

"Her heart was cold as dead yet he embraced her with so much love" ----- Xavier: Sleeping Beauty, listen to me Frustrated by her lack of attention, he gently pushes her against the wall and draws near, so close that he can feel her heartbeat against his chest. Xavier: My dear Sleeping Beauty, please don't be upset with me. I can't bear your anger. Reina looked at him, eyes flashing with hurt. Reina: Why did you act like that at the party? He was just a young boy! Xavier: I can't stand anyone looking at you like that. You're mine, Reina. Mine to touch, to look at, to love. I can't lose you. Please understand. He wasn't looking at you… right. His voice breaks on the last word. He buries his face in her neck, his grip tightening slightly. Reina shivers, a mixture of fear and something else she can't name rising within her. Xavier: You're my peace, Reina—my only peace. I love you. Don't ever leave me. The room is silent, save for their ragged breaths. Reina closes her eyes, clinging to him. ----- It's a short story, I hope you all like it

icyy_queen · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


In the soft light of morning, Reina's voice floated through the phone as she pleaded with Sara, "Could you please come and get me?"

Sara's reply came swiftly, "Sure, I'll be there in 20 minutes."

"Thank you, Sara," Reina replied with gratitude evident in her tone.

With a sigh of relief, Reina prepared herself for the day ahead, making her way to the mansion to inform Mia Knight of her departure for the office. Stepping outside, she awaited Sara's arrival.

As the minutes ticked by, a familiar figure approached. Xavier stood next to her and asked, "Heading to the office?"

Reina nodded, her attention focused on the mansion lawn. "Mm-hmm."

"I can give you a ride," Xavier offered, his tone gentle.

"No, thanks. Sara's on her way to pick me up." Reina Politely declined

Watching her for a moment, Xavier's expression betrayed a hint of darkness before he retreated indoors.

Confusion etched Reina's features as she muttered to herself, "What's gotten into him?" Worry crept into her heart, her brow furrowing with uncertainty.


Reina busied herself with the final arrangements for the opening of her studio. Amidst the organized chaos, her phone buzzed, and she glimpsed her father's name flashing on the screen.

"Hi Dad," she greeted warmly, a smile evident in her voice. "How are you and Mom doing?"

"We're doing well." her father replied, sensing her happy mood after a long time "And how about you? How's everything with the company?"

"I'm doing well, thank you," Reina responded, "As for the company, today's the opening," She continued "I've finished hiring, though we're still a small team. And yes, remember your friend in Berlin? Well, he's in Italy now. I'm guessing I'll be getting the first project soon."

"That's good. You are progressing fast." Ryan Romano felt proud of his daughter and knew she would succeed quickly due to her excellent talent.

"Alright, Dad. I'll catch up with you later. I'll make sure to send you the video of the studio," Reina promised.

"Take care of yourself, Bye" her father replied.


"This looks fantastic, Sara," Reina exclaimed, stepping back to admire their handiwork. "I can't believe how everything has come together."

Sara smiled, her eyes reflecting satisfaction. "It's been a lot of hard work, but it's worth it to see it all come to life."

With a final glance around the studio, Reina nodded in agreement. "Definitely. Now, let's go and meet everyone."

They made their way to the main hall, where the team was gathered.

"Good Afternoon, everyone!" she called out, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "I want to thank every one of you for being here today. I hope we can work hard and make people dream homes. I wish everyone good luck. "

Reina concluded her speech and the team responded with a round of applause.

"Please enjoy the lunch" Sara called everyone

Reina: Sara? 

Sara: Yes.

"You are a student. Would you consider working in this studio as my assistant?"

Sara hesitated, "But as a college student, I don't have any experience."

Reina's smile was reassuring as she reached out to place a hand on Sara's shoulder. "Don't worry about that. I'll train you. I see great potential in you."

Sara's eyes widened in surprise "Thank you so much, Reina. I won't let you down."


Returning home from the office in the evening, Reina made her way to the quarters first, taking a moment to freshen up before heading into the mansion.

Inside, the familiar scene greeted her: Lara and Laura engrossed in the television, accompanied by Mia and Sophia Knight. Today, however, there were additional guests—Julia and Uncle Aaron.

"Reina, we've been waiting for you," Mia Knight announced with a smile.

"Anything special, Aunt?" Reina asked, 

Uncle Aaron chimed in with a grin, "Yes, we've set Xavier's wedding date..."

"Congratulations, Uncle, Aunt, and soon-to-be Mrs. Xavier," Reina responded, genuinely surprised. She had thought Xavier might disagree based on their conversation the previous night, but it seemed he had agreed after all. Good for him.

Lara, ever the curious one, piped up, "Have you ever been to an Italian wedding, Reina?"

"No, it's my first time," Reina admitted.

"In that case, we'll handle your shopping ourselves, and introduce you to our traditions" Laura added with excitement.

"Sounds good," Reina agreed with a smile

"I don't think she needs an introduction to our traditions, considering she doesn't belong here and leave soon," Julia remarked, her tone laced with sarcasm.

Reina nodded in agreement, choosing not to spoil the mood. "Yes, she's right," she conceded, opting for peace over confrontation.

"Reina, how did the opening of your studio go? Is everything going smoothly?" Uncle Aaron asked, his voice carrying a warmth that only family could evoke

"It went well, Uncle" She smiled gratefully.

Uncle Aaron nodded. "That's wonderful to hear. If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask. We're here to support you in any way we can."

Julia resented the fact that Xavier's family gave more attention to this girl, but she kept her feelings to herself.