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Welcome to the country side where lives are as simple as it could bring.

Our air is as pure as our soul and our view

beautiful to behold.

A place where the birds chirp sweetly and we dance to their tune.

Where at seventeen we day dream all day looking at our cowboys, isn't he every thing you want? he will make a better husband we say to ourselves.

Living the cowgirls life right from the day we were


They call us undeveloped, naive and primitive people but what can we do? when are sheriff has given the greater part of the cake to the uptown.

Welcome to the country side a place you don't dream of becoming an uptown girl else you will be seen as impure.

Welcome to the country side, a place known to the uptown for retirement.

A place where where the uptown are treated like deities.

Welcome to the country side where we use use candles, wooden stove and listen to songs of the 80s,We cover our body nicely and bend our faces whenever the cowboys pass by.

Welcome to the country side where we are afraid

of the rain, it rains and the road becomes muddy and our cattle can't graze for food. A place forgotten by the sheriff but once his

position is questioned he comes back and ask for

our votes.

We put him in power and he forgets us again saying he will see what he can do.

Welcome to the country side a child rejected by his mother.

A child is beautiful only if his mother takes care of


Welcome to the country side where technology is seen as a calamity but when used by the uptown is seen as genius.

A country where we are prone to illiteracy.

A side where the uptown offers to help and we became scared of the humiliation that comes with it.

Finally we are at the uptown.

A beautiful place to be, somewhere we never thought existed.

Buildings as tall as the trees in the country side.

The streets are bright at night as though it was morning.The streets are bright at night as though it was morning.

I stood amazingly at the road side watching vans of different sizes and forms as the head to their different directions.

Now welcome to uptown where the laugh at you for covering your body and say "she doesn't belong here".

Welcome to uptown where you have to look like a pimp for you to have the perfect body shape.

A place where girls have to dress naked, go to club and mingle with rich guys in other to belong.

You went to college and the bullied you and called you crazy for being smart.

Welcome to uptown where they throw food at dog

rather than beggars.

A town where murder happen because of minor issues.

Welcome to uptown where you pay to have fun.

A place you have to be rich in other to win a girl's heart.

A noisy and busy place, a place where people care less about others.

A town of greedy and selfish people, everyone puts up a deceitful smile to get by everyday.

Welcome to uptown a place children are bullied for the sins of their father.

Four years past i was adapting slowly to the ways

You already passed.

Welcome to uptown a place children are bullied for the sins of their father.

Four years past i was adapting slowly to the ways of the uptown.

Their lives were easy as different machines carry out their various activities, learning the ways and language of the uptown.

Going back home was hard i looked at myself am an uptown girl now living in a whole new world, i don't belong there anymore i said to myself.

The day of my retirement is here, its been thirty years since i left home.

Now am going back to the country side the place i truly belong, a place where the moon shines. brightly at night.

A place where a sincere smile captures the heart

of young girls and strengthen the weakened.

Am going back there at my old age with no good memories of my youth the reason i left home.

I wish i spent those thirty years living in the country side who knows i might have gotten married to my dream cowboy and have a good family with great memories.

I leave to my grave with regrets wishing i never left my backbone, the only place that accepted all my flaws.

It's too late to weep now if only i had known.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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