
My scary lover

Manga_rules · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 5 explaining

Mr.axel saved my life and now I'm thanking him leticia what were you doing well I where were you I was here sir and you let her go to the fountain stop blaming leticia I told her that I wanted to go and she said she was coming with me to make sure that I didn't get hurt but then someone said my name and I could not control my body then she tried to stop me but I pushed her on the ground is that true axel leticia yes well in that case I am sorry if my fiancée caused any trouble for you what was that Roy ugh nothing good haha you too will make a great husband and wife no we will not yes we will no we will not haha axel do you know what they say the more they fight that closer they get no we will not yes we will then these two are a handful aren't they leticia Lilly we have to go now okay leticia by Roy good day mr.Roy