose only prolonged disturbances. Only written scheme may not be enough, put proper explanation to workers becomes equally important. Analyzing in details may show the effectiveness as well as shortcomings in communication process. The case reveals situation having a far reaching impact on the organization. This is why adequacy of the system, appropriateness and its role in carrying out the plan and strategy is important aspect in communication. This should also be suitable for the leadership and the organization.

It is necessary to measure the performance of any organization to ensure fulfillment of the objectives set or to see that places as formulated also get implemented. It is also desirable to have a feedback system to make desired corrections in between to overcome constraints or new problems arising in the process of fulfilling objectives/goals. This is known as the control system in any organization and is deeply connected with the communication system. In fact an effective communication giving the realistic data as operational working in a shop works as a control system or at least this could be a good starting point.

It was subsequently observed that demoralized group never thought in terms of reaching rated capacity and concluded that the designers were at fault (reasons for this could be imagined in unlimited terms). The changed management started by saying that it is wrong to challenge the designer as he also includes operational factor of safety in all designs and provides cushion for several unknown circumstances. All efforts should be made to reach rated capacity and it was always possible. One has to approach to situation with confidence to reach the target solving problems without delays and sincerely. This happened and shop achieved rated output level in a short period of 15 months.

One measure introduced was adherence to quality parameters without relaxation. Quality Circles were formed in areas of Sand Plant, Molding. Pouring, Finishing, Dispatch, Planning, Maintenance and Services. This was a method to involve workers and supervisors in continuous improvement in all areas of operations. They also made suggestions for introducing modifications and changes at moderate cost and prompt implementation with economical use of inputs, spares etc. Managers used to compete in cost cuts and faster implementation as they could witness the changes mainly due to their efforts and shop was humming with activities. Breakdowns reduced and maintenance needs declined and shop was always full of finished products. A feat never achieved in the past and appreciation was given to actual performance with recognition at year end in writing and token money.

Quality played important role in changing attitude of people towards job performance and same could be heard in social circles (regular feedbacks were available from neighboring shop).

Once the decision has been made, the managers must size up situation to ensure that vital information has not been overlooked. The potential impact on output of the organization should remain and implementation of decision should be drawn up. Many a times a manager may find the changing variables returning the problem for another decision and the diagnostic procedure is to be repeated.

Strategies depended on available resources and were controlled by executives. Planning suggests how to carry out strategy for the best of results and issues involved could be: Low attendance in a shift needing shift – manager to ram three moulds first and pour more number of closed moulds. In other situation to overcome shortage of tackles may demand from him to make more bottom plates to use manpower optimally. But in a normal day both moulds and bottom plates would get equal priority. Thus manpower deployment strategy depended on the plan for the shift. Any rigid instruction to shift manager was bound to induce inflexibility and loss of production. Shift planning could be left to shift manager after working out targets for each day drawn out from monthly target. This could itself prove to be a useful strategy in any production shop for maintaining a good rate of production and even mediocre managers was found performing well.