
My Senpai in High School

I was empty inside for all this time.. My Mom told me She also felt the same way when she was born and that I would meet someone special one day. I felt pity for my Dad. Only wanting a Healthy Child. He gave me anything that he thought would make me feel something. But nothing worked.. I would even get picked on because I acted weird. I soon decided that I would act like the other children to make it stop. But I didn't when I met her.. I saw in the Office, She looked hurt when I saw her swing the Principle and that girl have playful time. I know what's going on. And I'll help her by getting rid of her problems... I'll do anything to be with her. No matter who's and how much blood I have to spill. SHE. WILL. BE. MINE. SHE. DOESN'T. HAVE. A. CHOICE.

Katty_Conde · Outros
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9 Chs

Going to sleep

*Tyler enters his room, only to see that his mom was there.* Tyler:"Hi Mom, what are you doing here?" Tyler's Mom:"I know that you found your, Senpai." Tyler: "And...?" Tyler's Mom, You've also killed some people haven't you?" Tyler:"So, I know about what we are and I know that I found her again.. " Tyler's Mom:"Well, I know you won't fail us nor break the curse." Tyler:"Why would I? I like her, I bet she lost her memories because of that bastard. I'll kill him last for that.." Tyler's Mom:"Good.. We don't want to lose the ones that bring light.. After all, that's why we must do everything for them.. EVEN IF IT MEANS SPILLING A LITTLE BLOOD..." *Giggles like a maniac* Tyler's Mom:"Get some rest.. After all,.. You will be killing a lot of people.." Tyler:"Night.." Tyler's Mom:"Goodnight.. Don't let the bed bugs bite!.." *Tyler and his mom both go to sleep in there own rooms and Tyler's Father comes home to sleep next to Tyler's Mom*

Sorry I haven't been posting. There has been a lot of storage needed but I got a new phone but it spends storage fast so I'm using it wisely.

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