
Chapter Seventy-Six.

Every step closer he took to the conference room, Jack took it with a shuddering breath. He shouldn't have lied. He shouldn't have stayed quiet when Oliver was tearing Kay apart. It wasn't right. He knew it, felt it to his bones but what choice did he have?

It wasn't about him. He already had offers from other companies even before the showcase but Rosa needed this. This was her dream and they all understood. Kay understood. She always did. Kayla Hastings would give her life for the people she cared about but they took advantage of that.

He wouldn't implicate Rosa and Cherry but the weight blocking his heart from beating normally was breaking him apart. Standing in front of the door, he inhaled deeply before exhaling sharply. It was for Kayla and he knew, deep down, that she would do the same in a heartbeat.

With this conviction, his chest rested and his eyes opened. It was time. He opened the door, ready to give his statement.