
My Primal Bloodline System

Theo gets transmigrated into a world of magic after a tragic accident. In this new world, he must battle against all geniuses to prove that in his presence, all geniuses are trash!!

Odafe_Aghogho · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 9

Theo dived to the left, missing an axe that a stone warrior swung at his direction.

"Dragon. Can't you do something? I'm about to get beaten to death!" Theo cried.

That prideful dragon always boasted of his strength right? Well now's the time for him to be useful.

However he was met with disappointment because his words struck empty air. Izreel outright ignored him.


One of the stone warriors arrived before Theo before he could react, sending him crashing against the wall with a kick.

-[-25 HP]

'Shit! so powerful?!" Theo hurriedly popped an health replenishing pill into his mouth.

Luckily he was stingy with Cosmos power cores and sold some portion. Using the money, he bought health and mana replinishing pills incase of emergencies like this.

"Judging from their attacks, they must be level one primary rank" Theo calmed down and began reasoning straight.

His current raw damage output far outstripped a level nine primary rank.

Infact he was only a tad bit weaker than someone at the peak of the primary rank. But if he used the axe Cosmos gave him, his battle strength would increase.

Infact he was pretty confident he could even give those at the intermediate rank a good fight and even defeat the weaker ones.

Bringing out Cosmo's axe, he became stern.


He dashed towards one of the three stone warriors weilding a sword. He swung the axe, expecting the stone warrior to explode into bits underneath his overwhelming might.


The collision knocked the two opposing parties. Theo stood up, the hand he held the axe trembling.

"Wtf! it didn't die?" he felt like he was dreaming.

Suddenly, he noticed the armor of the stone warrior glowing with a faint hue.

'It's wearing a defensive armament and it's pretty much higher in grade than my axe' Theo began to sweat buckets.

So much for being confident.


Another sword wielding stone warrior swung it's blade towards him.

Out of reflex, he tried blocking with the axe. But to his shock, the stone warrior exploded into dust.

'Hm?' taking a closer look, he noticed from the fragments that they didn't have any hue around them.

"So that's how it is" realization struck him.

He dashed towards a particular axe wielding stone warrior, but a scythe wielding stone warrior blocked his way, hurling it's weapon towards him.

"Play with you later" Theo skillfully landed a drop kick on the stone warrior's chest.

However, he didn't intend to cause any damage, just using it as a springboard. He initiated a side flip, landing before his target.


His axe cleaved the stone warrior cleanly, splitting it into halves.

"Next!" he raced towards another stone warrior wielding a scythe.

Within a few minutes, Theo destroyed four of the twelve stone warriors.

Perhaps due to his actions, the remaining eight stone warriors became more aggressive.

Two stone warriors attacked him from both sides.

One wielded an halberd, while the other a sword.

"Damn it!" Theo gritted his teeth and did a 360 cleave, releasing a shockwave that pushed his attackers away by a few metres.

"Now!" he dashed towards the stone warrior with an halberd, knocking away it's weapon.


He struck two blows, causing the stone warrior to explode into bits.

! ! !

Suddenly feeling a cold shiver at the back of his neck, his feets kicked the ground as he initiated a backflip.


The sneaky sword cleave struck nothing but air. While in mid air, Theo grabbed the stone warrior by the head, slamming it against the ground.


He followed up by smashing it's head into bits

"That was close!" Theo thanked his stars.

If he didn't react on time just now, no doubt that sword would've sent his head flying. Unlike the stone warriors, he had no defensive armament on his body.

"It's six now" Theo studied the remaining six adversaries.

If his deduction wasn't wrong, the remaining six were the top dogs.

"Hmm. Too bad i can't use that illusion skill" he lamented.

Using illusion skills consumed Arcane, instead of Mana. Currently, his arcane level was pitifully low.

At that moment, one of the stone warrior made it's move, swinging it's axe.

"Here it comes!" Theo brought the axe forward, using it as a shield to block the attack.

Out of caution, he popped a health replenishing pill into his mouth.


Theo spat a mouthful of blood as he got knocked back.

-[-100 HP!!]

-[+100 HP]

-[-100 HP]

-[+100 HP]

-[-100 HP]

-[+100 HP]

-[-49 HP]

Theo crashed against the ground, his hands a bloody mush. Blood continously streamed from his mouth. As for the axe, it was sprawled more than twenty metres away from him.

"Pui!" Theo vomited a copious amount of blood. A lot of bones in his broken were broken.

As for his organs, he didn't even want to think about it.


The approaching footsteps of the stone warrior felt like the beating drums of the grim reaper.

He felt hopeless. He couldn't even move, talkless of of even attacking.

-[Brat! brace yourself. It's going to hurt a bit] Izreel suddenly spoke.


A powerful pressure exploded forth from Theo's body. Faint roars of dragons could even be heard. The aura although invisible had a certain kind of nobility, demanding all of existence to fall and worshipp.

As for Theo, his eyes transformed. Within it was a chaotic type of glint. It had no shape or colour. It was the combination of all colours.

"Ant. Kill yourself!" Theo spoke, looking down on the six stone warriors.

The current Theo's voice was so powerful that it could even influence the hall. It began to shake, like it was on the brink of collapse.


