
My soulmate is not my chosen mate

[Mature content] Lenea is the daughter of the Beta and want to explore the world and go to New York to study music, but knows its a dream that she cant fulfill. She has a duty to her pack and family. She doesn't want a mate who are chosen for her. She want to get the choice herself. To choose herself. But what happens if she follows her heart instead of her forced choice. If she chooses her own mate and not the one chosen for her.

Katarina_Stories · Fantasia
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6 Chs

Chapter one

First I would like say thank you for choosing my story!

secondly I want to inform that english isn't my first language so errors may occur. Hope you still will enjoy the story!

Thank you and feel free to ask questions!


My name is Lenea. Lenea Storm, but I go as Lea or Lee. I am a Betas daughter. My father is the beta of the Silver moon pack the biggest pack in the north. My brother is the next in line to become the beta, and  there is not much to tell. I am 18 years of age and waiting on my mate who hasn't come yet. I don't want a mate and never has. I don't want someone, who is chosen for me by the Moon Goodness, but I know, that I don't have a choice. It's how it is. How it has always been. A soul mate as they call it. I know, that my father loves my mother, and my bother loves his mate, but I don't like the fact, that I don't have a choice.

I know everything can change tonight. The Alpha of my pack is holding a ball for unmated sons of Alphas, Betas and Deltas as well as the Alphas, Betas and Deltas that still are looking for a mate. Unmated women of all kinds over 18 are expected to be there as well. Am I looking forward to the ball? No, I don't like being in the spotlight and never has. And as an unmated Betas daughter I have to be at the ball, I don't have a choice. My brother found his mate at the ball two years ago. It was his first ball and as my father says, "You only needed one shot as I did". My father is expecting a lot of me, especially when he know, that I don't want to attend the stupid ball and find my mate.

"Lea, are you almost done?", my mom calls from down the stairs, "Yes", I say back. I take one last look in the mirror. I have a long dark purple lace dress one with a heart neckline and it's off the shoulder. My long blond hair is curled, half up, half down with small pieces to frame my face. I have make up on which I never has, but it makes my green eyes pop. Normally I don't dress up. I never wear high heels. I like comfy clothing which doesn't show of my curves. I don't feel comfortable in clothes where you can see everything, but I had a duty even though I hated it.

My family lived in a house close to the pack house. Normally a Beta lives in the pack house, but my dad chose to live in a house closer to town and the boarder. I never have asked why, but I am happy, that I never had lived in the pack house with so many people. Therefore we had a little drive to get to the pack house or I had. My family wasn't going with me as the ball only was for unmated wolves. My mom almost cried when she saw me coming down the stairs. "you look beautiful", she said. My dad was also happy about it. "You are going to find your mate, I know it", he said. I just smiled. I hated, that I needed to find him. I wanted to go to New York and study music, but instead I had to live as the next commander for the Luna If I mated a Beta. That wasn't even certain. Maybe it was a Delta or a warrior. They sometimes got to be at the ball too, if their Alpha had ordered them to. Someone had to protect all the Alphas, who was attending. I had never actually been to the pack house. Every time my family had to attend I had come up with an excuse. "Miss Storm, we are here", the driver says. "Thank you, Fredrick", I say with smile on my face. He opens the car door and I walk out in the cold winter weather. There is snow on the grass, but not on the stones which I am standing on. Slowly I being walking up the stairs which are very slippery and when I am halfway I lose balance and almost fall, but someone catches me. "Miss, be careful", a soft voice says. I look up and find blue eyes stairs back down on me. He helps me get my balance back and smiles. "I am Dallas from the Blood moon pack", he says and gives me his hand, "Lenea from the silver moon pack ", I say and takes his hand. He smiles at me, "So you are from here?", he ask and I nod, "But never been in the pack house, actually", I say. He smiles again. Something about him smiling at me makes butterflies fly around in my stomach. I am blushing. He is not your mate, Lee. Stop what you are doing. Accalia, my wolf says. "Let me help you inside. You are frizzing ", Dallas says and I smile, "Well, thank you", he smiles.

When I get inside with Dallas, he stops holding my hand and takes it up to his mouth and kisses it. "Well, Lenea. You may have a nice ball. ", he says slowly and I nod at him, "And you too, Dallas. May we meet again someday", I say. He smiles at me, "I hope so", he says and then leaves me. The pack house is really big. Much bigger than I thought. I follow the mass of people leading into the ballroom.


Not sure how long chapters usually are, but I thought this was a good length for my first chapter  And a good introduction to our main character Lenea. 

I really hope, that you liked it! It's exciting where this story is going!