East coast
"Elisa, Clara, Clover and Elena" the maids call as they move round the castle " where are this kids"
"hey, let's hide here" Clover runs with Elena and Clara
" Elisa, come with us" she nods and follow them " let's stop here for now" they laugh quietly
" where are they" the King said
they bow their heads as soon as he give into the room " my little prince and princess where are you" he smiled as he moved round, if there is any one who could find them it is the King " my babies" he moves towrads the door on the left opening it, he moves to the other door " sir we have checked here" he laughs, he knowns for sure they are here, he continues he search until he moves to the chair close to the wall until he stops "okay let's go" he left with the servants then he closes the door
" everyone stand up, they have gone" they all stood up starting from Elisa then she guides her younger ones out"
" see my babies are here" the King said as he walks in they all laughed " daddy, younpalyed us" clover and Elena runs to him
while Elisa and Clara stayed back smiling