
My salvation +

Scarlet a young, strong, resilient, and fierce woman would have to get married in other to save her father's company. Little did she know that this marriage will unveil many dark hidden secrets and at last, bring peace and empathy back into her life.

Mercy_Nwogu · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 2

Scarlet woke up with a banging headache, she felt as if she was carrying the weight of the whole world on her head. Her whole body was a literal hell with all the pain she felt, She had a bruise on her head too.

She scanned the whole room, it was tastefully furnished with a nice chic decor. What she couldn't make sense of was where she was and how she got here. She tried to get up, but her frail wobbly legs wouldn't give in. She tried to stand up but was startled by a masculine voice "with what happened yesterday, you shouldn't be trying to get up, you should get some rest. You've been sleeping for a while now so I didn't want to disturb you" Gabriel said as he handed her a cup of tea. 

"Who are you and what do you want from me? What am I doing here?" Scarlet asked apprehensively. "Oh! How can you forget the sweetest and most beautiful night we spent together?" Gabriel sarcastically said, teasing her. "What?!" Me? You? How? Scarlet seemed confused and shocked at the same time. Gabriel seemed to be enjoying the whole teasing as he blurted out laughing. 

"I was just joking, but really don't you remember what happened last night?" 

Just then the memories of yesterday started rushing to her.

Scarlet's POV 

I woke up in a nicely furnished chic room, I must say the owner has an exquisite taste. "Gosh! Scarlet what are you doing admiring a place you don't know, what if you were kidnapped? You really do surprise me alot young lady." I tried to get up but the pain in my body and my wobbly legs wouldn't give in. Just then, a masculine voice startled me. "With what happened yesterday you shouldn't be trying to get up, you should get some rest. You've been sleeping for a while now so I didn't want to disturb you". He said as I looked up to meet the most beautiful emerald green eyes, for the very first time something warm coursed through me, I felt something unexplainable. Gosh! I could look at those eyes forever. 

He handed me a cup of tea, just then I came back to my senses. "Who are you? And what do you want from me, what am I doing here? I asked apprehensively but then, I heard the shock of my life. "oh! How can you forget the sweetest and most beautiful night we spent together?" he said with a sarcastic grin playing on his face. "God! How could I have made a mess of myself? Was I drunk? Did he abduct me? I internally asked myself. I mustered courage and I finally blurted out "what? Me? You? How?" At this point I was literally questioning my innocence. 

He seemed to be enjoying this whole thing as he busted out laughing cynically which further irritated me. "What's funny? I asked, with annoyance. "I was just joking, I'm sorry if I offended you in any way" he said and that really calmed me down a bit. 

"But don't you really remember what happened last night?" Just then, memories of yesterday's night started rushing to me.

I was so passed off about what happened in the company yesterday with uncle Tim and the board that I couldn't go home. I needed to clear my head first so I told Leslie to drive home that I would be back on time and safe. 

I went to the Eiffel Tower where my parents had an accident 15 years ago. I needed to talk to them at least they are the only ones in the world who would understand me without judging me.

The memories of the accident triggered me and I started having a panic attack. I remember having a lot of panic attacks when my parents died. 

I couldn't make sense of my surroundings anymore, I saw a blurry image of someone running towards me. He pushed me, as we both landed on the bare floor. I felt him panting and breathing heavily, he was asking if I was alright but then something caught my eyes in the mistook of all this chaos. It was his eyes, I felt like l knew these emerald green eyes from somewhere. Something warm coursed through me as I blacked out.

I guess I remembered what happened and this man here literally saved my life, I made a mental note to pay him back some day. 

I jolted back to my senses "I need to call Leslie, l sat up immediately as I frantically searched for my phone but I couldn't find it. 

" if you're looking for your phone, you must have probably lost it yesterday". I need to talk to Leslie. You'll talk to Leslie, but first you need to get some rest cause your body is still weak. I'll go get my phone for the call" he helped me get back on the bed as he left to get his phone. 

Gabriel's POV 

I was on my way to a conference meeting. I decided to drive myself today. It was a cold night and it was drizzling. I saw a woman around the eiffel tower, she looked so disturbed and distressed but then something about her intrigued me. I kept looking at her but suddenly, I noticed that she started breathing heavily, it was as if her life depended on any little air she could get. I saw her turning around, shit! She was about to fall so I stopped my car and started running towards her but then I noticed that someone was speeding towards her, maybe an intentional hit and run. So I ran faster and luckily caught her before she fell. She fell in my arms as we came face to face gosh! She had the most beautiful blue eyes that I've ever seen. Her porcelain skin was as radiant as the moon and her ginger hair was so silk and soft, damn! She looked like a goddess. Time seemed to have stopped at that time as I tried to remember where I saw such beautiful blue eyes before, but I just couldn't pinpoint it. 

