
My OC Stash #7 - A Sociopath in this 'Wonderful' World! by H3ctic (KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World)

-Kazuma but he's irredeemably manipulative and we don't know if he's capable or even willing to change for the better. The story is great in concept and execution, my kind of fic~

Sypnosis: Kazuma was a sociopath. He knew it well, and had for a long time. His life ended too quick, so he takes his chance at another. With fewer rules, smaller penalties, and little reason to hide, I wonder what a sociopath can get up to in this new world? Let's find out, shall we? Rated M for sexual references

Rated: M

Words: 126K

Posted on: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13285825/1/A-Sociopath-in-this-Wonderful-World (H3ctic)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1

"Satou Kazuma-san, welcome to the after-life. Unfortunately, you have died. It may have been short, but your life is over."

Someone in this pure white room, that seemed to have neither an end, nor beginning, had started speaking to me.

The sudden change in my situation was rather startling.

I took notice of the words. I was dead, huh? When did- right. That fucktard who was flying down a country road, 30 over, slamming into me while I was on a fucking crosswalk. Zero out of ten, would not be hit again.

In this endless white room, there sat an office desk and chair, with the speaker sitting upon it.

If some type of God, existed, she was surely one.

She was beautiful. Stunning, really, but that isn't what led me to my conclusion. Just by looking at her, she gave off this… I'm not sure how to describe it. An aura, I suppose? Yeah, anyway, just looking towards her gave off this aura of Divinity (also something I can't really describe, sorry. Cut me some slack yeah? I literally just died). She had long, bright turquoise hair, and sapphire eyes set into a soft face. A (very) short navy dress, ending barely below her ass, covered a slim, but curvaceous body, one similar in age to my own. She had blue highlighted, white sleeves that somehow remained on her arms, despite no visible connection to the shoulder-less dress, and navy, soft-soled boots that extended up past her knees, with white socks passing up further to mid-thigh. Her outfitted was completed with a translucent pink scarf that seemed to hover above her pale shoulders.

"I'm dead then," She blinked her gorgeous sapphire eyes at me as I finally answered her, "So what happens now? 'Cos this place seems way too nice to be hell,"

"Hell? No, this isn't Hell. More like Limbo. And besides, you wouldn't be sent to Hell. You haven't done anything super evil in your life. Maybe not super good, and I'm pretty sure that being a shut-in NEET like yourself isn't really liked by your primitive society, but nothing evil," She casually responded.

Is this bitch really shit-talking me right after I died?

"Here is where you get to decide your fate after death. You can be reborn, your memories and experiences erased from your mind, basically going back to square one, or you can go to Heaven. Though, to be honest, Heaven isn't the utopia you little humans imagine it to be. There's nothing there. No manga, no games, no nothing. You don't even have a physical body so you can't have any fun either," The way she said 'fun' left little confusion as to what she meant by it, "All you can do is bask in the sun with your predecessors and chat. Forever,"

That sounds like hell. For someone with the attention span of a goldfish- well, more like an ADHD goldfish- having no entertainment for all eternity would literally make me want to kill myself, but I wouldn't be able to do that either. No physical body, remember?

Fuck. That.

"Yeah, it's pretty bad," she said with a grin.

I said that out-loud, did I?

"But you don't wanna restart everything as just a baby either, do you? You don't wanna lose everything and go from scratch, so how about a third option?"

So she definitely wants me to choose option C, whatever it may be, considering how much she's putting-down the other two. But why? Why is it that she wants me to go for this tertiary option? I'll have to see what she proposes I guess.

And also- Note to self, this Goddess Aqua cannot do subtle, good to know. That, or she is exceptional at faking being bad at being subtle, though I'm leaning towards just plain bad. When you hear hoof beats, think horses, not unicorns. Occarm's Razor, lead the way. But again, I'll have to wait to find out.

And yeah, I'm a very suspicious person. As Murphy's Law says, 'Anything that could go wrong, will go wrong. I live with a mentality along the lines of 'Hope for the best, expect (and, as such, prepare for) the worst' (well, more like 'Hope for better').

"And that would be?" I answer, after a short pause.

"Do you… like games?" she says with a grin

With that, she delved into her explanation. The gist of which is this; in an alternate world, there exists a Demon King. The Demon King and his army attacked, and the world was thrown into chaos.

Magic and monsters exist in the alternate world.

So it's basically the same world as nearly every fantasy light novel ever made or conceived. Sounds pretty cliché to me, but whatever.

"The people who died in that world were killed by the demon king army, and were very afraid, saying they don't want to die like that again. So, almost all the people who died rejected reincarnating into that world. That world would end if this continued, since babies would cease to be born there. Hence, it could be solved by sending the dead from other worlds over, right?"

