
My Sister wants me Dead - I'm a Demon on a Path of Revenge!

After being held captive, being abused and experimented on for over a century by her foster family, the young demon Lily, finally escapes after killing the patriarch. Wounded she flees the place of her upbringing and returns to her homeworld, Tiadar. There she meets a Death Spirit who tags along on her flight but who has his own motivations for sticking to her. Death itself has a special interest in her. With this grotesque creature by her side that she grows weirdly attached to as their joined travel continues, Lily has to finish what she's begun. Her vengeful foster sister finally catches up to her and Lily has to confront her one more time. Both of them seek revenge for what the other has done to them. But who will gain it in the end?

Luise_6834 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 9 - Where Things get Serious!

Ryon walked up and down the length and width of the room, unable to be relax. How could he be, under these circumstances? Today was the day. The Day that marked Lily's end in this world, and probably the end of his own existence as he knew it. Lily was supposed to die today, and he didn't know how or when and… She's taking so long in there…, he thought. What if she already drowned?

Now, don't be silly. He reminded himself. She's still of demon blood after all. They don't die of drowning.

Still, he couldn't shake off the sensation of catastrophe looming over both of them. If Lily died, the king of the Realm Between would take him apart until only pieces of him would be left. If at all…, he thought, shuddering.

No. He had to protect Lily at all costs. He thought about how he could make her stay in this room all day… Maybe if he acted as if he was seriously sick, she would have to stay by his side to care for him. But he wasn't sure, that Lily cared enough about him to play along. She seemed to have a kind heart beneath her tough shell, but she was also very stubborn. He had learned that in a very short time. And if she said she didn't want to waste money, well, he wouldn't bet any of his possessions that she would stay and play nurse for him.

He had to think of something else.

At that point, Lily was finally done with her bath and reentered the room in a fresh dress that she must have had in her own personal void and magicked it into her hands. Now, that he came to think of it, the dress she had worn before must be torn and dirty by now. Even if no one noticed it yesterday in the dim light, now someone certainly would. So, she was right to have a fresh look upon her. And if he was honest, now that all the muck of her hasty flight and their days of wandering through the forest had come off, she was a pretty, young lady.

He also didn't notice that he was actually staring at her until she looked at him sideways.

„Is everything alright?", she asked with a lifted eyebrow.

„Ah… Yes", he mumbled embarrassed.

„I'm going to eat now. Are you coming or staying?", she asked, but before he could even answer she had already left the room and headed for the stairs.

He sighed in exasperation. Seems like I have no other choice than to use it, he thought. And with that he made himself invisible. Unseen and unheard, for his feet didn't need to touch the floor, he followed Lily downstairs. It neither mattered that he would have to pay the toll for that magic trick later nor how high the toll may be. If Lily survived this day, it was going to be worth it.


Lily sat down at a free table and signaled the bartender that she was ready to receive her breakfast now. He nodded at her and called the order into the kitchen without missing to add his „for the young lady" which still made her frown a little. While the order was prepared, she scanned the room as she always did, when she was somewhere new. At this time of the day there weren't many people about. Some townsfolk gulped down their meal presumably to be in time for work. At a further glance she could make out a few passed out people she had seen the evening before, heavily drinking.

Next to the door she spied some pale-skinned gentlemen who, she noticed then, kept glancing over to her. She would keep an eye on those guys.

When her stomach growled quietly, she turned her attention back to the counter. Only then did she see that there was another person sitting in front of the bartender. Had he been there before? How could she have missed to notice him? Well, the young man was sitting crouched over, showing her his back. Maybe her wits had just taken him for another drunk. And in truth, he didn't look to be anything else. The specks of skin she spotted were those of a young man, but very white. Almost as white as Ryon's, as if he wasn't seeing much sunlight. From his general built she reckoned him to be about sixteen, maybe seventeen years old, but his voice when he talked to the bartender was a husky one, almost as if it belonged to a much bigger body. She thought about that for a while, but before she could come to a conclusion, a maid with a face that looked somewhat dimlit, made her way towards Lily's table and set down a tray in front of her. „Breakfast for the young lady", she said tonelessly, then turned and shuffled back to the kitchen. Lily took a moment to look after her, but then shook her head and turned to her tray. Strange people…, she thought and dug into the warm bread and the creamy eggs the girl had served her. It was delicious. At least as good as the supper had been. But after a while she had the unnerving sensation that someone was staring at her. What…?, she began to wonder, then she heard a hushed voice.

„It's just me, darling."

„…Ryon?", she whispered in disbelieve. „Where are you?"

„Right next to you", came the quiet answer.

„I can't see you", Lily said.

„Of course you can't", Ryon said. „I'm invisible."

„Invisible?", Lily asked dumbfounded. „I didn't know you could do that."

„All Ookubi can", he replied, but then hesitated. „But we seldom use it because of the side-effects."

