
My Power is Upgrading Everything (Rewrite)

This story is about a man named Putra Indra Santoso who reincarnated as Huo Yuhao. Witness his journey in Douluo Dalu's universe where he discovered and fulfilled his ultimate goals. My Grammar is not the best, but hope you guys like it. (An: I don't own anything besides my OC) Also, support my Patreon: patreon.com/NineClouds69 to read advanced chapters and motivate me to write more chapters

Nine_Clouds · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
347 Chs

Finishing Mana Cube's Project

I've added this fanfic to my P4treon Page, support me to read advanced chapter there and motivate me to write more chapters for you guys!

Check the Synopsis for the Link~!

--- Chapter 185 ---

In the restricted lab, Huo Yuhao laid down around the piles of rare minerals from Highschool DxD's world and Titania Bolos.

These materials are "innately." deemed beneficial to finish the Universal Battery or Mana Cube's project as he runs through several calculations.

Even though he renamed the project Mana Cube, his latest creation is a compact G-Reactor in its better form, which could absorb and store all kinds of energy. It has the same function but the same time difference usage.

G-Reactor uses Kinetic Energy from rotating metal bearings to store Spirit Energy and Electricity.

Meanwhile, Mana Cube uses Kinetic Energy to vibrate surrounding energy, whether it is Electricity, Demonic Energy, Holy Energy, Mana, or Spirit Energy, millions of times and purifies it to pure energy.

With the help of the Techno Master Class and Rune Master Class, Huo Yuhao combined his Spirit Engineering with Primordial Rune, creating a sturdy energy storage to contain a sun inside it.

Leaks wouldn't happen because he uses the concept of "Divine Dividing." from Albion's Power and "Infinity." from Ophis's power to write codes that release excessive energy from the Mana Cube and reabsorb it back into an infinite cycle.

To finish it off, Huo Yuhao tempered the Mana Cube with "Chaos God Slaying Magic." and printed his "Equal Exchange or Nothing at all.".

The only problem he had so far is the materials couldn't endure so much enhancement he placed. Well, creating a synergy between these fields of knowledge was hard.

"Sculpting Knife." Huo Yuhao used the upgraded Black Bladesmith or what Evo called the "Great Apostle Creation." for some reason. The sacred gear is now a floating red crystal and could instantly make SS-Grade or Lower graded weapons.

If he wanted to create SSS-Grade Equipment or Weapons, he must use a lot of concentration.

Well, anything Huo Yuhao made with "Great Apostle Creation." or what he had simplified as GAC from now on, is still inferior to what he made personally with his smithing hammer.

Pagma's Incarnation Class granted him a skill that blessed any creations he made with his very hands. It's not only the quality but also the overall performance of his inventions which is far superior to GAC's constant production.

While Pagma's Creation is better overall, GAC gives Huo Yuhao more freedom with his creativity and is less time-consuming. Also cost-effective because his energy wouldn't be exhausted with mere projections.

Anyway, Huo Yuhao went on a tangent.

A slender-looking sculpting knife with a sharp edge appeared on Huo Yuhao's hand as he picked one of the rocks nearby. It was a big round rock around the size of an adult's head, gleaming in milky jade color.

Weirdly, the rock has this weird pattern, like a leaf.

"What's this again..?"

[Name: Havens' Blood]

[Type: Material/Rare Mineral]

[Grade: SS+]

[Description: Havens' Blood is a rare rock grown near the World Tree: Yggdrasil. It absorbed the natural energy from all realms, becoming a conduit of stagnant elements]

This rock was "actually." given by Xiao Chen.

Huo Yuhao skilfully split the rock into four, shaving them into handful-sized cubes. He began to embed the "Spirit Codes." from the Chaos God Slayer Magic into the outer layer of the cube, making it glow dimly with green light.

Drilling holes into the unfinished Mana Cube, Huo Yuhao set up some rails for the bearings. He filled the holes with metal balls made of specific minerals to gather more kinetic energy and coated them with Primordial Runes inside out.

Hollowing the cube's center with Spatial Authority, Huo Yuhao tempered the hollowed walls with Space-Time Magic and Primordial Runes related to it.

It took Huo Yuhao an hour to finish this process.

Lifting the green cube, Huo Yuhao raised his index finger and used Techno Master Class to register another layer of code into the blue orb-shaped core, replicating "Divine Dividing." and "Infinity." into it.

After not-so-long two hours, Huo Yuhao sighed and infused his energy into the mana cube, turning the green object into a small blue box.

'Let's see...' Huo Yuhao watched the bearings moving and causing diffusion to the spirit energy he infused. As the spirit energy rapidly breaks into pure energy, it flows into the core and rotates continuously.

The scripts Huo Yuhao wrote on the outer layer lit up and caused the Mana Cube to float above Huo Yuhao's hand.

He grinned and shouted, "Yeah, baby~! It's what I've been waiting for!"


