

It was a very long and tiresome journey for Shawney Wayman. Recalling when she decided to return home about three weeks ago.

All that was on her mind was the surprised look she would see on her father's face.

The thought in her mind at that time pushed her to hurry, unaware of why she had become so restless. Recalling how quickly she put together her few belongings in a bag and began her journey home to her small village.

With a smile on her face thinking about the reception she would receive from her dad and all her family members.

Knowing it will bring joy deep within her heart just seeing them after so long.

The many stops and few sleeping accommodations she had to make within the few days as she took the bus to reach her destination.

'Three years Shawney hasn't seen her dad and the other family members.

Now if they think they could order me around as before, then they had another thing coming and they better think again, because I will be returning on the road before they could think twice.'

Dropping off from the bus being her last stop, she stood aside as the bus drove away, "I am finally home Lord, thank You for bringing me home safely."

Shawney inhaled the fresh air, and the sea salt tickled her nose which she had missed so much.

She slowly exhaled a few times as she took in the view enjoying the sight and fresh clean air that she missed so much.

The greenery looked so beautiful and as the branches and leaves waved, it felt as though they were welcoming me home.

A visitor won't detect the simple beauty or even the smell of the salt but being born and living most of my life in this village that smell is recognizable.

She realizes how much she misses her home from the moment she steps off the bus.

The past three years had been lonely but I had no regrets, it was truly very educational being in the school of human behavior.

Shawney straightens out her dress, passes her hand over her hair and face, and then stamps her feet two times. Enjoying the feel for a moment before she takes her thin legs step by step towards the village.

Shawney whispers, to herself, "Okay girl, you are almost home, give or take within twenty minutes you will see your dad."

Entering the village Shawney knows it's just about half of a mile again to her home, there's no hurry I'll take my time and walk.

Shawney didn't walk for five minutes when she heard a vehicle coming from a slight distance behind her.

Seeing a big pothole not too far ahead of her, she decided to step aside on the sidewalk to avoid getting soaked in the puddle of dirty water.

Just then the vehicle approached from behind her, but all that was on her mind was, 'A hot meal and a comfortable bed to relax in and to spend some ample time with her Dad. We have so much catching up to do for the last three years.'

When the vehicle stops abruptly at her side. Shawney observed how the gentleman winded down the glass.

He was in his early fifties and it seemed he hadn't shaved for some days, making him look older. His hair was greying and a bit long and untidy, but he looked pleasant enough.

He seems to be driving the entire day and he looks exhausted, observing the tiredness in his eyes.

I heard him saying in a sweet and gentle tone of voice. "Young lady, do you need a ride into the village?"

Shawney smiled and replied politely, "I am fine Sir, but thank you for offering the ride."

Determination to get some rest and direction, Train quickly responds with a gentle tone "Then can you give me some direction to a place where I can rent a room?"

Shawney didn't bother to think before asking, "Where do you want to go, Sir?"

Hearing him say, "My dear, this is my first time visiting this village, I just wanted directions to get some sort of sleeping accommodation for a few days."

Shawney wasn't aware of any change in the past three years so she didn't hesitate a bit, "I see, but it has been a while since I have visited this village myself, Sir. Maybe, if you drive slowly you might meet a villager who can assist you."

"You are right my dear, but I am just so tired and want to get a room, a nice bath, and a good hot-tasting meal for the night in the village?"

"Sir, is this the first time you are visiting this village?"

"Yes, my child."

"Well Sir, I really cannot say much, I have been away from the village for three years. Right now I am in no position to give any direction. I am unaware of any changes that may have occurred during my absence, but I can assure you I know the feeling"

"Please child, come and take a seat, there is no need to be afraid. I do need your help."

Reaching out his hand he said, "My name is Train Mac Carty and whatever help you can give will be highly appreciated. I don't think the village has changed that much within the last three years that you have been away. You see I also left my home some months ago, and right now I need some peace to help strengthen this old tired body.

Also, I think a good night's rest with some relaxation will help. My appearance is just a matter I will have to deal with as soon as I get accommodation. Then with a couple of days rest, I would be good to go again."

"Sir, try and understand what I am saying, I am not living much further ahead. And I don't think I can be of much assistance anyhow. But hearing your dilemma, I am willing to assist in whatever way I can."

Hey guys i am a new author and this is my first book hope you like it and you opinion would be highly appreciated thank you I would be looking forward for your cmments.

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