
Last meal

I saw a meat knife in the sink. I used it on yesterday meal, to slice meat. There are some traces of blood on the knife. I grabbed it as a weapon. My life depends on it.

I saw Zayn looked at me with amusement face. She punch the door with her bare hand! Is Zayn even a human? She laughed at me. Laughing while holding a dagger on her hand. She pointed the dagger at me with smiling face.

"I always thought you are just weak, pathetic, orphan and lonely little boy! It looks like my opinions were wrong. You are afraid and scared as a kitten as well. A kitten facing a tiger!" She charges at me while laughing. The floor cracks when she charges, leaving a crater.

'How strong is this woman? I got to run first!' I thought to myself. This person is a monster. I ready myself to evade Zayn attack. She stab her knife at my heart. A sure hit kill! She really want to end me quickly.

I quickly calculate the force she puts on the stab, clearly i have no way to parry it. I only have to avoid it or to counter Zayn while her left side left opened. There is no way I would hurt her or even able to harm her. With that strength, she could break my arm when she block it.

I choose to evade the attack by moving my body to the side. She seem suprise that I'm able to avoid it. With that position, her body isn't stable. I swiftly moved pass her and kick her leg

She stumbled and fall forward. She hit her head on the counter. The counter explode to pieces. Her head was harder than cement and porcelain. What a hard head you have! If she hit a car, that car will be seen in scrapyard the next day.

I took the chance to run away. I ran pass my room straight to the living room. I heard a heavy breathing behind me. It gives me a sudden chill down my spine. Obviously she didn't had any injury. That would probably just make her dizzy.

A click sounded at my watch. A notification voice sounded on my brain. I felt weird and confused.

*You've unlock Skill Critical Thinking*