
Time to improve

Footsteps could be heard suddenly leagans rooms door burst open his mother and father stood in the doors entrance with a worried expression on their face his parents asked if he was alright a bit taken aback by seeing his parents he nervously Stutterd yes his mother asked him why did you shout so loudly leagan nervously chuckeld his dad said well its early how about we go and have some breakfast the family made their way down to the dining room leagan and his father quickly sat down hungrily awaited the food leagans mother quickly got three plates and 3 cups easily balancing all of the plates and cups with one finger like a circus performer she quickly placed down the plates and cups she then gave everyone a health portion of bacon eggs and sausage after leagans father prayed the family began to eat and make small conversation after finishing breakfast leagan quickly rushed to his room and changed into a comfortable pair of sneakers and black shorts he then put on a white shirt he grabbed his soccer ball and started to walk down the stairs when he reached the door he said I'm leaving mom and dad ill be back before 8pm he then began jogging around his small town admiring its beauty and remembering some fond memories that he had he finally arrived at a publick soccer field he admired the field and the numerous kids that were running around leagan started to stretch after 5 minutes of stretching he began to kick his soccer ball around evaluating himself he noticed that he was terrible he was very slow he had no dribbling skills no ball control he had nothing he sighed and looked at the other boys running around he saw every one crowding around at the center of the field it looked like they were going to start a game of soccer one tall boy said alright everyone let's get started a other shorter boy with short blond hair then said that they were a player short because Daniel was sick the taller boy looked annoyed he looked around and his and my eyes locked on to each other he then called me over and asked if I wanted to join them I nervously said I'm not that good but I would love to join the tall boy then snorted he honestly didn't care alright let's begin leagan looked at his team he was on the short boy with blond hairs team he then used his skill to evaluate everyone on his team no one was very good except for the short blond haired boy Keagan Kotze



Skilled dribbling(D):the users dribbling skills are increased

Enhanced Curve(D):the users strikes have more curve making fitness shots easier








~Ball control-D

Leagan then used observe to scan the other team once again there was only one good player the tall boy

Will van Reenen



Finishing(D)- enhances the power and accuracy of strikes

Skilled dribbling/control(D) -increase dribbling and ball control








~Ball control-D-

Leagan was shocked he only had d rank Stats this was going to be a hard game suddenly the system gave him a mission


get 1 goal contribution(goal/assist)

reward 1 stat upgrade

Mission 2 steal the ball from Will 3 times

reward wills respect

Mission 3 win the match

reward 2 random skills from 1 teammate and one opposition player

Do you accept yes/no leagan clicked the yes button the game began