
My scary lover

Manga_rules · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 8 the Punishment

Hey did you hear master Roy almost killed lady lily why she is so kind too us maids we don't deserve her I think she did something to upset master Roy Roy stop this madness NO you should have thought about slapping me before you did now face conscious you know Roy I actually thought that you were able to be my husband but now you're a complete jerk call my country I'm going home what why lady lily is it true that you are going home yes it is but why because I'm sick of Roy treating me like I'm nothing I'm sure he loves you very much by the way all the maids will be sad to hear that you are leaving now who cares Roy wouldn't mind after all it's not like he cares about me anyway so why should I stay here if you want to come I won't stop you but I don't plan on coming back here for the rest of my life miss lily