
Henry's Drinking Carousel

  After Kam's proclamation, the group was led by Day to one of the larger tents he saw outside of the event, Henry's Drinking Carousel. From here Kam got a good look at the large tent. The tent itself is dark green, without the lights on it would make it invisible at the current time of night.

  Above the entrance of the tent is a neon light of a skimpily dressed woman dressed as a cowboy tipping her sat while sitting on a spinning wheel table. Below is the name of the establishment. The flaps to the tent are closed but flashing lights could be seen behind it along with the sound of laughter and an occasional cheerful cry from a group of people.

  "If you wanna drink Kam, this is the palace to be. Trust me" Day said as she rushed into the tent followed by another rowdy cheer from the people inside.

  "Trust her she says. If I did that I'll need my stomach pumped every day" Amy mumbled as she followed behind her. Another cheer sounded, though Kam noted it wasn't as loud.

  "This is gonna be a rough one, I really hope you weren't lying about being able to handle your drinks Kam" Deacon patted Kam on the shoulder before bracing himself and entering through the door. A boo ensued.

  "Well, hopefully, we will be able to remember this night. See you on the other side Kamara." Berry said with a surprisingly solemn face. When she walked through the flap a cheer equal to Day's sounded out.

  "What have I got myself into," Kam said to himself as he looked at the flap of the tent. He sighed "No point in backing out now." He took a deep breath and walked through the tent flap. One in he felt as if he had entered a different world.

  Inside of the tent was like a painter had just splashed colors everywhere. It was truly an eyesore to Kam. But moving past the coloring he looked at the setup of the tent. There wasn't a main central bar with seats surrounding it like he initially thought there would be.

  Instead, there were small tables stationed periodically around the tent with women dressed in a similar style to the lady on the sign working as the table managers.

  At some of the tables, there is a joyous atmosphere, with people chugging shots and cheering each other on. While on other tables it was a lot less joyous as many of the people at the table could barely hold their heads up from being too drunk. Off to the left side of the club, he could see a small dance floor where incredibly drunk people were sloppily dancing together.

  But before Kam could get a look at him a woman dressed like a dealer walked up to him holding a shot and a microphone. Behind her, he could see his friends smiling and laughing in anticipation. The lady then smiled at the confused Kam before shouting into the mic "Ladies and Gentleman, we have a green band newbie around! You know what that means!"

  When she finished everyone in the bar started chanting, even the wasted, "Ha-rry, Ha-rry, Ha-rry!"

  Kam couldn't help but be extremely confused, he looked to his friends for help but they were chanting along with the crowd.

  "That's right, A Harry's special! Let's get him coming!" She shouted and the tent cheered again.

  While everyone was distracted the woman leaned into Kam's ear in whispered, "Honey your gonna wanna drink this first, it helps a lot" and she passed him the shot glass filled with some clear liquid.

  Kam grabbed the glass and looked at the woman confused, and then he saw a large glass being brought over to him carried carefully by two of the woman drinking. While it was a thin glass it was still about the size of his torso and filled with some type of drink. The woman encouraged him again "It'll help with the alcohol."

  Kam nodded and decide to take the shot. By the time he finished the shot was down the woman was on him.

  The woman then spoke into the mic again "You all know the deal, he finishes the drink in under 15 seconds then everyone gets free drinks on the house!" again loud cheers sounded from the drunken people.

  "Now let's find out our new resident's name." she held the mic to Kam

  "Kam," he announced

  "Let's give it up for Kam," she held for a round of applause "now do you understand the rules Kam?" she asked to which he nodded.

  She then stood in front of his face blocking his view of the crowd, two-woman stood on either side of her "Honey, are you willing to participate? It's ok if you aren't, they get a free drink regardless" she said softly to just him.

  Kam thought about it for a moment and then nodded his head. The lady gave him a small smile before picking up the mic,

  "Alright, Kam you have fifteen seconds to down 'The Harry'. Everybody let's give Kam a nice welcoming into Harry's" again loud cheers came from the drunken crowd.

  The large glass was then handed to Kam by the two women. It was slightly heavier than he thought causing him to almost drop it, but he recovered his balance and hefted it up.

  He then looked at the woman and gave a nod "Alright, in 3..2..1..Go" and then Kam started to chug The Harry.

  Kam began to chug his drink and the crowd began to slowly count down. Throughout the entire process, he was actively regretting doing it as 'The Harry' both tasted terrible and burned his throat as it went down.

   About halfway through he had a hard time lifting the glass higher and focusing on drinking, causing one of the waitresses to take over lifting the glass. Unfortunately, she was going a bit too fast, leading to some of the drink spilling out the sides of his mouth and onto his t-shirt. But Kam powered through and at 14 seconds he barely finished his drink.

  A loud resounding cheer broke through the crowd as people started to chant his name.

  "Kam, Kam, Kam, Kam!" The crowd shouted as some of them pumped their fist up and down.

  "Alright everyone let's give Kam a big round of applause!" The woman with the mic said as she led by example.

  Soon the tent was filled with both applause and cheers.

  All of this meant nothing to Kam as he was actively trying not to vomit up everything he had just drunk. Kam's insides weren't too fond of having all of 'The Harry' at once. The women looked at the sickly-looking Kam and just patted his back.

  "And now what you all have been waiting for, Free Drinks For Everyone!!" She shouted.

  And as if the earlier cheers were whispers the people began shouting, cheering, and hugging each other. If Kam wasn't sure he would've thought he was at a 90's Oprah show where everyone had just been given a free car. It was truly that level of enthusiasm.

  "fucking drunks" Kam heard the hostess say underneath her breath. Kam couldn't help but bust out laughing. Causing him to throw up a little in his mouth.

  He didn't know if it was because of the drink or his sense of humor, but he found the statement funny. The Hostess visibly blushed at having her insult heard, but she shrugged it off and looked toward Kam.

  "Your gonna wanna get some water in your system before you drink anything else. The super solution will only help for a little while before it eventually wears off." She then turned and walked away and after a bit, Kam couldn't see her figure anymore.

  His friends then quickly walked up to him with smiles on their faces, Days was a bit more enthusiastic than he remembered seeing at any point during the day.

  "You did better than I thought you would do newbie. Thought you would chicken out like Deacon did." Day said as she elbowed Deacon's side.

  "I regret nothing. In fact, after seeing how you and Amy turned out I think I made the right decision" Deacon countered

  "Why was I brought into this? Know what, never mind let's get a table." Amy started walking to one of the empty tables located near the dance floor.

  The group followed behind her. As the group walked up to the roulette table and each took a seat. When Kam sat down he finally got a good look at the table. The table reminded him of the wheel of fortune. There is an outer ring with a stopper arrow that would slow down the spinning inner ring that held the possible punishments and rewards.

  In this case, most of the options had to do with drinks, options like staking a shot of x drink, chugging your current drink, or having a mixture of a few drinks. But there were also physical punishments that could be landed on or taken instead if someone was too drunk. They are along the lines of having someone hit you with a paddle or removing a layer of clothing.

  There were also positive things like skipping your next drink, buying a drink for another, getting a voucher for your next visit, or even getting money. Just like the wheel of fortune, the options were arranged by size with some of the easier options being much wider than the harsher ones.

  By the time Kamara got done looking at the table in detail, a waitress came up to the table pulling a drinking cart behind them filled with different things.

Thanks for reading and as always your feedback is welcome.

Sloth_Incarnatecreators' thoughts