
Bad daughter

"Don’t cry. You did your best, and besides, I am fine. The person we should worry about is the brave man that risked his life to save me." Rachael said looking at the MC, he was unconscious as the emergency van drove inside the school and nurses carried a wheel and put him inside.

"Rachael, go with them. You are also bleeding." Steve remarks.

"No, it’s just a small scratch. I will go to the school nurse and she will treat it for me." she beamed.

"Who will want to do such a thing to you? Your only chance to become a famous musician has been ruined." Steve muttered.

"That not want I am worried about now, I am happy that I am alive and that acid didn’t touch me." She remarks.

"I am grateful too, my love. Let’s go to the school nurse." Steve said, putting his hand around her shoulder. He led her out of the hall.

They were both walking to the sick bay when Jane approached them with Lisa in her right hand. She was holding her wrist tightly.

Rachael’s eyes flickered as she saw them.  She battled her lashes, looking at them.

"Why are you holding her that way?" Rachael inquired.

"She was the one that tried to kill you, Rachael." Jane said that upon hearing this, Rachael was surprised but not too surprised. She had a feeling that Lisa would try to kill her one day, but she didn’t know it would come so soon.

"Lisa how could you?" Rachael ask with her voice slightly raised. Lisa avoid her gaze and twisted her mouth.

"how I wish you died, or your face got ruined or something." Lisa remarks. and Rachael give her a tight slap across the face.

"I know you hate me, but I took you as my sister, I wouldn’t say I loved you, but, I never had the intention of killing you." Rachael stated with tears in her eyes, striving to come out.

"See Rachael I hate you and nothing can change that." Lisa said glaring at her.

"I wish I can hate you but I can’t get out of my sight!!" Rachael snapped and Steve held her close to his chest and she started crying in his arms.

"How could she, Steve, how could she." She mumbled, crying on his chest.

"She is just blinded with jealously." Steve remarks stroking her hair firmly.

"Let’s go witch." Jane said, pushing Lisa to walk.

"Wait! What are you going to do to her?" Rachael inquired.

"Just hand her to the police. Nothing else." Jane stated.  Rachael wanted to say something when Steve put his hand on her lips.

"Shh don’t try to save her let her see what jail looks like, because of her an innocent man I fighting for his life in the hospital let her go to jail and your parents will realize that they have raised a bad daughter." Steve stated and Rachael pulled him into a hug.

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