
The wedding day.

“Davis will be so on top of the world when he sees you, I wish it’s was actually your wedding.” Alicia grin putting on a sad expression

“Me too,” Bianca muttered looking down.

“Give me a sec I need to make a call,” Alicia said walking out

“Hello Davis is everything set?” she asks

“Yea it’s almost done, just need two more minutes before the bride arrives.” Davis declared.

“We will be there soon,” she said and hang up she smile and walk into the mall and give Bianca a bouquet of beautiful rose flowers.

“Just consider it as your wedding flower,” she said, and Bianca takes it with a smile.

“It smells nice,” she muttered sniffing the flower.

“Let’s go,” Alicia said and they both walk out of the mall and into a car decorated with flowers

Minutes later                                                     

Alicia and Bianca arrive at the venue with a lot of Paparazzi hovering around them

“Surprise!!” Alicia yelled smiling from ear to ear.

“I can’t get married now, am sorry,” Bianca replied striving to walk away.

“I know why you are hesitating just come with me,” Alicia said and drag her to the entrance of the hall

“Shall we,” Mr miller ask putting his arm forward, Bianca look at him with tears in her eyes, she nodded. And Alicia clean her eyes with a handkerchief and put down the veil.

“you don’t want to ruin your make up do you?” Alicia replied

Bianca walks down the aisle holding her father’s hand. And the background music was being played.

“Here comes the bride”

Davis drool over her as she walks to him with her Dad

Mr Miller drops her at the alter and Bianca stare at Davis and blushes

“Time for the ring ceremony.” the priest said putting a set of diamond ring forward

Davis pick a ring and knee down

“Will you marry me?” 

Miss Miller, he said softly and the guest cheers

“Yes I will, I will marry you.” She squealed putting her hand forward, Davis put the ring in her finger and smile widely at her.

Bianca also wears him his ring

Time for the wedding vows

“I Davis Richmond vow to be a good husband, caring, charming and helpful,  I promise to never make you cry and to protect you in sickness and in health till death do us part,” he vowed

“I Bianca Miller vow to be a good wife a caring, loving and helpful wife, to always listen and take care of you, in sickness and in health till death do us part,” she vowed smiling from ear to ear.

The guest applauded

“Do you Davis Richmond take Bianca, miller, to be your lawfully wedded wife.” the priest ask

“Yes, I do.” He stated softly.

“And do you Bianca Miller take Davis Richmond to be your lawfully wedded husband.”

“I do” she replied with a beautiful smile.        

“you may now kiss the bride.” the priest said


Davis lift up her veil and try to kiss her Bianca gets all shy and step backwards

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