
New lifes

Five🏵 years later 

                     Davis POV 

I put on my doctor coat and 🚶 walk into my hospital with alot of doctors beside me. 

"How many patient needs attention now” i ask my assistant 

"About one hundred and sixty sir” she replied

" send the most serious one to my operating office, and schedule the rest for the available doctors.” I commanded

"Some patient are still asking for a animal doctor" she stated

" hire new animal doctors.” I instructed

  I put on my gloves push my coat backwards and walk into my office 🐩

                  😜Author's pov 😒

Bianca carries her dog into her car, from this angle you can see that Bianca is more beautiful than before with curvy hips, she carry tools out of her house and into her car with her dog 

"Bye!” she waves her neighbor

" bye” see you around 

Bianca drives off 

                     😣Bianca's pov 😌

Everything reminds me of him, even this car its been five years but it still feel like yesterday i miss him so much i am on my way to my animal hospital 

                  😁Author's pov 😁

Bianca arrived at a hospital not so big she walk inside with her tools and dog 

"Welcome boss, there are eight dogs and three kittens available to be treated one is owned by actress Alicia 

" Alicia! Bianca yelled in surprise

"Do you know her boss?” 

" yes who would'nt know her, she is a actress so where is she?” bianca ask curiously

"She is sitting over there” the assistant pointed

Bianca uses her tools to hide her face.

" kate, do me a favour, bring her dog to my office ASAP (as so as possible) and keep her away from my office bianca commanded and stroll into her office 


“Isn't that bianca, no i must be imagining things maybe it's because i miss her alot” Alicia said underneath her breath

Mintues later Alicia goes to bianca office door she tries to open it and kate stops her.

" am sorry ma but you cannot go in there” kate stated

"Why? Alicia ask with raised eyebrows

" that's our bosses office your cat is being treated, you don't wanna interrupt her do you? kate ask

"No problem i will just wait here” Alicia said sitting on a chair opposite her office 


“it seems like boss is avoiding this actress, what do i know” Kate muttered to herself

3 mintues later bianca walk out of her office with swifty 

Alicia and Bianca's eyes meet Bianca put swifty down immediately 

She walk into her office and Alicia follows her 

" Bianca is that you, you are more beautiful than before, i almost didn't recognize you when i see you maybe it's because you are wearing a doctor's outfit” Alicia said and hug Bianca 

"Nice to see you Alicia, but

This is a working area i have patient to attend to” Bianca scoffed

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