

Hazel woke up in pain she groaned as she got out of bed. Walking into the kitchen where Layla was cooking breakfast and Jade was eating a pudding.

"Good morning"


Layla gasped when she saw Hazel.

"Hazel! That's... That's not good!"


"Look at yourself! Have you seen yourself in the mirror?!"


"Hazel your face it's like not good"

"My stomach hurts"

Hazel pulled up her shirt there was a huge bruise it was purple and blue with a huge cut.

"Hazel!! Why didn't you tell me that?!"

"I didn't want you to worry"

"Did he use a knife?"

Hazel looked away from Layla's eyes.

"Hazel... I'm going to kill his ass"

"Layla I'm okay"

"Hazel go take a shower"

Hazel listen. It took awhile for her to take shower with all of the pain. When she was finished doing her routine she went to the living room where Layla had a kit ready to fix up Hazel.


"Please be careful"

Layla wiped the cut with a alcohol pad


"You could of had a infection!"

"I know... where's Jade?"

"I told her to get ready for school"

"Oh thanks for—"


"I have to change the small bandage on your eyebrow and lip"

"Be more carefully"

Layla wrapped bandages around Hazel's stomach covering the cut.

"We're going to need to change that during lunch okay"


"Here wear this"

Layla gave Hazel a sweater that goes up to her neck with tight jeans. She went into a room changing into the clothes.

"Would you look at that! It covers your neck perfectly!"

"Yeah but I'm hot in this sweater"

"Your going to have to deal with it unless you want the scary devil to ask you tons of questions"

"Scary devil?"

"Yeah. Axel Rose your boss"

"That's her nickname?"

"Yep everybody is scared of her" Layla shivered thinking about Axel.

"Is she that bad?"

"Well yeah. Oh and make sure to wear this sunglasses"

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah if you want to cover that horrible black eye you have" Hazel sighed wearing the sunglasses.

"Layla I look like I'm snob"

"Deal with it"

"Layla seriously I don't want to look like that"

"Hazel your going have to"

Hazel huffed in frustration. "Mama!" Hazel immediately scooped Jade into her arms.

"You ready?"


"Baby your going to spend time with grandma today okay?"


"Hazel you gonna eat?"



After Hazel ate they dropped off Jade to her school and now there driving to the company.

"Hazel you better keep that sunglasses on"

"I don't wanna"

"It's going to show your injuries"

"I know"

"Meet me at my office at lunch okay?"


"We're here, I'll show you my office quickly and then you better get to the Scary Devil office"

Hazel nodded. Layla parked the car. They walked towards the company entering the company.

Hazel immediately felt uncomfortable feeling the stares on her. They got into the elevator.

"My office is on the 6th floor"

Hazel nodded.


After Layla showed Hazel her office. Hazel immediately went to the top to Axel's office. She knocked the door. "Come in"

"I thought you won't be here today"

"S-Sorry I had a trouble shoot this morning"

"You must be at this company by 8 not 9 I'll let go this time"

"Awe come on Axel don't be so mean to the newbie" Phoenix walked towards Hazel taking out her hand.

"I'm Phoenix, Axel's best friend" Phoenix winked at Hazel.

"I'm Hazel"

"Nice to meet you Hazel"

Phoenix smiled at Hazel. "Don't you think you should take off your sunglasses? Your inside"

"Oh umm I had a laser eye surgery"

"Oh...? Then you shouldn't be at work"

"I shouldn't miss my first day of work"

"Right... aren't you hot? Your sweater it goes up to your neck"

"I get cold easily"

"Oh... your like my mother"

Hazel awkwardly laughed.

"Anyways I'm need to go, Ugh so much paperwork"

"Bye Axel"

"You better not be flirting!!" Axel yelled.

Hazel stood there awkwardly. "Come here"

Axel gave Hazel a ear piece.

"When I call you it'll go through that ear piece"

Hazel nodded putting the ear piece in her ear.