The six stone warriors suddenly exploded into dust fragments. Just as the hall wanted to cave in, the aura surrounded Theo vanished. So did the change in his eyes.

"Arrrggh!!" Theo let out a painful wail that sounded like he was undergoing the worst torture.

Currently, the whole of Bullsin City was thrown into a frenzy. A few seconds ago, the image of a huge dragon appeared in the sky. Surrounding the dragon were other lesser mythical beasts as well as even dragons and phoenixes.

Dragons and phoenixes bowing before another dragon? Just how powerful must that dragon be!

Another interesting fact was that this strange pictorial manifestation appeared above Cloudy Peach Academy!

But suddenly, the pictorial manifestation vanished like it was never there before. However, everybody knew they weren't hallucinating.

They saw the manifestation bright and clear!

"What happened?" Vice Principal Bekor stood up from the chair he stood.

Infact he was also curious about the origin of the manifestation and why it appeared above the exams ground.

"Sir. We have visitors" a junior instructor hurried towards him and whispered.

"Who?" he had a bad premonition.

"The press. They have swarmed the entrance gate and are trying to break through"

Currently, the whole of Bullsin City was thrown into a frenzy. A few seconds ago, the image of a huge dragon appeared in the sky. Surrounding the dragon were other lesser mythical beasts as well as even dragons and phoenixes.

Dragons and phoenixes bowing before another dragon? Just how powerful must that dragon be!

Another interesting fact was that this strange pictorial manifestation appeared above Cloudy Peach Academy!

But suddenly, the pictorial manifestation vanished like it was never there before. However, everybody knew they weren't hallucinating.

They saw the manifestation bright and clear!

"What happened?" Vice Principal Bekor stood up from the chair he stood.

Infact he was also curious about the origin of the manifestation and why it appeared above the exams ground.

"Sir. We have visitors" a junior instructor hurried towards him and whispered.

"Who?" he had a bad premonition.

"The press. They have swarmed the entrance gate and are trying to break through"

"Dammit!" Vice Principal Bekor's face sank.

Theo didn't know how long time passed but he managed to bring out an health replenishing pill from his storage watch and popped it into his mouth.

A few seconds later, the medicinal properties got dissolved into his body. Strangely, it only managed to heal twenty five percent of his injuries.

Only after taking three more pills did he manage to go back to full health.

"My healing pills stock is already running dry. Just remaining six" Theo smiled bitterly.

Health replenishing pills weren't random candies to be eaten if one wanted to. They were extremely expensive because Alchemists were rare as a phoenix feather.

Standing up, he noticed the remains of the stone warriors. He had to admit that Izreel was powerful. Although he didn't know what happened, he knew that Izreel possessed his body.

Perhaps, that was why his injuries were extremely severe.

"Thanks back there" Theo thanked the old dragon.

-[That was just one thousandedth of my full strength. Pah, you are too weak. And here i was thinking you could withstand five thousandedth of my strength. Hmp!] Izreel snorted with contempt.

If it was in the past, Theo would've argued back. Perhaps treat his words as less than fart and call him a braggart.

But now, he didn't think so. He totally believed in the dragon's strength now.

"What happens when i use my bloodline. I noticed that my injuries are severe than normal. Plus my eyes hurt a bit" Theo told the old dragon.

-[That's normal. You are too weak to utilize my power, talkless of the other eleven. I must warn you, if i keep on helping you with your current strength then your body will breakdown one day and you'll become a cripple] Izreel warned.

Although he didn't like Theo, the fact that he was part of his bloodline remained.

If Theo's cultivation gets crippled, that meant he would also cease to exist. Naturally, this was something he didn't want to happen.

"Last question please. Just how powerful are you?" Theo asked the question bugging his mind.

-[I.. i am not much weaker than those other dragons actually. I Izreel the Mind Dragon fears only one being] Izreel snorted.

Those other dragons? pft! he didn't fear them. At most they would be a tad bit stronger. Infact they might even be equals.

-[Then.. then why did you once say i'm too weak to utilize my other bloodlines? i was starting to think you were the weakest" Theo chuckled.

-[How dare you call me weak?! do you know what i Izreel can do huh? at my peak i can trap almost all existence into an endless cycle of illusion where reality is mine to bend. Hmph. I am the sub cheap copy of that 'dragon!'] Izreel roared in anger.

"Hehe. Sorry. But if you are that awesome, then how powerful are the other dragons?" Theo asked.

-[Hmph. They are nothing much really. One is the Apocalypse Dragon. There is also the Creation Dragon, Force Dragon, Space-Time Dragon..]

-[There's also the Destabilization Dragon, Absorption Dragon, Entropy Dragon, Origin Dragon, Balance Dragon, the Abolishment Dragon is the second most fearsome. He's so terrifying that even i fear him, but not as much as i fear that 'dragon'] there was a shiver in Izreel's voice when he spoke.

"Who?" Theo couldn't help but grow curious.

Izreel was very prideful and arrogant so whatever could elicit such intense fear from him would definately be powerful.

-[He's the Mentifery Dragon. It is believed that he and Abolishment were the first embodiments of the primal chaos. We other dragons and other entities are just cheap imitations of them]