That sounds like a pretty shit immigration policy. Also, I see a contradiction here. People have two options; go to Heaven, or Reincarnate, and since I'm sure not everyone chose reincarnation, that means we should have a decreasing population. She said that because no-one is reincarnating, they're running out of souls, which means souls are finite. So how is the population increasing? Stupid Goddess. Giving me contradictory information.

"And since we're sending people over, we should find people who died young and still yearn to live, sending them over with their original body and memories. It would be meaningless if they died immediately after going over, so we will grant a privilege to all those who are going to that other world, allowing them to take one thing they like to that world. It could be a powerful ability, an exceptional talent or god level weapons… What do you think? It might be another world, but you can live once more. For the people of that world, someone would appear who could fight immediately. How about it? Isn't this great news?"

She said 'That other world,' which means there's more than one. Cool to know.

The prospect of traveling to a parallel world was certainly a good one. Seems like it would be lots of fun. I'd have to be careful. The hazards are much bigger, and there won't be safety nets like what we've got on Earth. If I get injured in any major way, I might just be fucked. But, magic, so who knows.

"I have a question," I start, "Will I be able to speak the language of this world?"

It'd suck pretty hard if I couldn't.

"This isn't a problem," She begins, "With the gentle aid of the gods; you will have the language directly in your brain the moment you head over to the other world. You will even be able to read! But there is a side effect; your brain might be wiped blank if you are unlucky and you'll just go 'Poof'… And so, all you need to do is to choose a powerful ability or weapon."

Wait, "What do you mean; 'Poof'?" I asked

"I didn't say that,"

"Yes you did,"

She ignored me and instead pulled what looked to be a catalogue out from behind the desk.

"I can grant you one and only one power that would match any person. It could be a powerful unique ability, or a legendary weapon. Come, it can be anything. You have the privilege to bring this one thing to the other world. Now, brave hero, make your choice!" She declares as she tosses the catalogue into the air, pages scattering.

"Hey, hurry up. It doesn't matter which one you choose. I have no expectations of a shut-in NEET like you, so can you just pick one and be on your way? Anything will do, so hurry up!"


I had been looking through what was available here, and all of them were completely, nearly game-breakingly Over-Powered.

I responded with a flat face, and equally flat tone, "I died outside. I don't think I can qualify as a shut-in… and hey, can I take stuff from Earth to the other world?"

"No," she answered, while munching some potato chips with a bored look on her face "You can only select from what's in this room,"

Only from this room? I guess that's fair, especially if it meant you could just ask for a nuke or something if there was no restrictions.

"It doesn't matter, just hurry up and choose! There are still many dead souls still waiting in line!"

Anything from this room.

Well, there's an idea.

She's a God, so she should be plenty powerful, right? And she did want me to choose quickly.

I couldn't help the vicious smirk that came upon my face as I rose to my feet.

"Ok… I choose you." I say as I point towards her.

Aqua looked at me surprised, still eating her snacks.

"Alright, please don't move from the centre of the magic cir-" She suddenly stopped, "…What did you just say?"

"Satou Kazuma-san," A new voice. I turned and looked up to see a woman with wings sprouting from her back. An angel? "We have heard your request, and as it is within the rules, it shall be granted. I will be taking over Aqua-sama's position from now on,"

Under my feet (and Aqua's), large magic circles appeared. Yeah, they were pretty cliché too. Lots of spirally and geometrical patterns, glowing, the whole nine yards. New world's up next I guess.

"Wait, huh, what is happening? Hey, you can't be serious, right? No, wait; hold on, this can't be right! Isn't it cheating to bring a goddess along? This shouldn't count! Wait! Please wait, okay?"

Aqua started panicking, tears in the corners of her eyes. She looked pathetic.

The angel spoke while facing Aqua: "Bon voyage, Aqua-sama. Pleases leave the rest to me. We will send envoys to welcome you back as soon as the Demon King is defeated. Until your return, I will handle all your tasks,"

"Wait! Wait! As a goddess, I possess healing powers, not combat abilities!" Aqua began, desperation clear in her voice, "It is impossible for me to defeat the Demon King!"

She's a healer? Cool. Hopefully death will have to try a tad bit harder if it wants to take me when I've got her on my six.

The angel ignored her as she fell to the floor in a heap, instead turning to me and offering a smile, "Satou Kazuma-san, you will now be transported to the other world and become one of the candidate heroes to defeat the Demon King. Should you be the one to defeat him, you will be given a gift, one befitting a world saviour… You will be granted a wish, and with it, all your desires may be made true,"

Oh? A wish? The stupid Goddess never bothered to tell me about that. If I'd known about the wish, I would have accepted without a second thought. I mean, c'mon; what wouldn't you do for everything you ever wanted and ever could want?

