
Chapter 12 Apologize on Your Knees!_1

"The contract doesn't contain any traps; it's okay to sign!"

Liu Xin carefully reviewed the contract from beginning to end, and only after confirming there were no issues, did she speak to her daughter, Jiang Meng.

Jiang Meng nodded and then signed her name on the contract.

Jiang Tian indeed hadn't tampered with the contract, for he knew he couldn't deceive Liu Xin.

It would have been too obvious to manipulate anything here.

"So, Jiang Meng, now you can return to the company with us, right?"

Jiang Tian looked at Jiang Meng and said, "You also know that Jiang Corporation was single-handedly established by your grandfather.

You wouldn't want to see it go bankrupt, would you?

This time, you must help."

Jiang Meng opened her mouth as if to speak, but she was interrupted by Xiao Chen.

The girl was too kind-hearted, and thinking of Old Master Jiang would surely soften her resolve.

But Xiao Chen wouldn't relent.

He said coldly, "Jiang Tian, the contract has been signed, so there's no need for these sentimental words.

There are three things you still need to do:

First, apologize to my mother-in-law and wife for what you've done in the past;

Second, vacate our villa as soon as possible;

Third, prepare a press conference and a welcome banquet. My wife should return in a dignified manner, openly and clearly, so that no one misunderstands."

Once these are done, the matter will be settled."

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Liu Xin and Jiang Meng suddenly became tense.

Would Jiang Tian accept such conditions?

"Xiao Chen, that's enough. Don't forget, you're nothing but the Jiang Family's son-in-law.

You have no right to make these decisions."

The voice of Jiang Tian was somewhat icy.

He could reluctantly accept the latter conditions.

But apologize to these two women?

He honestly couldn't bring himself to do it.

"He is the only man in our family, so how is he unqualified!"

Liu Xin mustered her courage and said, "From now on, Xiao Chen is the head of our family."

Having a man in the house felt completely different.

Women have an innate vulnerability, even strong women like Liu Xin.

She too wished for someone to protect her.

Jiang Tian's face turned unsightly; he couldn't step down from this.

He gave Jiang Dong a look.

Jiang Dong frowned, stepping forward unwillingly, and said, "Third aunt, little sister, I was wrong in the past.

I shouldn't have targeted you.

I was blinded by stupidity. Please, let bygones be bygones, and don't hold grudges.

After all, we are family."

His words seemed to remind Liu Xin and Jiang Meng that Xiao Chen was an outsider.

Xiao Chen said coldly, "Kneel and say it!"

Kneel down!

Jiang Dong could hardly bear it!

"Don't go too far!" he roared.

"I'm going too far?" Xiao Chen sneered. "When we needed money for Mengmeng's treatment, you made my mother-in-law kneel before you.

But it was just to humiliate her, and in the end, you didn't treat Mengmeng.

Now, is it too much to ask you to kneel?

At least, we're not as shameless and untrustworthy as you are.

Kneel down!"

A chilling presence swept over Jiang Dong, who, startled, immediately fell to his knees with a thud on the ground.

Too terrifying.

Who exactly was Xiao Chen? That aura, almost as if it could suffocate a person.

"I, I was wrong!"

Jiang Dong stammered out his apologies.

Jiang Tian's face darkened like the bottom of a pot as he watched his own son kneel on the ground apologizing.

He truly felt murderous.

"Is that enough?"

Jiang Tian said coldly.

"He's apologized, but you haven't yet!"

Xiao Chen looked at Jiang Tian and said, "I have given you enough face, just by having you apologize here.

If you refuse, I'll make you kneel and apologize at the press conference!"

Jiang Tian's head buzzed.

If he had to apologize in front of everyone, then he'd truly have no face left to show.

He gritted his teeth and said to Jiang Meng, "Mengmeng, I am your uncle, you know."

"You don't need to seek sympathy. My mother-in-law is also an elder. How did you and Jiang Dong treat her back then?

No need for me to say more, right?

You don't want to kneel and apologize, that's fine; you can leave. Whatever happens at the press conference,

I won't be responsible."

Xiao Chen said coldly.

"Who exactly are you!"

Jiang Tian looked at Xiao Chen. He was no fool and had already begun to suspect that Xiao Chen's background information might be fake.

Xiao Chen's identity was probably not ordinary.

"Who am I? I'm Jiang Meng's husband!"

Xiao Chen said indifferently.

"Fine! Very good! I apologize!"

In the end, Jiang Tian did kneel on the ground. In his eyes, he was like Han Xin, who could endure the humiliation of crawling between legs.

He believed he would surely accomplish great things like Han Xin someday.

Little did he know that in Xiao Chen's eyes, he was just a jumping clown.

"We'll move to the villa this afternoon. Make sure the place is clean beforehand.

If there are any people there, my way of sending them off might differ from yours."

Xiao Chen clenched his fist, creating a crackling sound.

"I've already knelt down. I'll naturally take care of the villa issue.

Jiang Dong, let's go."

Jiang Tian left with Jiang Dong and Old Master Jiang.

"That scared me to death!"

Jiang Meng gasped for air.

After all, she was still young and had never witnessed such a scene.

Not just her, even Liu Xin felt her heart pounding.

"Xiao Chen, doing this, could it have angered Jiang Tian?"

Liu Xin looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

People like him are capable of anything.

Jiang He's death had a lot to do with them.

"Don't worry, let's eat."

Xiao Chen smiled and said, "Mom, Mengmeng, from now on, remember.

We have a pillar in our home now, a man.

No one will dare to bully you again!"

"Are you sure you're just a fast car driver?"

Liu Xin asked this question once more.

"It seems not anymore, I haven't gone to work for two days now, the company has probably fired me."

Xiao Chen said with a smile.

"Never mind, if you won't tell, then don't. No matter who you are, given the way you treat our Mengmeng,

I accept you as my son-in-law," Liu Xin said.

"Thank you, Mom!"

Xiao Chen smiled.

The family of three happily started their meal together.

After the meal, Xiao Chen went to pack up.

Liu Xin pulled Jiang Meng aside and said, "Mengmeng, tell Mom, have you done 'it' or not?"

"Mom, what are you talking about! There's no such thing!"

Jiang Meng stomped her foot.

"Is it because he can't do it, or you can't do it?"

Liu Xin teased.

"Oh, none of that!"

Jiang Meng said irritably, "Mom, you said just a few days ago that you would never accept this son-in-law no matter what.

How come you're saying such things now?"

Liu Xin sighed and said, "When we mother and daughter were in our most difficult time, he showed up and helped both of us.

Just for that alone, I think this son-in-law is right. As for him being an intermittent violent maniac,

I don't believe it. He knows Hua Xian, what disease can't be cured?

Mengmeng, Xiao Chen is a good person; he probably doesn't touch you because he's afraid you're unwilling.

If you truly like him, you should take the initiative."

"Mom! You shouldn't be saying that!"

Jiang Meng blushed and turned to run away.

"This child, aye!"

Liu Xin shook her head. As someone with experience, she knew that finding a good husband was hard, and if you missed the opportunity, it was a genuine loss. She still hoped her daughter could grasp it.