
My Primal Bloodline System

Theo gets transmigrated into a world of magic after a tragic accident. In this new world, he must battle against all geniuses to prove that in his presence, all geniuses are trash!!

Odafe_Aghogho · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 19

The whole cafe was thrown into silence. Everybody couldn't comprehend what just happened.

  A fresher dared disrespect the local tyrant in the form of Dormani, and went scot free?

  What kind of dog shit luck was that?!

  Just then, a male instructor walked in, holding a megaphone. He walked to an area where everyone could see him, before placing the megaphone on his lips.

  "The Academy administration sent me to relay an important news to you student"

  The instructor took a dramatic pause, scanning the students with his eyes.

  Just as expected, he had all their attention. Even Theo was looking over.

  An announcement from the Academy management was bound to be huge. Nobody could ignore it.

  "The Instructors and Vice Principal Bekor would be going out for exploration. Due to that, there would be no classes for today. Enjoy your day, but remember to be in your hostels before curfew time" saying this, the instructor took his leave.

The cafe erupted into cheers. Finally, they were going to have a really long break!

  To be honest, they didn't care one bit even if their studies got suspended. They just wanted to have fun.

  Theo got up and made to leave. Balogun and his crew quickly rushed to his side.

  "What is it?" Theo noticed that they looked flustered.

  "You.. You should thank Lady Judy" Randi whispered.

  "Thank? why should i?" he raised a brow.

  She didn't do anything to help me, so why should he be grateful?

  "God damn it! this freshier is so willy!"

  "Not only did he offend Dormani, he dosen't even respect lady Judy"

  "Bastard! I want to beat him!"

  Theo didn't speak quietly, thus his words annoyed a lot of Judy's male simps.

  Seeing the chaos about to erupt, Randi and his crew began to sweat buckets. Looking at the calm expression on his face, they were puzzled.

  Was he an idiot? He offended many boys from class A and he looked completely unbothered.

They thought Theo was just behaving rashly. They never thought he had the capability to back up his arrogance.

  Just as issues were on the brink of escalating, Judy spoke up.

  "There's no need to thank me. I actually didn't do much"

  "Hmph. You are lucky brat. If lady Judy wasn't this mangnimous, you wouldn't have left thir cafe without some broken bones" a male student gnashed his teeth, while glaring at Theo venemously.

  His name was Abel and was a student from Class one. He was the publicly proclaimed 'number one simp' of Judy. He could do anything for her!

  Theo rolled his eyes, unbothered to exchange words with somebody he regarded as an ant.

  Abel saw Theo lazy demenour and clenched his jaw, trying hard to resist the urge to rush up and beat up the daring fresher.

  His goddess was present, so he got to leave a good impression of himself.

  "I'll deal with that newbie ant later" he swore inwardly.

  After Theo left the cafe, his crew rushed over.

"That was friggin genius dude!" Kamado gave Theo a thumbs up.

  "I never thought a student from the SBC would give Dormani a hard time" Balogun beamed, while the rest nodded.

  In the grade one students set, Class A was at the top of the food chain, followed by Class B and lastly Class C.

  Class B was kind of special since it only had female students. Class C was the class nicknamed as the SBC. As for Class A, they were the true elites.

  As such, they would always pick on those from the SBC.

  Although the victims wanted to report to the Academy authorities, it didn't help issues. The Academy didn't prohibit competition, as long as there wasn't a huge disparity in the strength of the two parties.

  So, they could only endure these series of bullying, unable to retaliate.

  "Is Dormani amazing? Everybody seems to fear him" Theo asked curiously.

  The rest of the crew went silent, their faces growing solemn.

  "What is it?" Theo noticed the visible change.

"Well, there is something you should know" Bajir adjusted his glasses with shaky fingers.

  "In every force, there is a famous rank magazine chart known as the ERA. It has various segments.. Kunpeng, Tiger, Qilin and Dragon"

  "Our Academy has it's own ERA magazine chart and it is published on a weekly basis"

  "The Era rising Kunpeng chart is a list containing the top fifty grade one students. The Era rising Tiger chart is a list containing the top twenty grade two students. The Era rising Qilin chart is a list containing the top ten grade three students.." Bajir fell silent.

  "The last.. what about the last?" Theo tugged at Bajir's arm.

  "The Era rising Dragon chart. It lists the top five experts in the administrative department. The Principal and two Vice Principals both occupy the top three. No one knows just how powerful they are. Hell, we haven't even seen what the Principal looks like"

  "Hell, some even think that he's just some imaginative figure the higher ups brought up" Randi whispered.

"What does this have to do with Dormani? don't tell me he's the son of the Principal?" Theo clicked his tongue.