"Hey! I was meant to say that cool line!" Aqua yelled.

Really? She's being taken from her place of comfort to a dangerous world where she will be forced to fight the most powerful threat it has ever seen, and she's complaining about her line being taken? My god is she petty.

I decided to play along with Aqua's NEET shut-in perception of me, make it easier for my future self to 'convince' her to do all the work.

"So how does it feel to be companions with a man you look down on? Hey, you are the 'thing' chosen by me to be brought along. Since you're a goddess, use your godly powers to make my adventure a breeze!" I yelled out with an evil grin.

I understand that this seems to be rather counter-intuitive to getting her help, but going from bad to good builds a lot of trust and affection. The human (animals too!) brain's weird like that; you'll like someone more if they treat you poorly in small amounts, which is why people stay in toxic relationships for so long (a little psychology 101 for ya there). If they think they've seen your worst, and you look to be working against it? Easy way to earn Flags, right there.

"No! Being stuck in another world with a man like this! You've got to help me!" Aqua cried.

"Upon your awakening you will be able to speak the native language, and will be outfitted with some basic supplies. Go forth brave Hero! May you be victorious among the many hero candidates, and become the one to defeat the demon king… Well then, I bid you farewell!"

"Wahhh," Aqua cried (literally this time), "That's my line!"

Again with the line stealing? I couldn't help it; I burst out laughing.

She turned to me and with a vicious grin and dark voice I said, "Well Aqua, ready for an adventure?"

With my final line, a bright light surrounds the 2 of us, until I could see nothing else. Then, all feeling stopped.

While the carriage road past across the cobblestone, creaking loudly as it went, I was in the process of appreciating the fact that I was on another planet.

And I could tell it was another world with ease. The air was pure, clean, almost sweet, as it filled my lungs, cool and refreshing for my system. And yeah I know that was a whole lotta adjectives for air, but the difference was really that apparent. Red brick houses lined the streets, like something straight out of a medieval film. There was a complete absence of bikes, cars, powerlines, telephone poles… everything! Sure you could argue that maybe I was just in some suuuper remote place, which I would agree with, if it weren't for the people.

More specifically, the people that weren't all human. Animal ears. Feline, canine and many others blended seamlessly into hair and scalp. A girl passed, her ears elongated, and with such smooth, yet striking facial features, she was surely Elven.

"Ahhh…" Hmm, Aqua was whining.

As I turned my head to her, I noticed a bag on my left hip. I pulled it off and up to my face. I opened it and was met with a collection of silver coins, and one gold coin. Nothing else? Well, I guess the money can buy me all the equipment I need. Quickly counting, I saw that I had 20 silver coins, and just the one gold. I put my hand in and pulled out both a gold, and a silver coin… Oh cool, despite never having seen this alphabet, nor numerical system, I can read both just fine. The silver coin said 1,000 Eris, and the gold said 10,000 Eris, so I guess 'Eris' is the name of the currency; and I've got 30,000 of 'em, but I don't know how much that is worth when compared to Yen. Hopefully it's worth something like American Dollars, 'cos then I'd be pretty set, with a nice 3 million Yen worth of cash.

I doubt I'm that lucky. So hopefully it's similar to Yen, so I won't need to do any mental maths whenever I want to buy something. Okay, that thought right there? Perfect example of my mentality. Hoping for better, remember? I don't hope for the best, I'm not delusional, I simply hope for better.

With my essential overview complete, I finally acknowledged Aqua.

"Oi, you're being noisy. What if they think I am related to a crazy woman like you? So stop your screaming and-"

I was cut off as she screamed, jumped at me and grabbed me.

"Woah! What are you doing?!" Time for the positive attitude shift. "Look, I get it, alright? If you don't wanna be here then you can go back. I'll handle what I need to do for the future myself,"

Oh damn, that was a nice addition to the end there. Layering in a bit of guilt too? I've outdone myself. And aren't I such a kind and understanding guy? Ready to let her go back home, even if it meant detriment to myself.

I pushed her off lightly, expression apologetic, and she spoke with shaking hands.

"What are you talking about? I'm in trouble because I can't go back! What now? Hey! What should I do now? What am I gonna do from now on?" She cried as she fell to her knees.

Yeah, she was stuck here, though I already knew that. The angel more or less said that Aqua can't come back until the Demon King was defeated. I didn't have a problem with saying that she has my approval to go back because I knew she couldn't.

Well then. Time to close the deal.

I knelt down in front of her and pulled her hands away from her eyes, and she brought her face up to look at mine. "Aqua… You're… stuck here now, and that's my fault," I began, guilt clear in my expression. I lifted my eyes from the ground to meet hers, hopefully expressing the determination in them to her, "I acknowledge that, so I'm gonna do everything I can to make it up to you. I won't rest until you're back up there."

