
Sweeping for the first time

“Am not I am simply stating my opinion in the whole matter.” She replied

“ I don’t have anything to say to you two am off to work,” he said walking towards the door with his briefcase.

“I think dad is angry,” Lily said looking keenly at Steve

“Hun you didn’t tell us goodbye!” Mrs Bianca yelled

“Goodbye, whatever.” He shrugs slamming the door

“So dad is gone, I think I should also leave I don’t want to be late on the first day of cleaning I haven’t even touched a broom in my entire life.” Steve remarks walking out of the house with his school bag hang behind his back

 “ Goodbye, Steve.” Mrs Bianca beamed.

“Goodbye mum see you,” he said and waved

“Dad is being too mean to bro Steve he keeps scolding him every little chance he gets .”Lily remarks

“Shh doesn’t say that he is your father, he knows what’s best for Steve.” Mrs Bianca replied

Steve’s POV

I arrive at college, I can’t wait to see Rachael I wonder how she is doing I said walking into the school gate.

“You are here go and join the others here is a broom.” the security man said handing me the broom I took the broom from him and walk into the school.

“Look who is here famous school bully.” Christian remarks

“Hey! Don’t call me that’s” I snapped glaring at him.

“Hey chill we are just messing with you,” he stated

“We should first clean the school environment and then the classroom I will clean the music class you guys can share the remaining classes among yourselves.” I declared.

“Who are you to give us orders.” Christian inquired

“Am the boss here,” I said I walk out on them.

We all started sweeping, I can’t believe am sweeping the floor for the first time in my life it’s so exhausting and tiring, I sweep the floor roughly sweating and weeping my sweat with my other hand.

“That’s not how you sweep,” someone said and I look up it was Jane.

“So you are here?” I said and continue sweeping

“You call that sweeping, I thought you were so perfect because you are from a rich family you got the looks the knowledge and all but you can’t sweep what a pity,” she said starring at me

“Who said I was perfect, I can’t even cook,” I said and she laughs

“Give me that let me show you,” she said taking the broom from me.

“Yo security! security! Christian called out I narrowed my eyes at him what is he trying to do.

“What!! The security snapped

“That guy is cheating someone is doing his job for him,” he said pointing at me and the security man fold his hand giving me a bad glare. I take the broom from Jane immediately.

“Just tell me how to do it, am a fast learner,” I said and she smirks

“I know you are, now move closer to the ground a little bit lower your hand on the floor with the broom when you are sweeping you make sure you sweep everything including the sand.” 

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