
Survival exercise 4

Does this guy think through his b*tt hole?' Blake was considering giving him a proper beating, but luckily for Ansgar, Luciano gave him a glare that made him shut up and listen.

"First, let's talk about the rules of the forest. Don't make unnecessary sounds. Leave immediately after you kill a beast because the smell of blood might attract other beasts to the areas..." Blake took his time to explain the does and don'ts of the forest before he emphasized the last part.

"If you see a prey know that there is a chance that another predator is around and also remember that the members of its pack might also be around so be careful."

Blake went on setting ground rules. The team had no leader and no one could boss each other around, meaning everything a person does is by their will. The spoils were agreed to be shared based on how much damage one inflicted on the beast, which meant if he was to kill a monster, he was to keep all the spoils.