
My soul belong to him

[Mature content ] "What's wrong, Dad?" I asked. Dad lowered his head and took a deep breath. "Baby, do you truly want to be with him?" Dad asked me sadly. "I'm alright, Dad," I said, placing my hand on his shoulder, "and I promise I will be fine." "You don't have to be worried anymore since I've already found a solution." Dad gasped, "What?" I don't want to keep anything from him anymore, so I say, "Yes, dad." I handed the book to him. "Look at this book, Dad. Now, I think we will be able to find it. What was that strange creature, and what did it want? "I spoke up. Dad checked it before turning to face me. "Erin, I know what it wants," Dad said. What! I was taken aback and asked, "Dad, what are you saying?" Dad responded, "That devil sends his creature to take you." I narrowed my eyes, 'which meant he knew everything.' "He wants you, Erin," he said, his eyes welling up with tears. "I read a lot of books but couldn't figure out what was going on. As a result, I've always told you not to use your power. But I understand that it's not easy for you, "Dad said. I knelt down next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. "Dad, have faith in God. He'll help your child. And, as you can see, I never took out this amulet."

Rao_01 · Fantasia
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4 Chs

I need to face her

"I was, but now I have to go to her class, "I explained as I walked away.

As I approached the classroom, I noticed that the class had already begun. Arina fixed her gaze on mine, and I smiled.

"Wait, bro," Kenneth said. "Hello, Ms. Arina," Kenneth remarked, after taking a long breath.

Kenneth and I exchanged glances. We thought we had 5 minutes, but the lesson had already begun. We exchanged friendly smiles. Arina approached us slowly and asked, "Hello, boys, do you need anything?" Or have you lost your way? "

I'm sure she's aware that we missed her class, which is why she's taunting us now. "I-I," I was about to say, but Kenneth interrupted me with, "Sorry, Ms., Zoe was a bit unwell and I was with him in the hospital."

"I drew in a deep breath and glanced at Kenneth."

This boy is going to kill me right now. "You should have told me before, Zoe," Arina replied, looking at me. "Please come in." I nodded and smiled.

It's a good thing she didn't ask any questions. I sat in the first row, and Kenneth sat in the second. Then Arina began her lecture. I only saw her the entire time; how she talks, how she looks at us, how she moves her hand, everything.

"Right, Zoe?" asked Arina abruptly.

I widened my eyes at first, then swiftly nodded my head. "You are right," I agreed. Arina smiled at me as she stroked her pen with her lip. "OK, that's it," she murmured as she shifted her gaze away from me. "The class is done."

I was staring at Arina's behind as she left the room. Kenneth slammed his fist on my back and yelled, "Dude, what are you looking for? Go talk to her." "Yeah, yes," I said as I sprung from my desk and dashed towards her.

Rose approached him and said, "Kenneth." "Kenneth, where is Zoe going?" I asked. Kenneth said, "He finds his true love. So he is running to her". I scowled and asked, "What exactly are you talking about?" "Rose, I think it's a lengthy story. Later, Zoe will tell you everything. "He left the room, as he stated.

Rose's Aside.

Zoe? Is he dating someone now?

I gripped my hand tightly. Why does it bother me if he falls in love with someone?

I was the one who ended our relationship initially. As a result, it's only normal for him to move on. I took a glance at my phone. John hasn't called me since yesterday. Where have you gone, John? Did I really make a mistake choosing you? I tried calling John's phone again, but it was disconnected.

I shouted her name, "Ms. Arina, please wait!" It's fine with me if I don't call you Ms. I just want to call you, Arina. She came to a halt when she heard me and turned around to face me. "Do you need anything, Zoe?" she asked. I gasped for air as I nodded. Arina, I want to tell you everything.

I was about to say, "Ari—," but I paused and glanced at her. "I'm here," she responded with a smile, "just take a breath first." I gave a small nod. Thank God, she didn't hear what I said clearly.

I mumbled, "Ms-Ms.""Why are you calling me Ms. now?" Arina asked. I peered down with widening eyes. So she was aware of what I said. It's quite embarrassing.

"I apologize, Ms. Arina," I said.

I was startled when I heard her giggle. I locked my gaze on her. She is actually an angel who has landed on Earth by accident. My heart just stops a beat as I see her.

