
TechNoVore Ramble

Amy Dallon


Letting out a huff at the top of the stairs, Amy looked through her costume to find the keys to the door the led out and onto the rooftop of the hospital. The levels of frustration she was dealing with on this day was just far too much for her and she had to get some air. First it was Carol at the crack of dawn about being a proper hero and then it was Dean at lunch.

Now, it was the bloody merchants coming in all shot up and broken, even though it was better than their usual new catatonic induced overdose, it was all still just getting to her. It was the same day in and day out and Amy honestly just wanted to rip her hair out and scream, but that wouldn't be very heroic now would it.

Finally finding the keys after searching for so long, with the keys in one hand, Amy pulled out the cigarettes that she was hiding. Pulling one out and putting it to her lips, Amy unlocked the roof door allowing herself to not only get fresh air, but a chance to get some stress relief.

Stepping out onto the roof, she pulled down the hood of her Panacea outfit. Walking over to the railing, she let out a sigh as the wind ruffled her hair. Pulling out her lighter, with two clicks it lit up allowing her to get her first dose of nicotine for the day.

Ohh, what a shit show, maybe she should just run away. Amy was pretty sure that she could make money anywhere in the world and didn't have to deal with anymore of Carol and her shit. Letting out another sigh half way down her current cigarette, Amy finally realized that something had been beeping for some time now.

Looking up at the sky, Amy couldn't help but to ask one more time, 'why her?'

Since she wasn't happy about being up here with some stranger who she didn't have eyes on, then again it could be a bomb. Amy started to look around until she found a person in armor clearly napping in the shade of the rooftop entrance.

The armor had sleek lines of red, black and gold with some shades of grey here and there with the helmet covering his head fully. From what she could tell, the armor was male since it was missing the proper chest protection and the size of the armor was far too large to house any normal woman.

It was also clear that the man was gone to the world on the lawn chair that he had set up for his nap and looking around, Amy found what was giving off the beep. The laptop that was sitting on what looked like a hovering platform, okay, this guy was clearly a tinker of some sort. The laptop was showing a location ping somewhere in Nebraska.

Staying outside of the man's arms reach, Amy couldn't help herself from taking a closer look. From what she could see the laptop was tracking nine people, but for some reason they were paired in groups of two. One was in a stolen RV and the other was in a stolen minivan.

Eyes wide, her brain short circuited as she read off the names, Siberian projection, William Manton projector, heading south bound I85, Blue Minivan plates Igh3421, passenger BurnScar. Rv heading south bound I85, Shatterbird, Jack Slash, Hatchet Face, Mannequin.

Amy just couldn't take it any more as her brain almost shut down on her with the overload of information. Breathing hard, cigarette forgotten, Amy tried to back away only to stumble over her own feet. The sound of her falling, but have gotten through to the armored man because he twitched before starting his stretching routine.

"HUH? Wahh? Damn, it looks like I overslept." The guy in the armor grumped before swinging both legs off of the lawn chair he was napping on.

Okay, that shocked her back into action, "Overslept! Is that all you can say for yourself is that you overslept!"

"Urgh, what do you want kid, don't you see I'm trying to take a nap here." The Armored man grumbled his head resting on his open palm.

The audacity of this asshole, "Kid, Kid," She huffed her irre rising, "Do you even know where you are? Do you even know who I am?" She asked, gnashing her teeth.

"Sigh, urgh who must it be som famous entitled brat," The armored man grumbled with a face palm and Amy could tell that she shouldn't have heard that. Picking up one of the loose gravel she chucked it at the man. Then smiled at the satisfying ping off of his helmet.

"You're on the top of Brockton General you asshole," Amy growled.

"Okay, okay, calm down and stop throwing things you brat, you don't look too old to be put over my knee." The armored man grumbled.

"You wouldn't dare," Amy hissed at him with narrowed eyes.

"Keep telling yourself, that, but then again you just might be into it, who knows they types of kinks that are around nowadays." The Armored man shrugged.

"EWWW!!You're old enough to be my dad." Amy gagged.

"Please, I'm only eighteen, but sure that doesn't stop some woman from calling me daddy." The armored man shrugged.

"Enough," Amy snapped with a blush on her face with the admittance of his age. "Now, tell me why you are tracking the Slaughterhouse Nine?"

"Huh?" The armored man asked, sounding confused.

Grumbling, Amy pointed at the laptop. "The Nine, your computer clearly shows you were tracking the nine."

"Ohh shit, it works!" The Armored man exclaimed loudly and he not only sounded fully awake, but something in that statement sent a shiver down Amy's back. Before she could interrupt or say anything, the guy had started to type away. Then suddenly a hand went to his ear as if he was pressing an earpiece.

"Dragon, I told you my tracking algorithm would work." The armor guy spoke before cringing. "Dammit woman, don't scream like that, you know I wear an enclosed helmet."

Ohh shit, he was speaking to Dragon, wait, so he did know who she was then.

"Yeah, yeah, I am about to go take them out, no I don't need backup but sure I won't complain if you decide to show up." The armored man grumbled. "Ehh, I'll just tell the kid not to tell anybody."

Okay, maybe he doesn't know who she was, wait a second, why was he still calling her a kid if he was only eighteen.

"Urgh, I actually never got her name to be honest." The armored guy chuckled before turning to look at her now.

Glaring, Amy said nothing, but she had to admit that making him sweat a little was fun since she can start to hear Dragon from her location screaming through the helmet.

"Dammit woman, stop being so loud," he grumbled once more. "Okay, okay, I'll ask her name and impress upon her how important it is not to go posting this on PHO."

