

5 years ago in the southwest wood there something happened that had given goosebumps to all the country. After that incident whenever someone cross the woods at midnight they gone missing. And after 2 days their dead bodies was hanging in the trees. There is someone who knows everything but she was in coma for 5 year .........................so join me in this mysterious adventure to find the truth .

Moonchild2005 · Realista
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2 Chs


"What do you mean she doesn't remember?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes! That's why she doesn't remember the incident anymore," said the nurse.

If I tell the senior that I am in such a big problem, he will immediately start giving me knowledge.

I have to go and meet the girl first. Maybe if I take her to that place, she might remember something.

Oh! Room number 207.

I just have to make friends with her and make her remember everything that happened that day. This is my job to say but it will take a lot of time.

Thinking this, I opened the door.

When I opened the door, a 25-26 year old girl with dark brown hair and fair skin was sitting on the bed and looking out of the window.

"How are you now?" I asked entering the room.

The girl looked at me in surprise with her deep light green eyes.

"I'm fine." The girl said.

"Who are you?" asked the girl, looking me over from head to toe.

"I'm your friend I'm here to pick you up." I said.

"You are my friend but I don't know you?" asked the girl.

"Yes! That's why I came to pick you up." I said with a smirk on my face.

"You get ready, I am bringing leave from the hospital."Saying this, I went towards Reseption.

For the first time in my life I tried to smile for someone. God knows how I looked. As long as I was with the girl I had to change my behavior and become a different person.

After being discharged from the hospital, I boarded the bus with the girl.

The girl asked me, "What is your name?"

"Kuruoshi Hinata" I replied.

"Well what do you do?" the girl asked again.

I put everything together to silence the girl, "I'm a detective intern. I'm 19. I live alone in an apartment and we're going there."

While talking we got down at the bus stand. From the bus stand I took her to my apartment.

I'm sorry it took me a while because of my exams so don't worry my story will be coming frequently every week .

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