Aqua sniffled, eyes wide, hope blooming, "Promise?"

"Promise," I say, a light smile forming, and eyes showing sincerity.

"Alright," I begin quietly, as I stand, bringing her to her feet with me, "let's go find a guild hall and get ourselves started,"

"Okay," she mumbles, voice hoarse, pulling her hands from mine to wipe her face.

I turned away to find someone to get directions from. As soon as Aqua could no longer see me, all sign of emotion drained from my face. All the signs of guilt, determination and kindness dissipated instantaneously, instead being replaced with a smug grin.

God damn am I good. I felt like the cat that caught the canary. Or, more accurately, a cat let into an enclosure full of flightless canaries, and was free to feast. That is how you force dependence on yourself onto another. Aqua is mine now, and I'll have her make this life a breeze. God it's hilarious how easy she was to bend, like a piece of fucking string. And the dumb whore wanted a promise? A fucking promise? Sure, why not? Not like it has any value whatsoever.

I approached an older woman, shifting my face to one of mild embarrassment, and asked "Excuse me- Could you please direct us to the Adventurers' Guild of this town?"

"The Guild?" She begins, "My, to not know where the guild is. Are you new to the town young man?"

So there is an Adventurers' Guild in this place. Despite lacking in many technological advancements, at least they've still got basic social control. That's what guilds are. Control of those who have the strength to harm many should they wish to.

"That I am ma'am," a friendlier smile coming to the forefront, "My friend and I have been travelling for some time to become Adventurers. We only just arrived today,"

The lying was easy. Well, actually, that's not completely true. Lying for me wasn't easy, it was natural. Lying instead of being honest is as difficult as breathing through the nose instead of the mouth. That is, not in the slightest. In fact, it happens more often than the other. Of course I'm not dumb enough to think that I can only lie. Truth is just as important as fallacy. It's all about knowing when to use which. And that is something I've always known. Once you know how to truly lie, using them to manipulate people is child's play. Literally. That's how I used to play as a child. Bending people around me to my desires. Ahh… Those were good times.

"Then I welcome you to the town of novice Adventurers; Axel. You can find the Guild by following the main road, then, at the end, turning right. You'll see the signboard for it from there,"

Axel, the town of novice Adventurers. A town of beginnings then? That'll make things easier.

"Thank you for your help, and have a nice day!" I say brightly to the woman.

I step back to Aqua, "Come on then, let's get going," I say lightly, kind smile and voice returning.

I take one of her hands in mine, turned the way the woman said and began walking with Aqua in my steed.

I smile as I feel Aqua's free hand grasp onto my wrist, above her other hand.

This new world was going to be fun.

That's the first chapter done! This is my first time trying writing outside of what was necessary for school work, so any and all feedback is appreciated.

If you haven't figured it out, this is a story of 'What is Kazuma was a sociopath?' and I've had the idea in my head for all of 3 days.

I chose to do it in Konosuba for a few reasons. 1 is that I love it, the show and books, but it has a very limited fandom here on Fanfiction and other such sites, so I thought I'd give it my Writers Virginity (lol that sounds incredibly cringe). Second is that I just got a whole lotta free time. I've only got 1 thing left and I'm done with Year 12 (Huzzah!), and that'll only take a few hours, but it's boring AF so I decided to try my hand at writing instead.

I could have done another story, as I have a bunch of ideas that I've wanted to write for ages, but have never had the time or motivation to do. Like, I've had almost half the plot planned out in my mind for a Percy Jackson story for like 5 years, and the same for one in RWBY which, while I haven't had as long, I've had that for years too. But, for some reason, recently I've just wanted more Konosuba.

I think it started when I was in Germany (I'm Australian). My family was on an 8 week holiday to Europe over Christmas, and we were visiting the family of a guy who had come to stay with our family during the year as part of this Youth exchange thing run by the 'Lion's Club'. He liked anime, but hadn't seen Konosuba, so I started watching it with him, and I got to remember all the hilariousness of it again, and it was great!

So I've been reading heaps of Fanfics of it, and *cough cough* other fan-created "entertainment" from the show, and I wanted to try make a contribution to it! And this was it. I hope you enjoyed, and let me know what you think of it! 'Cos honestly, I could use all the help I can get lmao.

Feel free to ask me stuff in the comments too. It can be anything! About the story, about me, whatever! I'll answer you as soon as I'm able!

That's all for now, see you in the next one!

Yours sincerely, H3ctic

Word Count: 3,501

Follow me on twitter/euwleague~ @N177013

(Suggest me new fics, anime, manga)


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