
my sister who is a yandere

My older sister is very obsessed with her younger sister Who even always follows his sister, Until he installs a bug in his sister's room

Harmonii_Harmonii · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

excessive obsession

"So what if I stalk you? It's for my ototo-kun's safety, since you're still small, you wouldn't understand how twisted and evil human nature is, what if you get kidnapped by a bad woman, nee-chan will be heartbroken."

"Asaka nee-chan, I'm already in my second year of high school, I'm not a kid anymore, I have my own privacy, you can't interfere in my lifestyle."

"Ara ara~ the last time you won't say something like this, where's ototo-kun who when he was young would follow me around every day, having a runny nose, crying all the time about wanting to be forever with nee-chan, and will marry me when he older?"

"Urk, that... these two things can't go together, well, last time I was young, I don't really know what I'm saying, it was probably all bullshit right."

I awkwardly scratched my face while explaining. "But, nee-chan is taking it seriously~~

" Seeing nee-chan's extremely serious face, I know our arguing is pointless right now, but since she is my nee-chan, it's not good to rebuke her deeply.

for my stalking act, so I desperately took off my shoes, went to my room and closed the door, leaving Asaka nee-chan alone outside on the porch door.

"Last time ototo-kun won't be like this, he won't, he's a good boy who always listens to me, must... must be the slut who tricked ototo-kun."

whore, whore, whore, whore, whore, whore, whore, whore, whore, whore, whore, whore, whore, whore, whore, whore, whore, whore, whore..."

Eyes sunken and blank, Asaka grabbed a knife out of nowhere and thrust it into the photo lying on the ground in Miwa-san's image, muttering as she did, repeating it over and over, over and over. and again, stabbing continuously, the actual force caused the floor to crack open.

If Hiroto was present, he would be shocked and would definitely exclaim, this wasn't his gentle and perfect nee-chan

. After a long period of stabbing, the sweaty Asaka just sat immodestly on the floor, looking at the tattered photo.

As a result of his actions, the half that contained Miwa-san's picture completely disappeared, and only Hiroto was left inside. Seeing Hiroto's image in the photo, Asuka leaned forward to lick him. "Ototo-kun~~~"

Meanwhile, I don't know what nee-chan was doing outside, laying on the bed, I lazily scrolled through my phone when a call came in for me, with a list of unknown numbers.

"That's not someone who knows me?" I wanted to decline the call, but my hand slipped and as a result it magically hit the answer option. "Um, hello, is this Hiroto?" "You?" Hearing the female voice on the other side of the phone, I couldn't help but feel that it sounded familiar.

"I'm Miwa, do you still remember me Hiroto? I got your number from Yamazaki-kun."

"Ohh~ it's Miwa-san, um, is something wrong?" Hearing the weak and gentle voice on the phone, I had a clear image of Miwa-san being shy, so my tone subconsciously became softer.

"Um~ I will cherish the book you gave me today, and...you are free the day after tomorrow, I want to give you a present."

"Really, it's fine, you don't have to do this, I didn't do it expecting a reward or anything, it's just...."

"I know, Hiroto is so gentle and caring, it's just a gift, if Hiroto doesn't want it then I will be depressed."

When I was half trying to explain to Miwa-san, she interrupted me and when I listened to Miwa-san using the same excuse as I did before, it almost made me vomit blood, leaving me no choice but to agree.

"Eehh, alright then, the day after tomorrow I'll invite Miwa-san and Yamazaki-san to come over to my house to play, I'

"Mm, mm~ then Hiroto, I have urgent business to attend to here, so goodbye. See you the day after tomorrow." "See you the day after tomorrow." After hearing Miwa-san's light groans over the phone, I thought she wasn't feeling well, so I hung up without thinking further.

On the other hand, after ending the phone call, Miwa's face turned bright red, one hand was holding her cell phone, listening back to the previous conversation, while the other hand was performing an inexplicable action.

"Hiroto...Hiroto is so gentle, I really want Hiroto to hug me, Hiroto~ ~" Back to Hiroto's room.

I had just hung up the phone, and I felt my stomach growling, "gu~lu~", before remembering that it was the day before I ate anything.

I was so hungry that I began to suspect what was really going on with my life that I forgot to eat, and stood up to go to the kitchen looking for something to fill myself.

I suddenly sniffed a light scent wafting into my room, when I tried to identify what it was, it made my knees weak and my head dizzy, giving me blurred vision.

