
Chapter One - Almost killed by a monster?

Grayson stood behind his desk, hands behind his back; cold blue hues staring out into the ceiling high windows. Today, had been rough as one of his employees leaked crucial information to its competition. He had waiting for their manager, she had been transferred over without warning. She was a barbie doll who would constantly throw herself at him but had been rejected many times . It wouldn't be the first and it wouldn't be the last, his phone began to ring and he pressed the speaker button. " Ms. Spencer is here. " his assistant spoke. " Send her in. " That was that. He was tired of her and was ready to get rid of her, but what he didn't know was that she planned to the same.

The streets of New York were buzzing, people talking, large crowds, people waving to get a Taxi; car horns honking. A girl sat on top of a rather particular building, even though it looked like the rest of them. In black, bold letters read ' Hamilton Industries ' on the side; just the place she was looking for. She could already smell the creature, it had taken a female body. She decided on waiting, crimson globes observing the mortal world a smirk playing on her lips. " Let it begin. "

Grayson was now seated in his chair, the blonde bimbo sitting in front of his desk; her expression perverted. Please, the last thing he'd want to do is court a female like her. " Both yours and his computers have been looked at, would you like to tell me what we found? " She giggled, an ugly giggle. " Please. Come on now, why so serious? " She pulled out a cigarette, lighting it and putting it between her lips. " You ruined her life, now I'm going to ruin yours. " Grayson stood and remained composed, even though he was confused. " You're fired. Don't come back. " That's when she laughed, a loud; chilling laugh that echoed. When she stood, something stepped out. A creature, their skin gray and scaly. They were in rags, their ears pointy as well as their teeth and the creatures hair was a pale blue, globes plain black. When it spoke, it's voice was raspy and rough; the female laying on the ground. " Prepare to die. Son of Hades. " Grayson took a step back, now pressing against the window; even though he was frightened and not sure why it called her the son of a mythical being, he didn't let her have the satisfaction. It darted towards him, it's nails now long, sharp claws ready to take his life. He only closed his eyes, waiting for something to happen but it never did. After a few moments, he opened one eye slightly to see a girl. She was short, with hair white as snow and piercing crimson hues that stared into his very soul. She smiled, she was covered in red; it took him a moment to realize it was the creatures blood but it was no where to be found. " It vaperorized. " She offered and only then he saw the black sword she was holding and it as well vaperorized. " That was only the beginning, from now on you are a target and I am your protecter sent by Hades himself. I'm Velvet and I'm a demon. " Her hand extended towards him, her now smiling with her sharp teeth. This was unreal and this was how his life changed forever.