
Hotel room

“Wow you were away from me and find another “Cole” Davis said teasingly

“Speaking of Cole I haven’t seen him since we graduated from college.” She mumbled.

“Stop thinking of Cole and come to me,” he said holding her waist and he kisses her on the lips, and she blushes and smile widely at him.

“So let’s go to your parent's house now, let me go take my luggage,” she said standing on her feet

“Way ahead of you, your things are already there.” he declared.

“Already there, what if I said I wanna go back to my dad now? She asks

“I knew you would agree so let's go.” He beamed  

Davis enter his car with Bianca and drive off

Anna walked out of her hotel room carrying a bag and wearing sunglasses

She walks out of the hotel and enters a taxi going to the airport

She arrived at the airport, and enter a plane going to Mexico

                                                         Anna’s POV                      

Am free at last, I need to go to another country that will see my full potential and pay me a huge sum of money for every AD(advertisement), goodbye New York goodbye Davis my first love I will never forget you I hope you are happy with Bianca. She stated underneath her breath.

Hours later

Anna arrived in Mexico she quickly carry her luggage and walk into a taxi.

“Please take me to a 3-star hotel.” she beamed

“Madam I advise you to go to a four-star hotel because here in Mexico 3 star hotels are so cheap and the rooms are very small even rats can’t leave there.” the driver said

“Alright take me to a four-star hotel.” She muttered

Anna arrive at the hotel and book a room

She finds her room dirty and yells at the hotel secretary

“I paid money for a room and am seeing nonsense is that how you people take care of your hotel call the owner for me I don’t excuses call the manager be fast.” She snapped clenching her fists.

“Madam please calm down If he comes here things will get worst.”

“I want it to get worst,” Anna replied angrily with her eyes burning with fury.

“Who is making all that noise,” Cole said walking towards the counter

“Cole it’s been long,” Anna said hugging him the secretary glance at them with her mouth wide open.

“Thank goodness you are here maybe she will listen to you, can you believe the room I rented is a mess,” she said

“Boss am so sorry it won’t happen again is just that the room keeper hasn’t come to work.” the secretary said bowing her head

“Then fire her and hired someone else I don’t want un-serious people working here.” Cole declared

“So you are the owner of this hotel am so In love,” Anna said in a shameless tone

“Stop flirting with me, am suppose to be the one doing that,” he said holding her waist, he kisses her softly on.......

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