
Fear and Guilt

Joshua poured himself a glass of water and drank from it before continuing.

"Then I quickly went to his house and checked the location where those diamonds were hidden, I counted how many pieces were in there then I went to a local shop and bought same number of artificial diamonds and they had similar coloured velvet pouch, so I bought them as I was planning to steal the diamonds and replace them with the artificial ones so that whenever the old man would come to check those diamonds he is not alerted. 

Then the next day when he again came to meet my boss, I went to his house again and stole the original diamonds and replaced them with the artificial ones I bought. I felt I should not steal the velvet pouch as it might become obvious so I transferred them into the new pouch I bought. All of this happened a week before you guys came but since I stole those diamonds I was living in fear and guilt. 

That old man did mention that the guy he stole those diamonds from was not some normal businessman and was someone very dangerous and one should never mess with him, so he suggested to my boss that they should plan and leave the country as it might not be easier to sell those diamonds here.

Now since I stole them I couldn't sleep in peace as I feared that ruthless businessman he mentioned might kill me, I was confused what to do, I one day decided to meet the restaurant owner and get some information from him by manipulating him but there I saw two men, one guy was observing the restaurant and some other guy was trying to get information of the employees working there, they two didn't seem like locals and it was obvious they were from some other place, at that time I was acting like a paranoid so I looked at everyone I came across suspiciously, so I followed those two men and they called their boss to inform him that they found the guy they were looking for and he is running a restaurant in Vulcano island. 

Those two men were Dan and Vic"


Mystical_nightcreators' thoughts