
Life without Rachael

Steve continue looking at Rachael and Mr Davis step on his feet under the chair.

“Ahhh! dad what was that for?” Steve ask frowning

“Stop starring at her will you.” Mr Davis whispers

Steve lean closer

“Dad I was just looking at the new face, I don’t like it I like seeing Rachael’s real face.” Steve mumbled

“Shut up and eat your food as if she is wearing it for you.” Mr Davis scolded.  

And Steve’s face flushed, he look back at his food and started eating.

They all finish eating and Mrs Bianca clear the table.

“Am going to bed.” Lily said walking to her room

“Anastasia, I mean Rachael your room Is next to Steve’s.” Mrs Bianca announced.

“Oh really thank you, I wanted to thank you guys for your generosity towards me since I arrive here I haven’t find anyone like you people in my entire life you guys are special and caring am glad to be a part of your family.” Rachael beamed smiling from ear to ear and Bianca stroke her hair returning the smile.

“We are happy to be of help to you.” Mrs Bianca replied

“There is also one thing I need I don’t want to sound demanding but, actually I didn’t bring any clothes with me I wanted to end my life before Steve brought me here.” Rachael said looking down with her eyebrows lowered and pulled together.

“Don’t worry we understand, I can give you one of my pajamas to sleep with and I will have a company deliver clothes for you tomorrow morning you don’t want to wear Rachael’s cloth to school do you?” Mrs Bianca ask

“Oh thank you so much sir and ma am really grateful.” Rachael beamed bowing her head.

“It’s our pleasure you sweet girl.” Mrs Bianca said leading her to her room.

At the Ray's house.                                                                            

Lisa arrived home tried and exhausted she sit on the couch starring at her mum.

“But why are you the one cooking where is Rachael?” she asks spreading her hands on the couch

“You mean that scumbag, she has run away from home your father’s superstition was right.” she replied

“But you are just over reacting I know Rachael will come back.” Lisa said rolling her eyes.

“She left since morning I don’t know where she is, if she doesn’t come back home today am telling your father.” she stated

“When is dad coming back from his business trip anyway?” Lisa ask striving to go to her room.

“He is coming back next week I can’t believe Rachael have the nerve to run away from home.” she said a knife cut her hand in the sink, and she fall a plate on the floor making a loud noise.

“Ouch!! she yelled holding her hand in pain.                             

Lisa rushed to her immediately holding her hand.

“Mum you are bleeding.” Lisa said putting her hand in the stink she switch on the tap and use the water to wash her hand.