„What side-effects?", Lily asked.

„Well, for instance is it not fully predictable how long the invisibility lasts…", he began. „And also does it cost a lot of energy. It's possible that I won't be able to move for a while after this is done."

„…This? What do you mean by this? Why do have to take such risks just to be with me?", she asked, suddenly nervous. But she didn't hear his answer, for all of a sudden, she felt horribly queasy and she sensed an urgency to get out of the house to get some fresh air into her lungs. Without minding Ryon whatsoever she stood up and began towards the door. The air in the room felt very used and it felt like ages until she finally reached the door and stumbled out of the tavern. Air! A fresh wind brushed her cheeks, but it felt just right. She closed her eyes to calm her rapidly beating heart. Somewhere behind her she could other people step out into the morning sun, but she didn't associate them with herself. Not, until she heard heavy boots crushing the rocky soil right behind her. Only then did she open her eyes and turn around to see who's there. But as she turned, her vision didn't stop spinning. She could barely see straight ahead. She could only register that a man with a broad chest was standing in front of her and whose dark complexion ringed a bell in her, but she couldn't quite put her finger on where she had seen him before. Behind him she could see the men gathering, that she had seen sitting next to the door in the tavern and who she had already been wary of. Only that it were a lot more men now, then before. In fact, it were so many that they were able to surround her. Which they did. What…?, she thought, but then a crest swaying in front of her on the chest of the man in front caught her eye. A unicorn stabbed in the neck by its rider. The family crest of her so-called father Lord Duncan of Westershire. For a moment she was too confused to make the connection. Then it hit her. They followed me. They found me. How…, she thought. The man in front of her - Commander Nagra, she remembered, an indian soldier of leading rank among Lord Duncan's household guard - seemed to be able to read her mind. Or more likely, the confusion wrote clear messages on her face. The commander grinned. As did all of his subordinates.

„Who'd thought a Death Spirit would be that useful", he laughed.

The shock stunned her further. Could it be possible… Ryon? No!

Her expression changing from confusion to shock made him laugh even more.

„What a sight!", he called. „Now, lets add one more. How about… Despair?" He waved his hand and his men closed in on her. She looked around, but when she shifted into a defense stance her right knee couldn't support her weight and she fell to the ground. The men grabbed her arms and pulled her up again. „No!", she screamed. She fought against the strong grips of the soldiers but somehow all strength had left her limbs. „No! Let me go!", she cried out. „Ryon! Do something!" She looked about but he was nowhere to be seen. Of course… He's invisible…, she thought. And another angry voice hissed inside her very soul. How convenient. She wouldn't believe it. Couldn't… But where was he? Why wasn't he doing anything? „Ryon!", she screamed again. „Where are you? Say something!"

The commander regarded her petty fight with fake pity. „Looks like he abandoned you, girl. Can't blame him, can you? No one would like to keep you company. That's because you're a monster. A murderer. You belong in a prison cell. And we'll make sure you get there. Then you'll be of some use. Perhaps. At any rate, you'll be an amusement", he laughed about his own wit, then he signaled his men to take her to a prison carriage, parked just around the corner. „Oh, we will have so much fun together!"

„Ryon!", Lily screamed again, kicking fruitlessly at her assailants.

At first, nothing happened. Then, all of the sudden, the group of men came to a halt and Lily could feel a bony chest pressing against her back.

„Ryon!", Lily exclaimed in delight. „I knew you wouldn't…"

But when she turned, there was no Ookubi, not even an invisible one. Instead, for a second she thought she glimpsed a pale young man, but measured by the common confusion of the men, no one else seemed to see him, so she thought it must have been a production of her desperate mind.

What…, she thought, but before she could think any further, a husky voice whisked at her ear.

„You are more than that", the voice said.

Lily stiffened further. „Who…", she began.

„ ,Who' is not of importance. I'm here to help", the voice answered the unfinished question.

„… What about Ryon?", Lily asked without hope.

„Do not depend on the Ookubi." The voice had just confirmed her worst fear. But it continued:

„You are more than that. Where is your pride as a demon?"

The criticism in his hissing husk reminded her of something deep inside her very own soul… Something that resonated with his breath upon her ear. A heat… An anger… A wrath. And just like that, the power returned to her limbs. Only that it didn't just return, it rushed through her veins like a raging river, burning every ounce of weakness out of her flesh. Her hair turned white and the colour of eyes changed from sapphire to ruby. The men around her shouted but she paid them no heed as they scattered out of the way when black feathered wings began to sprout from her shoulder blades and horns like ebony grew from her temples. To top her impressive transformation, a screaming howl that soon became a roar rang from her throat, rising the wind around her and stirring up the dust and cobbles that surfaced the soil.

But that wasn't the end of it, hell no. It was merely the beginning of a demon losing its temper.

Sorry Ryon, this is happening ^-^'

Luise_6834creators' thoughts