Ohh, that's what Dragon was worried about, but Amy didn't feel like letting this asshole get away that easy.

"Alright kid, what's your name?"

"Am not a kid and we are almost the same age for fucks sake." Amy growled at him for being called a kid once more.

His hands shot up in surrender, "Alright, alright, look I don't need your name, just dont go posting anything on PHO alright."

"I wasn't going to but now I think I will." Amy replied with a smile that was all evil. The guy shuddered at the smile she gave him.

"Honestly, don't even know why you even had me ask her Dragon, I could always just hack her phone." The armored guy grumbled with a hand over his face. "Well would you look at that, phone hacked."

"Aye!" Amy screamed as she pulled out her phone only to see a rotating face mask that matched the asshole's on the screen. Amy heard more yelling along with his grumble.

"Dragon, we both know that I only pay lip service to the law, or do you need more examples of how to break the law? Cause if memories serves correct someone had work but decided to have sex in the office instead… ohh damn, the girl's phone had all kinds of nasty programs on it. Huh, Amy Dallon, well now we know why they had her phone fucked 7 ways from sunday."

For a moment, she was surprised that he really didnt know who she was, until his statement about having sex with Dragon was shoved out of her mind my her phone being compromised. Okay, now Amy felt like panicking. "What do you mean?"

Amy noticed the look he gave her, then his head shook from left to right before he decided to just give her an answer.

"Welp, no easy way to say this but the E88 had tracking on your phone, so did some asshole named Coil, but it's cool, I nixed those and Dragon said she will be sending you one of her new Dragon Phones." The armored guy said with a grimace. Amy blinked, and then she blinked some more as she understood what was just said to her.

Her legs started to move without her actually commanding them, only to deposit her onto the lawn chair that he was using previously.

"Ehh, since I know your name, it's only fair that you know mine. The names Primus in armor." Primus spoke smoothly as he looked down at her sitting on his lawn chair. "Look, Amy, I have to go deal with this, but I'll leave a friend with you to make sure that you are okay and get him safe, okay."

It was funny, now that she had learned that not only the nazi pricks were tracking her but that asshole villian who almost no one knows about was tracking her, she really didnt care about the Nine anymore. Did that make her a bad person, well she never had the chance to think it over as something landed on her lap and nudged her face.

Looking down, Amy's eyes widened as she looked at the marvelous mechanical dragon. He had four legs with two large wings on his back.

"The little guy's name is Lockjaw. He will protect you from anything until I get back so we can have a conversation about your phone." Primas said while holding out a helmet for her.

She couldn't help but tilt her head at the offered helmet. "What's that for?"

Primus shrugged at her, "Whenever I'm down, I like to go on flights. Lockjaw has flight capabilities and you will need a helmet at least if you plan to either ride him like a pony or wing pack. Doesn't really matter to me, but I know you can't heal yourself yet, so it's important that you don't go around bumping your head. I suggest riding him as a pony for now, since no one will fuck with you and a mechanical dragon the size of a fire truck."

Amy's eyes widened as she looked down at the little bot. He licked her face once before huffing at Primus.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm not calling you fat, just keep her safe." Primus said once more earning another huff this time with flames. Shaking his head, Primus walked towards the rails of the hospital roof before leaving some parting words.

"You have a dragon you can ride between your legs now, so enjoy yourself."

Then Amy watched as he jumped high off of the roof before his size shifted and he transformed into a freaking jet. Four engines that formed on the back of the jet flared to life and with a sound that was near earth shattering, he was gone.

Blinking, Amy looked around and was amazed that none of the glass shattered as Primus clearly broke the sound barrier. Okay, maybe he will survive the S9, those thoughts were pushed aside as the head in her lap nudged her before bringing the helmet around with his tail.

Looking from the dragon to the helmet, Amy bit into her lower lip before saying fuck it, whats the worse that could happen. Scratching behind the right horn, Amy chuckled as the miniature dragon purred like a cat as she accepted the helm with the other hand.

Standing up, Amy put the helmet on only to catch her breath at the sight of a smart display. The display was linked to Lockjaw with communication and a few other functions. Ignoring those, she made sure that the strap underneath her chin was in place before standing up from the lawn chair.

"Okay, Lockjaw, I'm ready." Amy said feeling very stupid as she looked down at the miniture Dragon. That changed after Amy watched the miniature Dragon stretch itself before hopping off the lawn chair. She kept on watching it as the tinker tech bot walked lazily as if it was a cat until it reached open space on the roof.

With a twist of, Amy watched as the miniature Dragon went through the same transformation as Primus, then instead of a small dragon. Amy was now starting up at one massive dragon with a beautiful shade of emerald green scales. Placing her hand on the side of the Lockjaw and found that it was all machine since he powers couldn't read it at all.

Okay, this might be fun were her thoughts as Amy took the offered paw.


Anthony Beckett


After leaving one of my dino bots with Amy, I took to the sky with haste. I had totally played it off to her, but I was in somewhat of a rush because if Worm lore or fanon were to be believed, then Jack would be hauling ass since his shard was networked and could get information from Amy's. That little shit was playing the game properly even if he didnt know how to fucking play.

It didn't matter with his shard being a cheating cheater for him, which was shit if you asked me. The man should be allowed to cheat on his own not get a free hand with shit. My afterburners were propelling me across the country at speeds that far outstrip the fastest jetliner to date and while my body was on autopilot.

My mind was going over weapon options as plans came together quickly. I had left Lockjaw behind so that means I was already down a helper, so I just had to make up for it with overwhelming firepower. My ION cannon was ready and so was my railgun. Hell, this might be a chance to use the acid shot, if I wasn't mistaken jack wouldn't be able to survive that.