
Sand prank

“Give me the broom,” Steve said stretching his hand to them.

“Take am glad, I won’t be seeing your ugly face again.” Christian remarks stroking his hair backwards.

“Who is ugly? You mean you," Steve said narrowing his eyes at him and they both give each other a hard glare.

“Steve let go we don’t have time for this,” Rachael said dragging him by the hand and he walks away with her.

Steve started sweeping his portion of land while Rachael just sit and stare at the dog.

“Looking at this dog, I think it’s cute," she said putting her hand on her face.

“If you think it’s cute why don’t you touch it,” Steve said dropping his broom.

“Touch it no way.” She remarks.

"I have finished sweeping let’s go," he muttered.

“Go where?" She inquired and he lean closer and whisper in her ear.

“Prank the other guys.” He whispers.

“How?" She inquired and he put his hand on her lips.

“How about we teach them a lesson by spreading dirt in the place they have swept considering they are still sweeping.” He suggested.

“I would have to say we let them go if they were nice people but let’s do it.” She beamed.

Steve open his bag and bring out a very transparent plastic bag which has a lot of holes under it.

“What are we going to do with this.” She inquired and he puts his hand on his lips and pack sand into the plastic bag and tie it in the dog's leg.

“So we just need our dog to run to their direction so he spread sand all over the place.” He beamed.

“I have just the idea did you bring the dog snack. She inquired stretching her hand to him.

“Yes, I remember my mum kept it in my bag.” He said and open his bag and bring out the snacks.

Rachael take the snacks from him and the dog started jumping over her she started running towards Christian and his friends spreading the snacks all over the place and the dog follow behind her spreading the sands. She throw the snacks on the floor and he started eating them.

“Good boy, she remarks.

Steve smiles and they both look at Christian and the boys who were still sweeping without noticing that the place they just sweep has been messed up.

Students started coming to school and started murmuring.

“If they are the ones sweeping they should at least do it well a student added.

“What do they think they are sweeping.” Another one muttered glaring at them Christian and his friends stand up and smile at each other hugging each other.

“Yo bro we finally did it our one week of hard work is finally over.” They said smiling from ear to ear and Christian attempted to go he takes his bag when he spotted the sand all over the place.  His eyes started twitching.

“No!! he yelled at the top of his lungs and he turns to look at Steve and Rachael who was laughing continuously.