"Make me a coffee"

Hazel exited the office going to the coffee station. She made Axel's coffee shakily going to back to the office.


"Thank you"

Axel took a sip. 'That's the best coffee I have ever tasted' Axel thought taking another sip.

"So um I don't know, what to do now"

"You could go explore the company now"

Hazel nodded exiting the office again. Axel narrowed her eyebrows when she saw a small white bandage on Hazel's lips and eyebrow.


Lunch came fast, Hazel was practically exploring the company meeting new people.

"Hazel I want a salad for lunch" Axel said through the ear piece. Hazel pressed the ear piece. "Yes Boss"

Hazel quickly went to a restaurant that does pick up she ordered a salad and payed it. She returned to the company going to the top floor. She opened Axel's office giving her salad.

"Thank you"

Hazel nodded. She bowed quickly exiting her office. She went to the elevator pressing the 6th floor. It dinged people filled the elevator. It went to the 6th floor and Hazel quickly exited feeling uncomfortable with the bodies pressing each other.

She went to Layla's office.

"Ah you finally came"

"I had to get Miss. Rose's lunch"

"Mm that explains"

Layla patted on her desk. Hazel sat on the desk. Layla opened the kit.

"Take off the sweater"

Hazel took off her sweater. "Holy shit Hazel!!"

She glazed down to her bandages it had a lot of blood.

"Geez Hazel I don't get why can't you just freaking report it to the police"

"Let's not talk about it"

Layla carefully took off the bandages that was around Hazel's stomach. When Layla took out the alcohol Hazel starts to panic and sweat a lot.

"Don't scream Haz"

"It hurts Lay"

"I know try to hold it in"

It doesn't help that the cut was huge and that it bruised around the cut.

Layla touched the top of the cut with the alcohol pad making Hazel whimper.

"Here hold this ice pack on your neck"

Suddenly the door swung open showing a Axel with files in her hands.

'Oh shit' Hazel thought. Layla froze in her spot. Hazel also froze and Axel was examining Hazel's body. The bruises and cuts.

"Are we dead?" Hazel whispered to Layla.

"Don't know" Layla whispered back.

Axel approached Hazel, Hazel immediately scrambled getting her sweater she quickly hid being Layla's desk. Layla stepped in front of Axel stopping her.

"Haha... boss... whatcha need...?"

"I'm going to need Hazel"

"Hazel? Who's Hazel?"


Layla sighed, letting Axel pass. Hazel started to panic now.

"Stand up"

Hazel stood up, she still had her sweater covering her body. Axel grabbed the sweater, the sweater slipped out of Hazel's grip. Now Hazel's injuries were visible to Axel.

Hazel immediately tried to cover her body with her arms but Axel grabbed her wrists. There position was odd. Hazel back pressing the desk. Axel in front of Hazel looking at Hazel's body. Hazel felt exposed and uncomfortable of course.

"That cut needs stitches"



"Yes Boss?"

"Clean her cut"

"Yeah of course"

Axel looked straight into Hazel's blue icy eyes.

"I'll be outside". Hazel nodded with a flushed face.

Axel left. Layla looked at Hazel and Hazel looked back.

"Weird" Layla said patting on her desk again.

"That was scary" Hazel mumbled.

Axel's height really does makes her scarier she was 6 feet tall. Axel always wears a formal suit sometimes without a tie. Her black hair that has a bit red in it, is usually in a ponytail but sometimes she let it down like today. Axel also had blue eyes like Hazel but it's not as shiny as Hazel's.



Layla wrapped the bandage around Hazel's stomach. "There, Haz want me to change your lip and eyebrow bandage?"

"No, I think I'm okay now"

"Okay good luck"

Hazel nodded giving Layla a hug before leaving her office. She didn't see Axel so she thought she could escape but when she felt a hand on her she froze in her spot.

"Let's go"

Hazel followed Axel embarrassed with the looks people were giving them.

Eventually they got into Axel's luxurious car and Axel started to drive to a hospital. The ride was of course silent and awkward.