
School beauty

“Let get to work.” I declared walking away with Rachael

                    Author’s POV

The students started sweeping and Rachael sit on a bench reading a book.

Minutes later

They finish sweeping and Steve walk to her.

“What are you reading?” he asks looking at the book but he couldn’t see the name

“It’s a romantic story called my roommate.” she replied.

“I never knew you were the story type where did you get the book?” He ask

“Your mum gave it to me along with the school bag.” she replied

“What do you like doing best.” he asks she look into his eyes and smile brightly

“I like singing.” she replied

“Wow really? Am a programmer that’s cool.” he declared

“But my step mum and Lisa doesn’t allow me sing at home because Lisa thinks my voice is more beautiful than hers.” Rachael said looking down.

“As long as you are in my house you will be given the privilege to do what ever you like.” He assured sitting beside her, he continue starring at her as she reads her book.

“I really like seeing your real face.” he muttered with his hand on his face.

“Shhh, you shouldn’t be saying such things at school.” she scoffed

“Oh sorry my bad, I couldn’t help it.” He whispers

Minutes later JJJ started walking towards them eyeing them.

“What is this am seeing.” James said starring at Steve and Rachael.

“So Steve decided to give up on Rachael for this beauty.” John whined

“Pinch me pinch me.” James said and Jane punch hard on the chest.

“Ouch that hurts i said pinch me not punch.” He lamented holding his chest.

“I must have heard wrong.” She smirks

They walk closer to him and Steve look up at them.

“Good morning man.” he said as they all did their special handshake.

“Who is this beauty?” Jane ask looking at Rachael

“Oh she is my cousin.” he replied

“But you never talk about her when did she arrive?” Jane asks

“Yesterday, she come to live with me through college.” Steve stated

“What’s her name won’t you introduce her to us.” Jane muttered

“Her name is R………sorry I mean Anastasia.” Steve said nervously

“What a beautiful name, John commented.

Rachaellook up and saw Steve’s friends

“Anastasia this are my friends, Jane, James and John otherwise known as JJJ.” Steve declared pointing at them.

“Wow nice to meet you.” she said and get up from the bench and started shaking them one after the other.

“You are so beautiful.” Jane remarked

“Thank you.” she said

“I can see you are really Steve’s cousin.” James muttered

“Shall we go to class now?” Steve ask they were about to say something when Lisa grabs their attend she comes down from a car and started Sharing flyers. They all gaze at her.

“Who is that girl and what is she doing?” Rachaelinquired.

“Her name is Lisa the bully queen.” James replied softly.

“What the flyer about? Steve ask and Lisa walk to them and handed him a flyer if she just heard what he said he takes the flyer from her.

                     Author's note.

If you are here, just know that I won't post again till next month, just bare with me and kindly rate and review the story to encourage me, thank you.