

old guy and have money than work for a broke ass like you she whispers in his ear, he makes silly sleeping noises with his mouth

Anna drag his bed sheet to the floor also dragging him, in the process he lays comfortable on the floor and she touches the bed and finds money under the sheets she packs it all quickly putting it in her bag

“Geez, I can’t go through the door I need to go through the window." she slowly open the window and jump down, she saw many paparazzi and journalists taking pictures of her she put her hand on her face avoiding the light of the camera

“and this is the famous model of new York and the winner of the most eye-catching model award, so what do you have to say for yourself." the reporter said putting the mic in front of her.

“Get that thing away from me, if you guys are done taking pictures of me let me run away with my money because I don’t owe anyone an explanation tell the person that send you all here that am shameless," she replied twisting her mouth and trying to run with her bag the reporters follow her.

“Tell us, why are you stealing money and what do you wanna use it for.

“You guys should just leave, you are not the boss of me, I rule my world just because am a public figure that doesn’t mean I can’t have a private life," she stated annoyed

“you are so shameless you will lose all respect in the society because of this." a reporter said

“I didn’t lose respect by taking nude pictures but by this act, oh Please!" She chuckles and pushes one reporter on the floor causing her to bleed

The reporters started taking pictures of the reporter on the floor

“look at what Anna did to this reporter.” the announced Anna use the opportunity to run

She runs with the money to a hotel.                                                             

“Please give me your best room." she told the secretary giving her a lot of cash she enter the hotel room and put a “do not disturb” sign at the door

Meanwhile, at Davis hospital, his employees are watching the news, Davis walk to them “it’s not time to watch TV, go and attend to patients." he said authoritatively

               As his employee was about to switch off the TV

“Stop! Davis yelled

“Sir why did you ask me to stop?" the doctor ask

“Who is that shameless lady on the TV her face looks familiar," he muttered. 

“Oh that’s one of new York top model, her name is Anna, she was spotted stealing money from her bosses house, and she even injured a reporter." the doctor said

“Alright off the TV and go do your work," Davis commanded

                                                       Davis POV

Hmm, I thought Anna was in a mental asylum, she is even crazier than before what a bitch my phone rings

On the phone

“Hello, sir."

“have you find it?

“yes I have found the location am in front of your hospital come out so I can take you there." the person at the other end said

“okay am on my way out." I take off my doctors coat.......

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