"Thump", I fell to the floor, and after hearing my bedroom door open, I tried to look up to see what was happening but passed out. "Gu, gu, gu~~"

When I woke up once again, I felt very nauseous, as if I hadn't slept for 10 days. Opening my eyes still gives me darkness, like something dark is covering my eyes, closing my eyes. My mouth was also gagged with some kind of cloth, so I could only make a 'guh' sound.

I wanted to use my right hand to remove my blindfold, but realized my body was too weak to do so, and also that my arms and legs were somehow tied to something.

My heart was pounding, thinking about what I saw on TV last night, the news saying that recently there was a robber who robbed the house and killed the victim, and the police warned vigilance against such acts.

This made me scared and anxious, because there was no sound from all around me... I suddenly thought of Asaka nee-chan, what were those robbers... I dared not think about what would happen to her next.

At that moment, I heard someone walk in front of me, "knock-a, knock-a", and after a few moments the person pulled the gauze from my mouth.

Not caring about my current predicament, I screamed in panic.

"Who are you...please don't hurt my nee-chan, if it's money you're looking for, it's in the second drawer of the living room television cabinet, just take it all and leave, we'll promise not to call the police, but please don't hurt Asaka nee-chan..." "Pfftt."

The person let out a cute giggling sound, that seemed very familiar to me somehow; after that, my blindfold was removed, and the sudden glare of light made me feel uncomfortable, causing myself to quickly close my eyelids, before slowly opening them. "Asaka nee-chan?"

But what I saw gave me a huge shock, my nee-chan Asaka was actually wearing nothing, and was happily smiling at me, with her entire being displayed without any form of protection - be it her pale glistening neck, bouncy voluptuous breasts, thighs. white plump... I reacted immediately, so I quickly closed my eyes.

"Ototo-kun why are you closing your eyes, look, your body is more honest, you can boldly look at me, nee-chan tied you up here not for you to feel embarrassed, and also just now you weren't embarrassed when my panties were in your mouth too~"

"Did... you tied me up here? Why? And just now the cloth that covered me was your underwear??? ?" I opened my eyes to see Asaka nee-chan holding pink panties, it even had my saliva on it

"That's right, it's because nee-chan loves ototo-kun too much~" After Asaka nee-chan noticed my gaze, she started to lick the spit flowing down her panties.

"Just because of that, you tied me up?" Seeing what nee-chan was doing right now made my senses shine so strongly, I had to use all my willpower to lower my concentration.

"Of course not, it's because today Hiroto lied to nee-chan for the sake of a prostitute, so nee-chan became unhappy, where has Hiroto who used to be a good boy go."

I realized that Asaka nee-chan didn't call me "ototo-kun" anymore, but my previous imagination of thinking that a robber had actually robbed our house made me feel very embarrassed.

"Heh, even though I was bound by Asaka nee-chan, but I'm worried about you, the me just now deserves to be ridiculed."

"No, Hiroto doesn't deserve to be teased, when danger comes, Hiroto still thinks of nee-chan, this kind of Hiroto I like the most, loveyou loveyou loveyou~" Asaka nee-chan started to daydream and scream, causing my ears to hurt from the noise.

"Asaka nee-chan, can you untie me, I promise I won't run away."

"No~ can~ doo~~ after untying Hiroto, Hiroto will definitely go find that prostitute and run away, after that I will be left alone, so Hiroto has to accompany me here forever, I will give birth to Hiroto's child, then the three of us will live a happy family together...

"That's impossible-...wuuuwuuUuuwuuu" Asaka nee-chan suddenly kissed me, her fragrant tongue easily exposed the last line of defense, my teeth, and she wrapped her tongue around mine...after a few minutes of french kiss, she leaned back, with a long line of saliva connecting both of our lips, making me desperately gasp for fresh air, however Asuka nee-chan had a slightly coy expression on her face.

"Anyway, that's the first one nee-chan~" My body was already weak earlier, and after this kiss, I couldn't even muster up the energy to speak. Asaka nee-chan gently caressed my cheek, and after a while.

"That's not enough~ then, ittadakimasuu~"

While standing to my left, Asaka nee-chan used her mouth to suck my ear, sometimes gently licking it with her tongue.

This triggers a kind of tickling sensation inside me, and even though it's very weak, I desperately try to shake my head left and right in an attempt to escape nee-chan's actions, but her tongue just keeps on licking me.

Too tired to shake my head left and right, I gave up and let Asaka nee-chan do what she did.

"Soo~ this is Hiroto's weak point huuh, soo cutee~ looks like I have to work harder to see more of cutie Hiroto~"

Asaka nee-chan started using her teeth to gently nibble my outer ear, while muttering incoherently.

Because he spoke while doing so, a long line of saliva dripped from my ear onto the floor and scattered, as if describing my life from now on.