
A change of heart

And took hold of her hand.

“Lisa please promise me that you will make it your goal to look for your sister?” Mrs Ray pleaded.

“No mum why will I try to look for her? I hate her so much she is the reason you are in this condition.

“Please promise me, this is nothing, if we don’t look for her, your dad will make our life a living hell.” She remarked.

“How can I look for her when the federal bank inspectors also can’t find her,” Lisa replied.

“I know you can’t find her but you can at least try.” Mrs Ray replied dryly.

“And who said I haven’t been trying if Rachael comes back I swear….Mrs Ray interrupts her.

“You won’t think of doing anything to her, I have realized we have wronged her and I want her to come back.” Mr Ray stated sitting up on the bed.

“I can’t believe this is coming from my mum. You want her back in your life and this time you have no hatred towards her again, did you lose your memory after you fainted?" She asks curiously.

“Stop being silly although she isn’t my daughter I was too naive to treat her with love.”

“Rachael running away has really gotten to you, I hope you call dad and he answers your call cause we don’t have another money to pay for the hospital bill,” Lisa said twisting her mouth.

“Give me the phone.” Mrs Ray demanded.

Lisa dialed Mr Ray's number and put the phone in her ear, it’s rings and no responses.

“He is ignoring our calls after what he did," she stated weakly.

“Mum you need to rest I think am going to his company.” She stated

“No don’t go there he will get furious.” Mrs Ray declared.

“Let him get angry why do I care," Lisa added striving to go and Mrs Ray took hold of her hand.

“Please don’t go listen to me and why didn’t you go to school.” She inquired.

“you are talking about school in this kind of time, you know I can’t leave you alone in this hospital am going and it’s final.” She said and dragged her hand and walk out of the room.

“Please don’t go.” Mrs Ray said stretching her hand towards the door weakly.

Lisa rushed out of the hospital with her eyebrows lowered and pulled together.

                                                             Steve’s POV

“Steve that’s our dog, Rachael whisper in my ear and fear grip me, I didn’t know when I took hold of her hand and held it tightly. She struggles to take back her hand and I whisper in her ear.

“We are doomed," I muttered and we both stare at the two dogs. Jane turn to us and I let go of her hand. Smiling nervously with sweat forming on my forehead.

“Why are you smiling weirdly at me?” She inquired.

“Nothing, I reply as the teacher held the dog in front of the class.

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