
Running for life

"Adam POV"

I was walking back and forth, I didn't know what to do while my mate is unconscious. It was because of father, I know that he isn't at fault but I am behind furious, why did he mate with her? Sam is way better than her.

After the talk I had with the goddess I found out that the only way to bring my mate's back is by exchanging one life for another, but how am I suppose to do that? I am no murder!

When I was going to take a bath at home because Sam's father ordered me to I walked by the bedroom of my mate's sister and I looked inside, curious. What I saw made my heart shred, the girl was caressing her belly with a smile on her face and talking to my father.

"Finally! I am going to have Julian's kid. He said that he has the responsibility of taking care of you both because he got out of control after meeting that kid."

She smiled and I hid inside the next room, waiting that my father goes away. While I was there I tried to communicate with Sam, I knew exactly what to do, I just had to make sure that he doesn't find out.

After that, I heard a door open and close, so I waited until the sound of the steps disappeared and I got out of that bedroom and entered hers.

"Why did you..." she started to say but stopped when she saw me. Helen was confused. "Oh, Adam! What is it?"

"I am just going to say that your plan will fail!" I informed her and she covered her belly automatically "And they only will know when I run away."

"What are you talking about?" she asked, scared.

I didn't answer and walked to her, showing my fangs and claws, making her start to cry. "There is no use to cry. No one is going to come."

"Isn't everything alright?" she asked, walking away from me "I mean... You will have Sam just for you."

"You don't get it, do you?" I asked angrier, she was thinking of making Julian's her mate "If Julian breaks the mate's bond, Sam is going to die, stupid."

For a brief second, I saw a smile on her face, but then she changed to disinterested. "Is not my problem. Julian and I are married and mated now. And with a kid coming!"

"A kid?" I asked, smiling maliciously, right in front of her "I don't see any kid!"

My hands moved on their own while I was looking at her and stuck my claws on the belly, making her faint with loss of blood and pain.

"I exchange this life for my mate."

"And what else?" asked the goddess.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes while I speak.

"And I am going far away from here."

Right after that, I saw a light coming out of Helen's belly and I got away. I wanted to make sure that no one could see me so I run to the door but the smell of someone made me back away and jump from the window. Right after I landed, I heard a scream but I couldn't go back, my only wish is that Sam and the baby are alright.

I just want Julian to find out about our father's plan and don't freak out because of the baby.

"It wasn't your duty to choose!" the goddess said when I was out of the pack's land. "If your mate finds you, the deal is over."

"I know. I just hope that you hold your promise.

"Of course. They are well and just wake up."

I smiled, then my heart almost broke when I remembered again that I wasn't going to see my mate ever again. But I had to make sure that the deal isn't called off and Sam live a good life.

Before I got out of the woods, I turned into a human again and looked behind, crying, The feeling on my chest was killing me and didn't disappear, so I went back to left a letter at least.

When I got inside Julian's bedroom, with the letter already in my hand I heard him in the bathroom. After I left the letter on the bed, the person who screamed entered the bedroom in a hurry but I was quicker and I put my hand around his neck, dragging him to the bedroom and making him faint.

I got out of the house, I just wished that things could have been different, but destiny wasn't helping.

If I have to go away so that Sam can live, so be it. I just wanted him well. I am not going to see him anymore.

"Please be well, Adam!" I heard my mate's voice and I started to cry, I know that is disgraceful for an alpha to cry, but I just couldn't hold them anymore. It was painful for the both of us but it is for the best.

"I love you, Sam!" I said, smiling. "Farewell!"