  "No. It's just that, Dormani is extremely powerful. He ranked fifth in the Academy Era rising Kunpeng list and is currently a level one primary rank mage" Kamado said seriously.

  "So powerful?" Theo feigned to be shocked.

  Primary rank mage? that wasn't nothing to the current him. Hell, he even had powerful trump cards he got from the late Dragon expert's inheritance cave.

  He haven't had the time to even check up on what good things he recieved.

  "Yeah. So you have to be careful. Dormani is very petty and never forgets grudge" Balogun clasped Theo's shoulder.

  He felt bad for this new roomie of his. First day and he already offened one of the top dogs.

  "Uhm, how does one enter into the ERA magazine chart?" Theo suddenly asked.

  "Huh?" for a minute, the crew thought they misheard.

  "This ERA magazine is pretty interesting. I want to join"


  Currently, at a huge hall in the platinum quarters..

  The hall was huge that it could fit in fifty people without looking crowded.

  There were various desks with specialists in suit and tie operating computers.

  At the end of the hall was a huge plasma screen, showing the full layout of Cloudy Peach Academy premises.

  This was the control hall. The Academy was encased in an intricate runic formation. The runic mage who casted this formation passed away, but not before linking the formation into formation hard drives.

  By connecting these hard drives into their computers, Cloudy Peach academy could gain ninety percent control over the runic formation.

  As for the reason for only ninety percent control, magic was superior over technology, and nothing could change that.

  At that moment, the elevator parted open, revealing Vice Principal Bekor who walked in briskly.

  The elevator shut close from behind him.

"Vice Principal!"

  Bekor glanced towards the direction of the voice and saw a middle aged man in lab coat rushing towards his direction.

  "We are glad to grace your presence!"

  "Dr. Eminks. How's life going for you? I hope handling the tech and medical department isn't stressing you out?" Bekor asked worriedly.

  "All good. I'm happy with my job. If anything, i'm a soul condensing rank mage. This sort of stress isn't something i can't handle" Eminks laughed.

  "So, about what i asked you to clarify" Bekor went down to business.

  "Which one of them?"


  "Then let's talk as we walk"

  Eminks lead Bekor towards a slightly narrow corridor.

  "I checked the surviliance. Just as you expected, there was a vibration of spatial force pulse. And it was twice"

  "Meaning?" Bekor gave Eminks a questioning glance.

  "Attraction and repulsion"

  Bekor's eyes glistened. He perfectly understood what Eminks was saying.

  A student really did clear that inheritance test.

  But the question was, who?

At that moment, the duo arrived before a glass door.

  Eminks pushed it open, revealing what laid ahed.

  Painted in white, a small desk. Piles of books, broken shards of vials, a huge couldron and disected mutated rodents.

  It was a small scale lab facility.

  Eminks walked over and picked up a pipette containing a grey sticky liquid.


  He poured it into the couldron.

  "Twelve fingers refinement art" Eminks hands began to move in a quick speed manner.

  Whoosh! Whooosh! Whooosh!

  As he stroked the surface of the couldron, intricate lines began to appear on them.

  Bekor watched quietly from the sides. Although he was powerful than Eminks, he couldn't keep up with the speed at which the latter's hands kept moving at.

  "Runic mages are formiddable indeed. But it is a shame that Emink's bloodline is too weak" Bekor mumbled.

  After an hour, Emink stopped. By now, a series of intricate lines forming a formiddable runic pattern was etched on the couldron's body.

"Now!" Eminks roared.

  Bekor reacted swiftly.

  "Fire Burst!"

  A burst of flames shot out of his palm, landing on the couldron.


  A loud sound resounded. It was so strong that Bekor felt his ear drum ringing.

  The flames coated around the body of the couldron. At that moment, the runic formation it up.

  Like a whale, it began to devour the flames. The duo watched this scene for five minutes, not daring to talk.

  "Please work. Please work. Please work!" Eminks chanted a silent prayer.

  Soon, the runic formation devoured the flames and thd couldron broke apart. Floating atop the shards of the couldron was a shiny substance.

  It was like a candy, except it was a little bit larger.

  Eminks grabbed a bunsen, stowing the magic pill inside.

  "Hahahaha! It worked! it friggn' worked after twenty failed attempts!" Eminks wiped the sweat off his face as he gwaffed.

  "But your couldron broke apart" Bekor pointed at the pile of broken couldron.

  "Expense on the Academy, remember?"

"Whatever" Bekor snatched the busen containing the magic pill.

  "Are you sure it would work?" he asked.

  "Yes. He'd be able to hold up for two days. However after that, his injuries will get even worse. Are you people sure about this?" Eminks grimaced.

  "His decision, not mine"