As Huo Yuhao celebrated, the Mana Cube exploded and washed the area with a massive explosion.

"..." Huo Yuhao.

"You gotta be kidding me."

He wiped ash from his face, looking down on the half-destroyed Mana Cube.

"Another failure."

Huo Yuhao sighed and threw the garbage into the pile, standing proudly several hundred meters away from him. It looks like a three-story building compared to Huo Yuhao himself.

He has spent at least a week inside the labs and around one hour outside, but he still couldn't perfect the Mana Cube. The more he finds a way to improve it, the more flaws he discovers about this thing.

It's like a neverending dilemma.

Huo Yuhao used Overclock non-stop, accelerating his thought to find any possible error. Still, he ended with over 936.903 failures.

'Genius, they say? Monster, they say?' He couldn't help but laugh ironically.

'Papa, do you need help?' Helena's voice echoed from the Spiritual World.

'I could give you some insights, you know?'

Her giggle fixed Huo Yuhao's mood quickly.

'Sure, Helena.' He replied gently.

Eluxia listened to Huo Yuhao and Helena's conversation with a smile, feeling the warmth in her chest. It is a feeling she missed in the past.

The past she couldn't remember, but painful when trying to recall even a portion of it. She felt it was better to overwrite these confusing memories with her new family.

'She smiled.' Tian Meng commented silently on the side.

Bing Di nodded and replied, "Yup, she smiled. That's rare without anyone doing anything to her.'

'Usually, only Huo Yuhao and Helena could make her smile.'

Huo Yuhao talked about the utility of Mana Cube, and Helene listened with an attentive look on her face. People said children learn faster and process information better, which seemed valid as the one-year-old spiritual being could deduct Huo Yuhao's problem.

"Hmm, what about this?" Helena opened her little mouth.

"Why don't Papa mimic your body's system and incorporate it into the Mana Cube? Since only your body can withstand such immense energy, using it as a base is a nice idea, no?"

"Just try it like you created the AI Onee-chan and me."

"But more in a metaphysical and objectified manner."

"Papa, everything about you is transcending normal boundaries. Why did you limit yourself by using other examples when you're the best reference in this vast universe? Hehe, sometimes you were a dummy~!"

Huo Yuhao didn't deny Helena's playful comments because failure is part of success. He has considered mimicking his body function into the mana cube, but that would require a new set of codes.

And no material is "harder." than him.

A bright idea comes to Huo Yuhao's mind.

He gathered some minerals that could absorb blood and melted them into one, creating a prism-shaped alloy. He repeated this several times before combining them into a Rubik's cube.

It's a 9x9 Rubik's Cube with a blue metallic color and reddish outline. The minuscule gap between the squares released strange stagnant air.

Huo Yuhao grabbed the Ink Devil Duchess's Quill and used it like a carving knife, writing the codes on the Rubik's cube. Each script is "extremely." small and precise, filling the cube's square quickly, but couldn't get seen with normal eyes.

Even people with Advanced Observation Haki would have a rough time reading the script. Well, it's not like they could understand the language.

Only someone with the "Voice of all Things." could understand Huo Yuhao's Spirit Codes.

After a few hours, Huo Yuhao finished the codes and bit his finger.

Blood spilled over the Mana Cube, but instead of getting dirty, the cube absorbed it and lit up the codes.

The cube appeared to become a bright red light bulb. However, if you see it clearly, one could witness row upon rows of weird crimson alphabets.

The core is connected to the squares, soaking up all the blood and becoming more like an artificial heart.

"Please work..." Huo Yuhao picked the Rubik's Cube up, infusing his Spirit Energy into it. It has the same function as the previous version but with a more sophisticated flow, like how his body stores energy.

The cube began to float and work independently.

[Ding! You have gained a new achievement]

[Grandmaster Inventor]

[Ding! You have created Sub-Body External Energy Reactor]

[Do you want to name it?]

"Rubik Mana Cube..."

"Uh, RM-Cube?"

[Name: RM-Cube]

[Type: Growth-Type Energy Reactor]

[Grade: SSS(Still Growing)]

[Description: Rubic Mana Cube is an invention created by the host, using his body as the base of the Mana Cube and Spirit Codes to mimic other functions such as "infinite energy release and absorption cycle." and "absolute control." into it. It's a growing Divine Weapon, capable of powering a small universe after a certain period of existence]

[Ding! You have formed an innate Spiritual Link with RM-Cube]

[You have reached level 100]

[No God Seats detected]

[Lowering the rank back to Level 99.999]


Huo Yuhao dropped himself onto the floor and sighed in relief, hugging the Rubik Mana Cube with a grin. "One done, another one ongoing." He said while thinking about Yae's new vessel.

He has a rough idea about how to make a suitable one for the Fox Deity.

"Giana, make a new folder."

"Okay~!" The small AI fairy appeared in the lab.

"What name do you want to use on this new project, master~?"

Huo Yuhao smirked and replied, "Gigai: Faux Body."

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