The driver was speeding towards us now as I engulfed and pushed her together with myself as we landed on the floor dodging the car. The whole impact of the falling made her black out as she fainted; I had bruises on my body too, but I tried to carry her to my car. It was already raining and our clothes were drenched and wet. I laid her carefully on the car seat as I got in, I took my phone to tell my P.A to cancel the conference meeting as I had an emergency. 

I would have drove to the hospital but it was already late at night, I decided to drive her to my house instead, thankgod my nanny Nina was a retired nurse who quit her job to serve my parents because she felt indebted to them and wanted to repay their kindness, so she raised me as a form of gratitude to my parents. 

I drove speedily like a mad man, I didn't care about anything else in the world right now other than to save this woman's life.

I got home as I carried her into my house, I was literally screaming my lungs out Nanny! Nanny!. "Goodness me! What happened ?" Nanny Nina asked, I carefully placed her on my bed as I tried to explain everything to Nanny nina. She looked quizzical and tense with the whole situation, but decided to remain calm as she went to get the first aid. She rushed in with the first aid box as she carefully examined her. "Could you please excuse us for a while sir", after about 15 minutes which seemed to be like forever, she came out from the room and said that the lady was alright. "She had a panic attack and that made her pass out but she also seems to be stressed out too. I treated her wounds and I've cleaned her up, She'll be fine" nanny Nina said. 

Gabriel's mind relaxed a bit, "you should freshen up and have some rest, you don't look good yourself sir" I'll come to help treat your wounds" Nanny Nina said. "Yeah I will, thank you so much nanny, it means alot to me". Gabriel walked upstairs to the other room to freshen up because he didn't want to disturb the frail lady in his room. 

It's been quite a long time nanny Nina saw Gabriel this worried about someone, the last was when he lost his adopted parents to an accident; he grieved so much that he became a ghost of himself, it took a lot for him to be back again both mentally and physically and nanny Nina isn't ready for that whole ordeal again, she promised herself to always be there for Gabriel, she even considers him a son now after losing her own son years ago.

Gabriel tried sleeping but he failed, he just couldn't get her out of his mind; her delicate yet fierce features kept lurking in his mind. He felt like he knew her somehow but he couldn't just place it. He still remembered her disturbed face sobbing and his heart ached at that. What could have caused her to cry like that, outside without even caring what others would think of her. Whatever it is, it must have been very serious and devastating. He kept thinking of her as he slowly dozed off to sleep. 

I woke up with a little headache, then a sharp pain on my wrist followed, I was questioning myself on how I got a bruised wrist and ankle when memories of what happened yesterday came rushing back. 

Shit! I need to freshen up and go check on her before she wakes up. I freshened up and had nanny Nina make a cup of tea for me to take to the lady in my room.

When I got there, I saw her struggling to get up, but her wobbly legs wouldn't give in. She seemed to be the type that doesn't give up easily as she tried to stand again.

"With what happened yesterday you shouldn't be trying to get up, you should get some rest" I said but it seemed like I startled her as she turned abruptly and our eyes met, God! She was so beautiful. I kept staring at her but she seemed uncomfortable with the eye contact so I tried to make it a little less awkward and decided to speak up, I cleared my throat and said "you've been sleeping for a while now so I didn't want to disturb you. Here have this", I handed her the cup of tea.

She reluctantly took it, she seemed not to be comfortable. She darted her eyes from place to place and finally blurted out "who are you? 

What am I doing here? What do you want from me?" She asked apprehensively. She was trying to act defensively so I decided to tease her so she could loosen up a bit, so I said "oh how could you have forgotten the most beautiful and sweetest night we spent together?" I saw her face go from stoic to puzzled, she looked like she couldn't believe what she heard. I could sense her internally questioning herself, I was literally enjoying the whole teasing but she seemed to be disturbed about it, and I didn't want to push her further so I just told her that I was joking and I apologize

 to her knowing that what I said obviously infuriated her and with that, I saw her tense self calm down a bit. 

"But don't you really remember what happened last night?" I saw her struggling to remember as her expression turned from calm to agitated again.

It seemed like she remembered everything and it wasn't very pleasing to her. Just then, she blurted out almost like an order, "I need to call Leslie"..... she said. I saw her struggle to get up again but she failed again and that worried me, so I told her that she'll talk to Leslie but she needed to get some rest because her body was still weak. She seemed to listen to me this time as I helped her lay back on her bed while I went to get my phone from the other room for the call