
It's Just the Fine Salt

Following the messenger, Li Jing arrived at a Qiankun Pavilion. Inside, workers and guards were enthusiastically moving containers filled with salt. Upon inspecting the closest container, Li Jing was amazed by the fine salt within. He marveled at Di Xin's foresight and vision for such delicate and exquisite salt, an unprecedented sight for him.

Li Jing couldn't resist picking up some fine salt, tasting it. As expected, it melted in his mouth, perfectly salty without any bitter aftertaste.

With such high-quality fine salt, Li Jing, the esteemed Grand General of Chentang Pass, was amazed, experiencing something he had never heard of or seen before.

Li Jing's wife delicately held a handful of fine salt and said, "His Majesty is truly extraordinary, able to create such delicate salt."

After speaking, she gently touched her abdomen.