
Mum's reaction

“Stop being a drama queen and tell me why you are here.” He asks

“Mum is at the hospital since someone beat the hell out of her, she can’t get out of the hospital if we don’t pay our bill in full," she stated looking away.

He opens his drawer and bring out a bunch of dollars and handed it to her.

“Go and get your mum out of the hospital and one more thing don’t ever come to my office again!” he snapped

“I won’t,” she stated with pouted lips and shoved the money in her bag and give him a hard glare before walking out of his office.

Steve and Rachael arrive at home with the two dogs and Rachael open the door of the house, he swallows saliva and carry the dogs into the house and sighted Mrs Bianca and Lily on the chair.

“Huh, mum.” He said announcing his presence and they both gaze at him and their eyes lip up starring at the dogs.

“Why-why are they two dogs, am I getting old?" Mrs Bianca asks wiping her eyes with a handkerchief.

“No mum bro Steve is actually holding two dogs,” Lily assured.

Steve carries the dog to the front of them so they can see it while Rachael runs up the stairs.

Mrs Bianca touches the dogs and looks up at Steve.

“Why are there two dogs?" She inquired. Steve handed the chain of the dogs to Lily and sit on the couch and put his hand behind his head.

And stroke his hair back shyly.

“Well, the thing is….. He pause and realize Rachael was no longer in the living room, he turn to her.

“Mum I couldn’t afford to look for the dog because we needed to go to class with it every day if I didn’t show up with the dog I will lose mark so I went to buy a new dog this morning.” He muttered avoiding her gaze and she grabs and twist his ear.

“Awww.” He growled in pain.

“Is this how I trained you, I told you not to run away from your responsibility but you still decided to do what comes to mind, wait till your father hears this,” she stated.

“What are we going to do to these two dogs we can’t have two dog’s at home,” Lily whined looking at the dogs as they lick her hand.

“Can you return the dog you just brought from the pet store?" Mrs Bianca inquired.

“I can’t I brought it, I didn’t rent it or less I pay them extra to take it back.” He replied.

“I will gift one of the dogs to my employee.” Mrs Bianca declared and Steve smile and hugs her tightly and give her a light kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks, mum.” He said smiling from ear to ear, he takes the dog from Lily and walk up the stairs happily.

“Come here, boy.” Mrs Bianca said talking to one of the dogs as he run to her.