"We're now outside, Zoe. You may call me Arina if you like. "'All of a sudden, Arina remarked. I widened my eyes as I heard her. She had somehow figured out what was going on in my head. "O-kay," I answered with a nod.

"All right," she responded, "then call my name." "Now?" I asked. She gave a gentle nod. I stammered, "a-arina." She gave me a soft smile and asked, "Do you want to tell me something?"

I cast a downward glance.

Zoe's Aside.

I have a lot to ask you, Arina. I have a lot to say to you. But I'm not sure where to begin or where to stop.

"Zoe," she said sweetly, interrupting my thoughts. I took a long breath and stared at her. I have no choice but to tell you everything.

"Can we meet at noon?" I asked Arina.

Arina narrowed her eyes and pondered something. She answered after a minute, "No, it's not at noon. What about in the evening, Zoe? " "In the evening?" I asked.

Why in the evening?

"Yes, then we can have dinner together as well," remarked Arina. Yes, she is right, but the problem is with me, my mind, and my heart.

"What's the matter, Zoe? Did you forget what you said when we first met? "Arina asked.

To be honest, I don't recall because I talked about it so much. "I recalled everything, Arina," I said, "but which one exactly, I can't grasp."

Arina remarked, "You told me you'd show me around." "Oh, yes, I do remember that. Sorry for the delay, I was a little busy, "I smiled as I said it. She remarked with a smile, staring into my eyes.

"Will you be busy today as well?" she asked. I'm not sure what happened to me all of a sudden. As I already stated, "I won't, Arina. I'll see you in the evening. " "Then bye, Zoe," she murmured with a gentle smirk.

I smiled at her. She shifted her gaze away from me in such a sexy way. I took a deep breath and gently exhaled.

I smiled as I turned around to walk again. I was walking and thinking about her when Rose appeared. "Zoe," Rose said. "Yes," I said, as I stared at her.

Rose said, "What were you talking about with her?" I answered, "Oh, that's nothing." "Nothing? But aren't you guys getting together in the evening? ", Rose asked.

I made an attempt to grin. As a result, Rose hears us.

With a smile on my face, I answered, "Yes, indeed. She had truly asked me. So I didn't say no to her. "

"It's not good, Zoe. You understand what I'm talking about. If anyone hears that, it will spread negative rumors about you and Ms. Arina, "Rose said. I turned to face her and replied, "It's not like that, Rose. Because I missed a lot of her lectures, she is attempting to help me.

Rose remained silent and gazed downward. "Rose, is everything all right?" I asked. She nodded and attempted to smile. "I'm OK, Zoe," she said. "What's up with John? Are you guys all right? "I asked. Rose pursed her lips together. She hesitated to say anything. "Rose," I said, as I grasped her arm in mine. "Take a look at me. 'Are you all right?' I asked. She instantly hugged me and began crying.

I patted her on the back and said, "Rose." "Please tell me. Why are you so upset? Is everything fine? "I asked. Rose brushed her tears away and let go of her hold. "I'm not sure why John isn't answering my phone," Rose replied.

"what? Is he all right? Have you visited him at his house? "I inquired about it. Rose answered, "No," with a nod, "I was enraged." That's why I didn't bother going to see him. I think he has found someone. "

"What exactly are you saying, Rose? Perhaps he is busy, or perhaps something has happened to him. You should have visited him at his home. You're aware that his parents live outside of town, "I stated.

Rose's aside.

Maybe you are right. But why does my heart tell me he's seeing someone else?

"Rose," I murmured, "let's go to his place." "However, I am nervous about going there. If he's with someone else, I can't tolerate that, "Rose said. "Stop it, rose. He is faithful to you. He won't do anything like that with you, "I said.

"Let's go," I said as I grabbed her arms and walked to my car.

Someone was keeping an eye on Zoe and Rose at the same time. It gently disappeared behind a tree.

On the other hand,

A boy is lying on the ground in the forest. Except for a pant, he wore no shirt. His eyes were covered with a filthy cloth, and his hands were bound together by a rope. That boy yelled, "Can anyone hear me? Please let me go. I had no idea what was going on. I swear I didn't see anything "..

After a while, his sounds came to him. He was only aware of his own echo. He was startled to hear a low voice calling his name. "John..." he thought as he heard his name. He tried to figure out who was calling him.

to be continued..