
My Road to Becoming A Demon Lord

The story follows the exploits of Suzuki Souta a solo adventurer who dreams of become the strongest adventurer in the world. On his way to a raid, some high level monster somehow find their way down to the lower dungeon where as he has no choice but to beat them in order to ensure his survival and ends up almost being killed. On the brink of death he suddenly awakened a hidden skill which allows him to beat the monsters. With the new powers he had attained his dreams of becoming the strongest adventurer in the world had now become a reality. ¶ PS This is my first time on web novel and I'm still learning how it works but I'll promise you this "My Road to Becoming a Demon Lord" gets interesting with every passing chapter ¶ What to expect •Plot twist •Character development •Daily update •Add this novel to your library •Show appreciation by voting on it •Give me reviews and constructive criticism aimed to inspire ma •Stick with me till the end of the novel

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17 Chs

The Adventures Guild

*2 weeks before the incident where Souta gets attacked by monsters*

It's a bright and sunny morning, it's been a week and Souta is starting to enjoy his new life as a guild member. He hops out of the bed with a big smile on his face, "Yosh! I'm ready".

Inside the guild where Souta and Hina now work, is also where they spend their nights and mornings, there is a small room inside the guild where both Hina and Souta sleep in and live in.

He took his bath and brushed his teeth. After he had dressed up in the easiest outfit he could find, he grabbed his bag and sought to head out to start working.

The loud racket Souta was making woke the lazy sleeping beauty up, she opened her eyes slowly, pushing her butt out as she stretched her body.

"Souta, where are you going so early in the morning" Hina spotted Souta when he was about to leave the room. She was confused as to why Souta was heading out so early in the morning.

"Ah, good morning Miss Hina" He turns back to take a look at her, "I'm heading out for my first dungeon raid, I'll be back by dawn" He answered, running towards the door as soon as he made eye contact with her.

"Souta!" She screamed, pocking her head out to get a better view of Souta, he stops and turned back slowly, trying to avoid the sexual arousal he felt when he looked at her.

"Take care'' she said, giving him a warm smile.

"Thanks a lot!" He yelled as he continued his advance slamming the door behind him.


Souta made it to the Main city adventures guild, a place where people come to register themselves as adventurers after they have successfully joined a guild.

He walks in, heading straight towards the counter, the inside of the guild was huge with about ten different secretaries answering different customers.

He walks up to the secretary who had just finished attending to a customer that registered as an adventurer. Just as he walked past Souta, Souta was wowed when he saw the adventures ID that the guy held in his hands.

"Uhm, excuse me," Souta said, resting his hands on the stand.

"Oh welcome, welcome to the adventurers guil…" Upon getting up the female elf bangs her head below the counter, she rested her head on the stand with her brown hair covering her face.

Souta stood there watching her groan in pain, "Miss Elf lady are you okay?"

"Yeah… thanks" She gets up from the counter, using her hand to push her hair away from her face, Souta becomes flustered when he got a good view of the beautiful brown-haired elf. "So, what's your name? And how may I be of help?"

"Suzuki Souta" He answered.

"Ah," she said in an amazed tone, "So you're Souta ey? Hina has told me a lot about you" she moves her overextended feet trying to get close to Souta.

"Miss Hina did?" He asked with an astounded look on his face

"Yh, she couldn't stop ranting about the new adventurer she found named Souta" She dramatically waved her hands to the sky.

"So you must be one of Miss Hina's friends then, Nice to meet you Miss Elf" He said, bowing his head as a sign of respect.

"You can call me Ai, I'll be your raiding advisor so I'm guessing you want to register as an adventurer" She smiled.

"Yes please, I would like to start my raid as soon as possible Miss Ai" keeping his head bowed with his eyes closed as he awaited her response.

"Amazing, what rank are you?" She asked, reaching for the drawer next to her to pull out a small jotter where she writes the names of newly registered adventurers.

"I…" He paused for a moment, he recalled that everyone always seems to kick him out as soon as he mentions his rank, the only person who didn't seem to care was Hine and that was partially because she was desperate.

He looked at her closely and thought to himself, "She's a friend of Miss Hina's, maybe she also won't mind". He took a deep breath before replying, "I'm a Drank".

The room suddenly went quiet, the waitress who was about to serve a customer dropped the cup of beer as her body froze in shock.

Souta and Miss Ai both stared at each other for a while before he noticed that every eye in the guild was focused on him.

"Good thing we bumped into each other before he went on his first raid, if not this night might have been his last" She laughed nervously as she pulled Souta over the counter.

"Do you have any idea how low your rank is?".

"No. Does that…"

"This is so bad it's funny", "Listen here Souta you can't expect to march into a dungeon with zero experience and expect to come out alive" She yelled but trying to keep her voice at a minimum.

"Different rules apply to different floors in a dungeon, but the ones you'll need right now are" She started mentioning the rules.

[Do not raid a dungeon that's above your rank]

[If there's a monster you can't beat don't be ashamed to run away]

[And lastly, always be prepared and expect the unexpected]

"Now that you've gotten that into your head I advise sticking to the 1st floor till you get your rank up" She sighed, She wrote his name in the jotter, the page went lighting up magically and turned into a plastic card with all of Souta's information and rank in it.

She handed it to him, "Now run along", he gave a huge smile taking the Id from her, he stood up and ran out the door, waving his hands to the air. "Thank you Miss Ai" he yelled.

"What a strange boy" She said, giving out a relieved smile as she headed back to work.

Souta ran as fast as he could and finally arrived at one of the dungeons in the kingdom, he could help but be impressed when he saw how big and mysterious the first floor looked and tried imagining what the other floor would be like in comparison.

He was about to make his advance when he suddenly heard loud growls coming from the deep end of the dark dungeon. He immediately pulled out his dagger and smiled.

His dream of taking down a monster in a dungeon was finally at his grasp, out of the pitch dark spot at the corner of the dungeon a myrmekes and a few goblins came rushing out as if they were being pursued by something. 

They charged towards him with the intent to kill and nothing else, as soon as one of the monsters jumped towards him he immediately slid on his back using the dagger to cut open the goblin's stomach.

He got up and ran as fast as he could, he got a better view of the situation, the numbers were not in his favor.

"Currently with zero fighting skills, taking them on would be suicide", he took a sharp turn, his legs went sliding on the ground but he still somehow managed to keep his balance, "Damn it!" He yelled.